Nurhayati, Nunung2013-06-252013-06-252013-06-25 Ungkapan Penolakan Bahasa Jepang pada Mahasiswa Semester V Universitas RiauThe research discusses how understanding the fifth semester students of the Riau University to use the reject and request expression of the higher spoken, equal and lower. The method used is descriptive method, the research conducted to describe to clarify a phenomenon than occurs at this time by using scientific procedures to answer the actual problem. The data is taken from the fifth semester students of the Riau University as sample, by using a questionnaire as a data collection technique. The questionnaire used is a Discourse Completion Test (DCT)en-USSpeech ActRefusalKeigoPemahaman Ungkapan Penolakan Bahasa Jepang pada Mahasiswa Semester V Universitas Riaustudent Paper Post Degree