Suryani, Srita Putri2013-07-132013-07-132013-07-13Muchtar Rahmat hospital marketing strategies lately have become important to be noted because the hospitals do not only focus on social purposes but also has an orientation called profit oriented. Therefore, hospitals need to evaluate the implementation of marketing strategies. The marketing strategies which have been examined in this research are about the mixtures of marketing called 4P ( Product, Price, Place, Promotion) and quality of service. The population in this research is inpatiens at Lancang Kuning Hospital Pekanbaru. This research obtained 100 sampel respondents with Slovin formula. This research date was collected using questionnaires, interviews, and document study. Describtive statistical method was used to describe study variabels. The result have showed that the implementation of marketing strategies of Lancang Kuning Hospital Pekanbaru is quite good, showing that it still needs to be improved and, most important to be noted is the promotion which has been carried out by the hospital is still in the decient category.otherImplementationMarketing StrategiesMarketing MixANALISIS IMPLEMENTASI STRATEGI PEMASARAN PADA RUMAH SAKIT LANCANG KUNING PEKANBARUstudent Paper Post Degree