Mubarak, Bagja Rahmat2023-03-022023-03-022022-12PerpustakaanElfitra study of the high-frequency magneto impedance effect with a multilayer configuration made from vitrovac 6025Z is presented in this paper. The effect of magneto impedance on the vitrovac 6025Z material has been confirmed as dependent on the number of core layers and the frequency (f). Increasing the number of core layers and frequency (f) shows an increase in the performance of the MI sensor system. From variations in the number of cores used 1, 2, and 3 layers as well as frequency variations of 1 MHz and 10 MHz. The highest measured MI ratio is 18.7% in the number of core layers N=3 with a frequency of 10 MHz.enMagneto impedanceImpedanceVitrovac 6025Zand Magnetic FieldEFEK MAGNETO IMPEDANCE BERFREKUENSI TINGGI DENGAN KONFIGURASI MULTILAYER BERBAHAN VITROVAC 6025ZArticle