Fitriani, Salsabila2023-09-292023-09-292023-06PerpustakaanElfitra disease is a serious global health issue. One of the causes of liver disease is hepatitis, which is the seventh leading cause of death worldwide. Research on drugs for liver damage cases has been extensively conducted. The effectiveness and toxicity of a compound on liver cells can be tested by analyzing gene expression, which starts with the isolation and quantification of RNA. The isolation process is carried out to obtain RNA, which carries genetic information, while quantification is performed to determine the concentration and purity of the isolated RNA. In the research conducted, the isolation was performed using the trizol method, and quantification was done using the spectrophotometry method. Based on the research findings, a significant amount of RNA concentration and good RNA purity were obtained, enabling its use for further analysis.enisolationquantificationRNAISOLASI DAN KUANTIFIKASI RNA TOTAL PADA SAMPEL LIVER YANG DIINDUKSI D-GALN/LPS DENGAN METODE SPEKTROFOTOMETRIArticle