Sofhya, Putri Tri2023-06-232023-06-232023-04PerpustakaanElfitra plant from Kubang is a plant of the Pandanaceae family. Morphologically, pandan from Kubang is similar to Benstonea sp from Pelalawan, so it is necessary to analyze molecularly. The first step in molecular analysis is isolation of genomic DNA. This study aimed to isolate total DNA of pandan from Kubang. Research method include total DNA isolation and electrophoresis. Result of total DNA extraction showed a thick and single band with length of more than 10,000 bp.enBenstonea spDNA totalelektroforesisiisolasi DNApandan asal kubangISOLASI DARI DNA DAUN TUMBUHAN PANDAN ASAL KUBANG MENGGUNAKAN GENOMIC DNA MINI KIT (PLANT) GENEAIDArticle