Melani, Sindi2021-08-242021-08-242020-10wahyu sari yeni study aims to analyze the potential application of gold nanobipyramids (GNBPs) for plasmonic sensors to detect various chemicals. Synthesis of GNBPs uses the Seed Mediated Growth Method (SMGM). The GNBPs are used as sensing material to detect acetone and chlorpyrifos in plasmonic sensor systems with D.I. Water uses as a reference. Each spectrum shown in plasmonic sensor responses have two peaks resonance, i.e. t-SPR peak at a wavelength position of 545.95 nm, 546.20 nm, and 546.40 for D.I. Water, acetone and chlorpyrifos, respectively. Moreover for l-SPR peak, the position of each peaks is at a wavelength position of 803.40 nm, 803.45 nm, and 803.47 nm, respectively. The plasmonic sensor results depicts that the GNBPs are very potential to be used as sensing material in sensing aplicationenGold nanobipyramidssensor plasmonicSMGMAPLIKASI GOLD NANOBIPYRAMIDS UNTUK SENSOR PLASMONIKArticle