Oktarianti, Camelia Hana2025-01-202025-01-202024-01PerpustakaanElfitrahttps://repository.unri.ac.id/handle/123456789/11534This articel discusses the dynamic behavior of the Leslie-Gower predator-prey model which involves the interaction of two populations, namely the predator and prey populations. The model described involves a type-I Holling functional response and a prey population influenced by the Allee. In the observed model, there are six equilibrium points, namely the predator free equilibrium point and the positive equilibrium point. Shown that the model has some stability at each equilibrium points,l. Model simulations are carried out to describe population dynamics with certain parameters.enPredator-prey modelLeslie-GowerAllee effectHolling functional re- sponsestabilitySTABILITAS MODEL PREDATOR-PREY LESLIE-GOWER DENGAN RESPON FUNGSIONAL HOLLING TIPE-I DAN ALLEE EFFECTArticle