DEDYYANI, RISKI2013-02-142013-02-142013-02-14 research was conducted in Kampar district in order to determine the influence of capital and labor to the number of small industry in Kampar district. This research uses secondary data and data analysis methods Multiple Linear Regression. To test for capital and labor to the number of small industry in Kampar district. Statistical tests include the t test, F test and R - square (coefficient of determination). Based on the results obtained by using SPSS conclusion that capital variable has a positive and significant effect on the number of small industry in Kampar district in which the value of t - count of capital = 2.464, t value - table = 2.365 and the regression coefficient value of equity = 2.673 E - 5. Variable labor has a positive but not significant effect on the number of small industry in Kampar district in which the value of t - count = 0.240, t value – table = 2.365 and regression coefficien t = 0.017 for labor.otherCapitalBusiness UnitLaborSmall IndustriesFAKTOR ANALYSIS OF CAPITAL AND LABOR ON SMALL INDUSTRIES IN KAMPAR DISTRICT