Sari, Chindy Kartika2023-05-052023-05-052023-02PerpustakaanElfitra interpretation in Gean de Green II Housing, Rimba Panjang Village, Tambang Sub-district, Kampar Regency has been measured using Schlumberger geoelectric method. This study aims to determine the lithology layer and aquifer layer that has the potential for fresh water. The measurements are carried out in two trajectories with a length of 300 meters. Based on data processing, the resistivity value of the soil layer ranges from (11.42 - 1287.30) Ωm with a maximum depth of 42.10 meters. for layer 2, the resistivity value of the soil layer ranges from (10.23 - 62.28) Ωm with a maximum depth of 41.06 meters. The lithology below the ground surface of Gean de Green II Housing is peat, clay, sandstone, limestone, dry gravel, saturated gravel, passive clay and sand. The lithological layer that potentially contains fresh water or groundwater is a layer with a low resistivity value. In track 1 the depth is about (18.07 - 35.92) meters while in track 2 is (41.06 - 60.00) meters. The thickness of the peat layer affects the water quality. Shallow peat layers ( < 1.00) meters do not affect water quality while peat layers with a thickness of about (1.00 - 7.59) meters can affect water quality. The water are not suitable for consumption, because it is acidic and brownish red color and might cause rustenFreshwaterAquiferRock ResistivityINTERPRETASI POTENSI AIR TAWAR DI DAERAH LAHAN GAMBUT STUDI KASUS DESA RIMBA PANJANG DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN METODE GEOLISTRIK SCHLUMBERGERArticle