Rusli, Zaili2015-10-082015-10-082015-10-08978-967-2457-XX-Xwahyu sari yeni implementation of regional development in the city of Pekanbaru is becoming quite advantaged, since it is one of three cities in Indonesia that predicted will continue to grow and become an investment choice in 2015. This means that the development of the city still can be carried on which until now is experiencing a positive progress. Some programs and activities are gradually able to answer challenges and more complex development issues. Pekanbaru is considered to be superior because the city is a home to several multinational companies, especially in the sector of oil-gas and plantations. Its economic growth, which is above 8 percent, allows the power consumption of its people moving dynamically. Therefore, the needs of residential properties, especially commercial properties, continue to show growth in the city. In 2015, it is predicted that the development of the houses will increase, so does the stretching to hotels and shopping centreenregional development and regional autonomyRegional Development In Regional Autonomy Context In PekanbaruUR-Scientific Work Lecturer