Perbani, D2013-01-092013-01-092013-01-09Wahono.M.Si On The Ability Of The Second Year StudentsA STUDY ON THE ABILITY OF THE SECOND YEAR STUDENTS OF SMAN 5 PEKANBARU IN COMPREHENDING EXPOSITORY TEXTS Dwi Perbani, Atni Prawati, Syofia Delfi Student of English Language Education Department Faculty of Teacher’s Training and Education Riau University Abstract Reading is one of the language skills which are important for foreign language learners to be developed. Capability in comprehending reading texts is the priority for many foreign language learners. The purpose of this research is to know how good is the ability of the second year students of SMAN 5 Pekanbaru in comprehending text, especially expository texts. The subjects were 34 students from XI.2 science class at SMAN 5 Pekanbaru. The researcher used the reading test as an instrument in collecting the data. The aspects which were evaluated were; finding main idea, finding detail information, identifying reference, making inference, identifying language feature and identifying generic structure. The researcher gets the conclusion that the percentage of students’ ability in comprehending expository texts is in mediocre level with score 59.35 The results showed that the most difficult aspect of reading for students is finding main idea , where the average score was 54,7. Then, the students’ highest score was in the aspect of making inference, with the average score of 64.7.en-USdescriptive researchStudy on the abilityreadingA Study On The Ability Of The Second Year Students Of Sman 5 Pekanbaru In Comprehending Expository TextsArticle