Holiwarni, Betty2014-05-202014-05-202014-05-20wahyu sari yenihttp://repository.unri.ac.id/xmlui/handle/123456789/6205The Classroom action reserach applied with contextual approach is aimed to improve the quality of teaching-learning procees at school ( especially chemistry subject lesson at grade XI Sience-3 MAN 2 Pekanbaru). The Quality of Chemistry teaching-learning is shown by the teachers ability to cope/handle teaching-learning, the studens and teachers activity during the prosess and the students' mastery learning. The teacher abilities in handling teaching-learning and the activity of teacher-students during teaching-learning is pointed out by observation while the students' mastery learning is resulted by post-test and daily-examinations. The research result shows at cycles-I: the mastery learning of regular students gets 75% (not mastery). The cycles of II, III, and IV results as follows: 85%, 92%, and 100% (mastery), the teacher ability to handle teaching-learning at cycles- I is still low which is indicated by the time allocation provided is not adequate. But, the following cycles, the teacher ability in handling the class has already good. However, the students-teacher activity in cycles I is not fulfilled/hoped which is teaching-learning dominated by teacher (teacher act as the teaching-learning centered). The following three last cycles is already appropriate which the teaching-learning process is centered at students, and teacher roles as motivator and facilitator. The contextual approach lesson would improve the teaching-learning quality.enPENDEKATAN KONTEKSTUAL DALAMUPAYA MENINGKATKAN KUALITAS PEMBELAJARAN SAINS KIMIA DI MAN 2 PEKANBARUUR-Scientific Work Lecturer