ArifudinSayamar, EriYulida, RozaYusri, Jum'atriRosnitaUlfi, Baity2014-03-082014-03-082014-03-08978-602-17664-1-5wahyu sari yeni research aims to investigate famers perception about oil palm cultivation and to know the process of adoption and diffusion among farmers. The research method was survey with participatory rural appraisal (PRA) technique through focus group discussion (FGD) and interviwed to 15 independent smallholder farmers. Descriptive analysis was done to analyze the fisrt and second purpose. The research result indicate, fisr, perception of farmers about farming of oil palm cultivation, farmers feel that palm oil cultivation profitable and farly easy to cultivate. Farmers also found that oil palm cultivation profitable and fairly easy to cultivate. Farmers also found that oil palm cultivation does not demage the environment. The positive attitude has been shown by the farmers and the surrounding communities in term of supporting for farming of oil palm cultivation. Second the adoption process started from the view, interested, observaing, trying in small and large scale to furher adopt a boader scale and adopting. While the process of diffusion is a continuous process af adoption, after ex-plasma smallholder farmers apply, the independent smallholder farmers imitate to cultivate oil palmenfarmers perceptionadoptiondiffusionoil palmcultivationFARMERS PERCEPTION AND PROCESS OF ADOPTION AND DIFFUSION OF OIL PALM CULTIVATION TECHNOLOGY IN SENAMA NENEK VILLAGE TAPUNG HULU KAMPAR RIAUUR-Scientific Work Lecturer