Monaliza, F.2013-05-202013-05-202013-05-20Wahono.M.Si MODEL PEMBELAJARAN BERBASIS PAIKEM TERHADAP KEMAMPUAN MENULIS ANAK USIA 5-6 TAHUNTHE EFFECT OF PAIKEM BASED LEARNING MODEL TOWARD THE WRITING ABILITY OF 5-6 YEARS AGED CHILDREN IN FKIP KINDERGARTEN OF RIAU UNIVERSITY PEKANBARU Fiki Monaliza1, Wilson2, Devi Risma3 Students of Early Childhood Education Study Program Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Riau University ABSTRACT FIKI MONALIZA (0905132212) “The Effect of PAIKEM Based Learning Model Toward the Writing Ability of 5-6 Years Aged Children in FKIP Kindergarten of Riau University Pekanbaru”. Based on the observation in the research location, it is found that the children in FKIP Kindergarten of Riau University have low ability in writing. Besides, the teachers were also found as still using learning method which is dominating and unvaried. Therefore, it is necessary to apply PAIKEM based learning model in teaching writing. This study aims at determining the effect of PAIKEM based learning model toward the writing ability of 5-6 Years Aged Children in FKIP Kindergarten of Riau University Pekanbaru. The sample used in this study is 20 children. The data is collected through Observation technique. The data is analyzed using T-test with SPSS 19. The research hypothesis in this study is that there are significant effects towards children’s writing ability after the implementation of PAIKEM based learning model. It can be seen from the data analysis done by the writer in which thitung = -13,781 and p = 0,000. As p < 0,01, it can be concluded that children’s writing ability increased significantly after being taught by using PAIKEM based learning model. So it means that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. Thus, there is a very significant difference between before and after the implementation of PAIKEM based learning model in the classroom.en-USChildren’s writing abilityPAIKEM based learning modelTHE EFFECT OF PAIKEM BASED LEARNING MODEL TOWARD THE WRITING ABILITY OF 5-6 YEARS AGED CHILDREN IN FKIP KINDERGARTEN OF RIAU UNIVERSITY PEKANBARUstudent Paper Post Degree