Amelia, Vina2013-01-162013-01-162013-01-16Wahono.M.Si HIDUP DALAM FENOMENA EKSISTENSI TOKOH BAACHAN DALAM NOVEL SAGA NO GABAI BAACHAN KARYA SHIMADA YOSHICHI (PENDEKATAN PSIKOLOGI EKSISTENSIALISME)MAKNA HIDUP DALAM FENOMENA EKSISTENSI TOKOH BAACHAN DALAM NOVEL SAGA NO GABAI BAACHAN KARYA SHIMADA YOSHICHI (PENDEKATAN PSIKOLOGI EKSISTENSIALISME) Oleh: Vina Amelia1 Anggota: 1. Arza Aibonotika2 2. Nana Rahayu3 Email:, No. HP: 085263191219 ABSTRACT This research tried to analyze the existential phenomena of human being portrayed by the character of baachan in the novel Saga no Gabai Baachan by Shimada Yoshichi. Another aim of this research is to analyze the meaning of life in cetain circumstances of baachan. The basic concept of logoteraphy exposed in this analysis cover freedom, responsibility, spirituality and the meaning of life.en-USexistentialmeaning of lifelogoteraphynovel Saga no Gabai BaachanMakna Hidup Dalam Fenomena Eksistensi Tokoh Baachan Dalam Novel Saga No Gabai Baachan Karya Shimada Yoshichi (Pendekatan Psikologi Eksistensialisme)student Paper Post Degree