Vitovang, Aristyanti Devie2023-04-102023-04-102023-01PerpustakaanElfitra (Calamus angustifolius L.) is a clump plant. This plant can be found from the lowlands to the mountains. Young shoot of this plant is consumed by local people of Rokan Hulu Riau as processed food called pangkek. This study aimed to analyze rattan DNA through molecular analysis. Research method consisted of total DNA isolation and electrophoresis. The resulting total DNA has a thick, bright band, with a length of more than 10,000 bp.enCalamus angustifolius LDNA isolationelectrophoresisrattantotal DNAISOLASI DNA DAUN ROTAN GETAH (Calamus angustifolius L.) MENGGUNAKAN GENOMIC DNA MINI KIT (PLANT) GENEAIDArticle