Siska, MerryMorena, YenitaAnugrah, Anditya2014-02-252014-02-252014-02-25wahyu sari yeni reaching, bending, lifting heavy loads are carried out repeatedly on the process pressing and cutting in the manufacture of tofu out not in accordance with the principles of ergonomics. Application of presses and cutting tools of tofu that designed according to anthropometry UD. Dika worker's, more ergonomic than the initial conditions. The efficiency of energy consumption by 82.6% in the process of pressing and cutting by 75.2%. Application of the design obtained during working time 8:05 minutes on the presses, 24.36 seconds on the cutting process and the resulting standard output is 7 prints. Application of the design also reduces the subjectivity of labor complaints in 27 points of the body and increase labor productivity by 16.7%enErgonomicPhisiologyWorking TimeProductivityPERANCANGAN ALAT PENGEPRESAN DAN PEMOTONGAN TABU YANG ERGONOMIS