Sari, Mayang NovhitaBustamiSugiarto, Sigit2016-02-042016-02-042016-02-04wahyu sari yeni articlediscusses the parameter estimator of exponential Pareto distribution. Parameters p are estimated by constans  and  , using the method of moments and method of maximum likelihood. Method of moments estimator is unbiased estimator and themethod of maximum likelihood estimator is unbiased estimator for  1 andbiasfor 1. Variance of method of moments and mean square error of method of maximum likelihood are obtained using numerical simulation. The simulation results show that the method of maximum likelihood estimator better than the method of moments estimator.enExponential distributionParetodistributionmethod of momentsmethod of maximum likelihoodmean square errorPENAKSIR PARAMETER DISTRIBUSI EKSPONENSIAL PARETO DENGAN METODE MOMEN DAN METODE MAKSIMUM LIKELIHOODstudent Paper Post Degree