Hubungan Kecepatan Lari Dengan Hasil Lompat Jauh Gaya Menggantung Pada Siswa Putra Kelas Xi Sman 2 Xiii Koto Kampar Kabupaten Kampar

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HUBUNGAN KECEPATAN LARI DENGAN HASIL LOMPAT JAUH GAYA MENGGANTUNG PADA SISWA PUTRA KELAS XI SMAN 2 XIII KOTO KAMPAR KABUPATEN KAMPAR Mahyudin 1, Drs.Slamet, M.Kes, AIFO2, Drs. Ramadi, S.Pd, M.kes, AIFO3 PENDIDIKAN KEPELATIHAN OLAHRAGA FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN UNIVERSITAS RIAU Abstract The purpose of this research is: the first, to know the correlation of running speed and long jump result by schapper. The second, to know the correlation of running speed and long jump result by schapper. The population in this research is thirty (30) students XI class at SMAN 2 XIII koto Kampar. The technique to collect the data used by using total sampling, until all of students XI class at SMAN 2 XIII koto Kampar is used as research sample. bundle variable in this research is long jump result by schapper and free variable is running speed. To collect the data the writer do by using test technique and measurement. The data analyzed by using regression analyze and sample correlation although double. The result of the correlation is (1) there is correlation about running speed and long jump result by schapper. (2) there is correlation coefficient 0,66 to significant standard α 0,05 the other words there is significant correlation about running speed (x) long jump result by schapper (y) by determination (different) as much as 43,56 % so it is showing running speed has significant correlation by long jump result by schapper. Based on the data analyze has correlation coefficient as much as r= 0,66 which the meaning it is test by test T and get T count as much as 4,65 that is T count > + table (4,65> 1,699) so Ha receive and Ho reject. Based on the result of research, the writer conclude this research is there is significant correlation about running speed (x) and long jump result by schapper (y) to students XI class at SMAN 2 XIII koto Kampar.




running speed, long jump and schapper
