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Item A.Daftar Isi Prosiding Seminar dan Lokakarya Nasional FKPT-TPI 2014 BIDANG TEKNOLOGI INDUSTRI PERTANIAN 359(2016-03-02) Johan, Vonny Setiaries; Dini, Isna Rahma; IsnainiItem Analisis Distribusi Pendapatan Rumah Tangga Gapoktan Tunas Berduri Penerima Dana Puap Di Desa Kualu Nenas Kecamatan Tambang Kabupaten Kampar(2015-08-04) Khaswarina, Shorea; Sayamar, Eri; WahyuniKemiskinan di pedesaan merupakan masalah pokok nasional yang penanggulangannya tidak dapat ditunda dan harus menjadi prioritas utama dalam pelaksanaan pembangunan kesejahteraan sosial. Oleh karena itu pembangunan ekonomi nasional berbasis pertanian dan pedesaan secara langsung maupun tidak langsung akan berdampak pada pengurangan penduduk miskin. Pemerintah dalam rangka penanggulangan kemiskinan dan penciptaan lapangan kerja di pedesaan, telah mencanangkan Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Mandiri (PNPM-M). Pengembangan Usaha Agribisnis Pedesaan (PUAP) yang dilaksanakan oleh Departemen Pertanian pada tahun 2008 dilakukan secara terintegrasi dengan program PNPM-M. Pelaksanaan Program Pengembangan Usaha Agribisnis Pedesaan (PUAP) di Kabupaten Kampar yang digulirkan Departemen Pertanian RI sejak tahun anggaran 2008, dinilai berhasil. Hadirnya program PNPM-Mandiri melalui PUAP sangat diharapkan untuk perubahan sosial ekonomi masyarakat, baik dilihat dari sisi peningkatan pendapatan maupun distribusi pendapatannya. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan program PNPM-Mandiri melalui PUAP, bahwa pendapatan responden terendah sebesar Rp 1.035.167, pendapatan menengah sebesar Rp 3.357.417 dan pendapatan tertinggi sebesar Rp 23.824.217. Melalui analisis distribusi pendapatan terhadap pendapatan responden, indeks gini ratio pada petani responden sebesar 0,41. Angka ini menunjukkan bahwa terjadi ketimpangan berat pada pendapatan petani responden. Hal ini dapat terjadi karena perbedaan pendapatan yang tinggi antara responden. Dan melalui standar BKKBN menunjukkan bahwa petani responden sebesar 94,44% telah memenuhi indikator pada Keluarga Sejahtera I (Miskin).Item Analisis Efisiensi Pemasaran Karet Di Desa Sei Tonang Kecamatan Kampar Utara Kabupaten Kampar(2015-08-04) Tety, Ermi; Maharani, EvyKomoditas perkebunan sampai saat ini masih menjadi salah satu sumber pendapatan bagi masyarakat. Karet merupakan komoditas perkebunan yang sangat penting perannya di Indonesia. Karet merupakan salah satu komoditi perkebunan penting, baik sebagai sumber pendapatan, kesempatan kerja dan devisa, pendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi sentra-sentra baru di wilayah sekitar perkebunan karet maupun pelestarian lingkungan dan sumberdaya hayati. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efisiensi pemasaran karet di Desa Sei Tonang Kecamatan Kampar Utara. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Desa Sei Tonang sebagai sentra produksi karet yang ada di Kecamatan Kampar Utara dimana 32 persen luas lahan karet berada di desa ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei dengan pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan cara purposive sampling terhadap 38 petani karet yang tanaman karetnya berumur 20-25 tahun. Pengambilan sampel terhadap pedagang dilakukan melalui metode Snowball Sampling dengan mengikuti saluran pemasarannya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan saluran pemasaran di Desa Sei Tonang Kecamatan Kampar Utara Kabupaten Kampar terdapat satu saluran pemasaran atau bersifat homogen dan merupakan saluran pemasaran yang efisien dimana margin pemasaran adalah sebesar Rp. 3.400 dan untuk bagian yang diterima petani adalah sebesar 73.44 persen dan efisiensi pemasaran adalah sebesar 3,07 persen.Item Analisis Efisiensi Produksi Bubuk Cincau Hitam (Mesona Palustris) Pada Skala Ganda(2016-03-02) Wijana, Susinggih; Sugiarto, Yusron; Cholilie, Irvan AdhinThe objectives of this research are to compare the quality of the black grass jelly powder between laboratory scale and scale up experiment and to define their process efficiency. Tool that had been used is extractor with 100 Littre capacities, while the raw materials are 5 kg dried grass black leaf and 75 littre water. From the organoleptic tests (30 general panelist), it can be seen that there are no significant differences quality between laboratory scale and scale up experiment in color, odor, flavor, and texture. Moreover, from proximate test for grass black jelly powder, it can be observed that there are no significant differences in all parameters. Furthermore, grass black jelly powder for scale up contains water, carbohydrate, crude fiber, and yield in the amount of 12.25%; 43.7%; 5.89%; and 16.28% respectively. In addition, from energy efficiency analysis, it can be measured that from boiling, draining, evaporating, drying, and milling process, the efficiency are 85.11%, 76.97%, 99.64%, 99.99% respectively. Utility needs for each batch are 0.1 m3 water that cost Rp 220.5, 20,01 Kwh electricity that cost Rp 18,569.28, and 30Kg LPG that cost Rp 234.000,00. In brief, the total cost is Rp 252,789.78.Item Analisis Efisiensi Produksi Sirup Gula Kelapa Pada Berbagai Jenis Bahan Baku Dan Bahan Bakar Yang Digunakan(2016-03-02) Pranowo, Dodyk; Wijana, Susinggih; RohmaningtyasThe fundamental problems in the development of palm sugar (Cocos nucifera L) were high production costs and not practicaly product, hence, required effort to improve the syrup of palm sugar. The aims of this study to obtain the efficient conditions process to make palm sugar syrup from various types of raw materials and fuel used. The research method using a randomized block design (RBD) with 2 factors, the type of fuel (LPG and kerosene) and the type of raw material (sugar palm print and palm sap) and analysis of the effectiveness of the index. The results showed that the production of sugar syrup with palm sugar product and kerosene fuel was the best alternative with an index value of 1.00 and the cost effectiveness of the production of each bottle @ 650 ml at Rp. 11.55Item Analisis Hubungan Faktor Penyebab Penyimpangan Pada Proses Pengeringan Teh Hitam Dengan Interpretive Structural Modelling (Studi Kasus Di Ptpn Xii (Persero) Wonosari, Lawang)(2016-03-02) Astuti, Retno; Ikasari, Dhita Morita; Januar, MuhammadExport of black tea from Indonesia tend to be decreased from 2008 to 2012 due to the quality of the Indonesian black tea is not good enough to compete with other black tea exporter countries. The competitive advantage of Indonesian black tea industry can be increased by improving the quality control of black tea production process. The Critical Control Point of black tea production process is drying process. The objectives of this research was to analyze the relation between the causes of drying process deviation in PT. Perkebunan Nusantara XII (Persero) Wonosari, Lawang based on sigma value using Interpretive Structural Modelling to provide recommendation of improvement priority for reducing defects in the drying processItem Analisis Integrasi Pasar Crumb Rubber Singapura Dan Pasar Lelang Karet Kabupaten Batanghari Provinsi Jambi(2015-08-04) Malik, Adlaida; Murdy, Sa’ad; Nainggolan, SaidinThe objective of research is to know about market integration of crumb rubber in Singapore and rubber market auction in Batang Hari district Jambi Province. Data that use was rubber price data market of crumb rubber Singapore and market price in market auction from January 2006 to December 2012. Data collected from Dinas Perindustrian and Perdagangan Province Jambi and KUD Berdikari rubber market auction Batang Hari district. Kuantitative data analysis was conducted from error correction model methode, contained Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) test, Johannsen test, Causality Granger test to know the rate of market integrated. This research also to know the elasticity price transmision between crumb rubber market Singapore and market auction rubber in Jambi Province. The research saw that of between crumb rubber market Singapore and rubber market auction Batang Hari district was integrated significantly in short term saw that change 1% rubber price in Singapore can influence rubber price change in market auction 0,85% in short term and 1,14% in long term, the ajusting time of rubber price change in Singapore to rubber price in market auction was determined change rubber price in Singapore can cause change rubber price in marker auction Province Jambi in long term need time of, two weeks, elasticity of rubber price tranmission in Singapore and rubber price in market auction Batang Hari district both in short term and long term have characteristic inelasticItem Analisis Kelayakan Teknis Dan Finansial Produksi Selai Dari Tanaman Nipah (Nypa Fruticans) (Studi Kasus Di Pulau Bawean, Kabupaten Gresik, Jawa Timur)(2016-03-02) Mulyadi, Arie Febrianto; Effendi, Usman; Priadianto, Rio WidiyanThe aim of this research is to determine the technical feasibility and financial viability jam production of nypa plants. The technical feasibility analysis used for the technologies used, the availability of key raw materials and auxiliary materials, production capacity determination, determination of labor. Financial feasibility analysis was includes the calculation of Production Cost (HPP), Break Even Point (BEP), Business Efficiency (R / C ratio), Payback Period (PP), Net Present Value (NPV), and Internal Rate of Return (IRR).The results indicate that financial calculation of Production Cost (HPP) nypa jam at Rp3.300,00 with the selling price of Rp4.700,00 per bottle with a net weight of 200 grams. Break Even Point (BEP) reached at the level of sales of 94.106 units or equivalent with Rp442.296.620,80. Business efficiency (R / C ratio) is 1,45. Net Present Value (NPV) is Rp598.329.610,30. Internal Rate of Return (IRR) number is 59,1% and Payback Period (PP) for 1,1 year. Based on the financial analysis carried out, it can be concluded that the production of Nypa Jam are feasible.Item Analisis Ketersediaan Bahan Organik Lahan Kebun Kakao Berbasis Sistem Integrasi Tanaman-Ternak Model Zero Waste(2016-03-02) Haerani; Useng, Daniel; Hasan, MuhammadNowadays, the management of cocoa field produces organic wastes that have not been utilized maximally. The integration of crop-livestock systems (SITT) with zero waste model is an appropriate alternative in managing and maintaining cocoa field, to increase efficiency and productivity through the use of organic waste. The research aims to determine the amount of organic materials in the cocoa field for cow feed and compost purposes, and to calculate the amount of compost material from those organic wastes and from biogas waste. Methods used in this study consists of several stages, i.e. calculating the amount of foliage waste that has potential to be used for cow feed and compost, calculating biogas waste for compost, and calculating the amount of compost materials. The result demonstrates the potential of organic waste was 169,441 kg/ha/year. From this amount, 27,420 kg/ha/year was used for cow feed, and 142,021 kg/ha/year (fresh foliage) was used for compost which produced dry foliage of 78.509 kg/ha/year. On the other hand, cow feces potential for biogas was 4,380 kg/3cows/year and it produced compost raw materials of 536,55 kg/3cows/year. Thus, the total amount of compost raw materials that can produce compost was 79,045 kg/year.Item Analisis Penempatan Produk Agroindustri Susu Bubuk Kedelai (Studi Kasus Industri Sumber Gizi Nabati Dan Melilea Di Kota Pekanbaru)(2016-03-02) Khaswarina, Shorea; Dewi, Novia; Monzery, Hedron AsfiraThe objective of study was to; identify product positioning of Sumber Gizi Nabati (SGN) and Melilea soybean milk in consumer level, and then to. This study was conducted from Februari until Maret 2013. Data collected were those of primary and secondary data. The methods of study used case studies, while the determination of the population is conducted by survey method. The data obtained was analyzed using descriptive method, scoring in each indicators, multiple regresi analysis and then analysis of the marketing margins. Most of respondents drawn from incidental consumers of soybean milk powder with number of sample from SGN 30 people and Melilea 30 people. The result of this study; 1) consumer assessment that based on the taste, packaging, efficacy, and texture showed that the highest priority as reference in the health consuming a product seen from his usefulnessItem Analisis Strategi Bauran Pemasaran Agrowisata Dengan Metode Importance Performance Analysis Dan Customer Satisfaction Index (Studi Kasus Di Wisata Agro Wonosari (Waw) Lawang)(2016-03-02) Himawan, Deril Andre; Deoranto, Panji; Ikasari, Dhita MoritaWisata Agro Wonosari (WAW) merupakan agrowisata yang berlokasi di Kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur di bawah naungan PT. Perkebunan Nusantara XII (Persero) Kebun Wonosari. Untuk bertahan dan memenangi persaingan dengan usaha serupa, harus selalu dilakukan pengembangan terhadap agrowisata melalui strategi pemasaran yang tepat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menentukan atribut strategi bauran pemasaran mana yang harus diperbaiki atau dikembangkan WAW dengan metode Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) dan mengetahui tingkat kepuasan pengunjung dengan metode Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI). Manfaat yang diharapkan dari penelitian ini adalah memberikan informasi mengenai tingkat kepuasan pengunjung terhadap strategi bauran pemasaran WAW dan dapat memberikan masukan kepada perusahaan mengenai strategi bauran pemasaran yang harus diperbaiki atau dikembangkan. Hasil dari perhitungan IPA menunjukkan atribut yang menjadi prioritas untuk diperbaiki adalah atribut-atribut yang berada di kuadran I, yaitu periklanan. Atribut-atribut yang menjadi prioritas kedua untuk diperbaiki adalah atribut yang berada di kuadran III, yaitu kemudahan lokasi untuk dijangkau, sarana transportasi yang mendukung, tempat penyedia informasi wisata, hubungan masyarakat, dan sponsorship. Atribut yang dianggap penting dan sudah sesuai dengan yang diharapkan sehingga bisa menjadi aset untuk dikembangkan adalah atribut yang berada di kuadran II. Melalui perhitungan CSI, didapatkan nilai sebesar 68,22%. Nilai ini terletak di rentang 0,66-0,80 yang menunjukkan bahwa indeks kepuasan pengunjung pada kriteria “Puas”.Item Analisis Teknis Dan Neraca Massa Pemisahan Ekstrak Secara Sentrifugasi Dari Bubur Kedelai Melalui Perendaman Pada Berbagai Kondisi Suhu Dan Lama Perendama(2016-03-01) Mursidi, Raden; Hower, Haisen; Hutapea, Mickael JonathanThe objective of the research was to study effect of soaking temperature and soaking time against the physical characteristics of seed and the yield of soybean milk . The research was conducted at laboratory of Agricultural Product Processing Chemistry, Department of Agricultural, Faculty of Agriculture, Sriwijaya University, from February to June 2012. The research was used descriptions through observation, tabulation and graphical presentation with 2 factor treatments that is the soaking time(T) and soaking temperature (P). Each treatment factor consisted of three treatment factors. Observed parameters were weight increment of soybean, volume increment of soybean and texture of soy bean. The result of this research showed that soaking temperature and soaking time significant for yield percentage and rate of centrifugal separation. Soaking for 12 hours significantly improved the percentage yield, which in this study up to 76.90%. Soaking with the temperature 54 ° C significantly increased the percentage of yield of up to 76.82%. The highest rate of separation is 11.08..Item Aplikasi Edible Film Dari Pati Ubi Jalar Kuning Yang Mengandung Ekstrak Lengkuas Merah Untuk Memperpanjang Umur Simpan Dodol(2015-08-03) Pranoto, Yudi; Kanoni, SriKemasan merupakan salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi kualitas dan umur simpan suatu produk pangan. Salah satu kemasan yang dapat langsung dimakan beserta produk yang dikemas yaitu edible film. Edible film dapat dibuat dari pati ubi jalar kuning dan dapat ditambahkan ekstrak lengkuas merah untuk memperpanjang umur simpan produk pangan tradisional yang rentan terhadap kerusakan sebagaimana dodol. Edible film dibuat berdasarkan variasi pati 2% (b/v) dan 3% (b/v) serta variasi sorbitol 30% (b/b) dan 40% (b/b), untuk memperoleh karakteristik terbaik berdasarkan uji kuat tarik dan permeabilitas uap air. Edible film dengan karakteristik terpilih ditambahkan ekstrak lengkuas merah pada konsentrasi 0 ppm, 1.000 ppm, dan 10.000 ppm, dan selanjutnya diaplikasikan untuk pembungkusan dodol dengan pengamatan kadar air dodol, angka peroksida, pengamatan jamur dan uji TPC selama 15 hari penyimpanan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variasi kadar pati ubi jalar kuning 3% (b/v) dan variasi sorbitol 30% (b/b) sebagai edible film terpilih dengan menghasilkan kuat tarik sebesar 8,09 MPa dan nilai permeabilitas uap air 6,51g.mm/m2.hari.kPa. Dodol yang dibungkus menggunakan edible film dengan penambahan ekstrak lengkuas merah 10.000 ppm memilikiumursimpanhingga 8–9 hari dengan kadar air 24,63%, angka peroksida 2,2317 meq/kg dan angkaTPC hari ke-15 yaitu 3,9 x 106 CFU/gram. Sedangkan dodol tanpa edible film memiliki umur simpan 3-4 hari.Item Dampak Subsidi Pupuk Terhadap Efisiensi Usahatani Padi Di Provinsi Riau(2015-08-04) Nizar, Rini; Ariyanto, AntoKebutuhan beras meningkat sesuai dengan pertambahan penduduk. Meningkatnya kebutuhan beras ini berakibat pada keharusan untuk meningkatkan produksi padi. Biaya pengeluaran untuk pupuk mempunyai proporsi yang cukup besat terhadap biaya total usahatani. Untuk itu diperlukan subsidi pupuk oleh pemerintah untuk menekan biaya produksi usahatani padi. Metode pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling dimana pemilihan responden berdasarkan pertimbangan peneliti. Sampel peneliian ini yaitu pada 3 kabupaten di Provinsi Riau yang menjadi lumbung padi, yaitu Kabupaten Rokan Hilir, dan Kuantan Sengingi (Kuansing) untuk mewakili luas panen dan produktivitas tinggi dan rendah. Sebagai pembanding dipilih Kabupaten Pelalawan karena memiliki karakteristik usahatani padi yang khas, yaitu minimnya penggunaan pupuk. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah menganalisis dampak penggunaan subsidi pupuk terhadap efisiensi usahatani padi di Provinsi Riau. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif, yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan karakteristik petani dalam memanfaatkan kebijakan pupuk subsidi untuk usahataninya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan RCR yang dihasilkan oleh usahatani padi yang menggunakan pupuk subsidi lebih tinggi dibandingkan yang tidak menggunakan pupuk subsidi. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa petani yang menggunakan pupuk subsidi lebih efisien dibandingkan dengan yang tidak menggunakan pupuk subsidi. Kebijakan subsidi pupuk masih sangat diperlukan oleh petani.Item Daya Saing Minyak Kelapa Sawit Dengan Analisis Total Factor Productivity Pada Pks Di Provinsi Riau(2016-03-02) Dewi, Novia; Khaswarina, ShoreaThis study is intended to obtain the data which will be able to reveal the information about the ability of oil palm companies in efinering profit and to measure the competitiveness of Riau Province palm industry. This study has the objectives: (1)to find out how much the value of total factor productivity palm oil industry are listed on Indonesia stock exchange with the calculation of profit margins in its ability to survive in situations of world trade; (2) to find out how the state of competitiveness of exports of palm oil industry in Riau and Indonesia. This research uses descriptive analytical tools that reveal profit development and competitiveness in the world trade. Based on profit margin analysis using RCA and the competitiveness of Riau and Indonesia palm oil industry is still enough strong, making more province out performed the competition in the oil palm industry. The ability of oil palm companies in generating the maximum profit is strong. Can be seen from the growth in net profit margin and GPM company is still highItem Desain Aplikator Kompos Untuk Tebu Lahan Kering(2016-01-16) IqbalLimbah perlanian berupa serasah tebu merupakan bahan organik yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan baku kompos. Areal perkebunan tebu di Indonesia yang luas menyebabkan kegiatan pengelolaan serasah tebu dilakukan dengan mekanisasi. Untuk mengelola serasah tebu menjadi kompos dibutuhkan beberapa teknologi seperli traktor, trash rake, trailer, a/at pencacah, truk, pengaduk, loader, dan aplikator kompos. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah merancang aplikator kompos serasah tabu yang dapat dioperasikan untuk tanaman tabu baru (PC) dan tabu keprasan (ratoon) /ahan kering. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa prototipe aplikator dengan penjatah tipe belt conveyor dapat berfungsi dengan baikItem Desain Model Matematis Berbasis Analisis Dimensi Tentang Daya Enginetraktor Pada Pengolahan Tanah Dengan Bajak Singkal (Moldboard Plow) Dl Padang, Sumatera Barat(2016-01-16) Santosa; Mislaini; Alfata; Hardiman, Alfi HamdiThis research has been conducted in Padang City from April to September 2012. Purpose of this study is to obtain a mathematical model of engine power tractors for tillage tractors working at various speeds. This study was obtained from a mathematical model involving variable engine power of tractors on soil tillage (P, watts), soil bulk density (p, kg!m3 ), tillage depth (d, m), soil tillage speed (V, m Is), and the acceleration of gravity (g, m/s2 ) in district Pauh is : P. if I [p v' 1 = 0,5129 { If I [ g.d1 F2 • 8925 with I= 1, and mathematical models based on the tractor enginr:;ower in district Kuranji is : P. if I [p v' 1 = 0,6656 { If I [ g.d1 F "97 with I is 0,999.Item Efektifitas Irigasi Kendi Dan Serasah Terhadap Jumlah Buah Kakao Selama Musim Kemarau(2016-03-01) Suhardi; Munir; Hutabarat, Olly SannyThe use of pitcher as a means of irrigation is the right choice in the use water efficiently but the effectiveness against cacao needs to be tested directly in the field. Its effective level can be known by using indicator that is the influence treatment to amount of cacao pods. The objective of this research is to find out the pitcher effectiveness as a means of cacao irrigation based on its influence to amount of cacao pods. This research was performed with field testing using pitcher number level that is 2, 4, 6 and 8 pitchers which combined with closing percentage of land surface that is 0, 30, 60 and 100%. The collecting data is maintained by counting of cacao pods. The effectiveness testing was conducted with statistical analysis using a Response Surface Model (RSM). The research result indicates that the most effective number of pitchers for maximize of amount pods cacao is 5 pitchers with covering the land surface is 65 percent. This model is considered to be valid with the coefficient determination value (R2) is 0.60.Item Ekstraksi Dan Karakterisasi Pektin Dari Buah Pandan Laut (Pandanus tectorius)(2015-08-01) Lutfi, Musthofa; Widyaningrum; Nugroho, Wahyunanto AgungPectin is an additive compound that serves as a gelling agent. Pectin is widely used both in food and non-food Industries. So far the pectin needs are met from imported, whereas the source of pectin is very easy to obtain . One of the possible sources of pectin is pectin derived from Pandanus tectorius fruit because there is very little use of and research on plants so that it is necessary to research the extraction of pectin. This study aims to determine the effect of temperature and extraction time on the quality of the resulting pectin from fruit Pandanus tectorius and looking for the right combination to get good results. Intake of fruit pectin Pandanus tectorius done by solvent extraction method using water acidified by adding hydrochloric Acid. Analysis was conducted on the yield, moisture content, equivalent weight, methoxyl content, ash content, galakturonat acid content and gel strength. Variations in temperature and duration of heating effect on the amount of pectin is produced where the highest pectin obtained at extraction temperature of 80°C and 80 minutes is equal to 14,26%. Based on Bayes method produced the best pectin is extracted pectin temperature of 80°C for 80 min. Pectin with the best extraction conditions were compared with commercial pectin. The parameters are compared with the corresponding parameters established standards covering the Food Chemical Codex. Pectin research results also have better quality than commercial pectin.Item Esterifikasi Fraksi Minyak Nilam Hasil Isolasi Dari Tanaman Nilam (Pogostemon Cablin) Dengan Asetat Anhidrida(2016-03-02) Husna, Yuliani Aisyah, Nida ElPatchouli oil is a substantial volatile oil in the industry of perfumes and cosmetics, most of the oil is composed of patchouli alcohol. Patchouli alcohol esterification using acetic acid anhydride with ZnCl2 as a catalyst was done to improve the scent of the essential oil. Based on theory, patchouli acetate is an ester that occurred from the esterification reaction between patchouli alcohol and acetic acid or its derivatives. This study was intended to determine the effect of esterification methods , the ratio of materials and reactants, and also reaction time on the characteristics of esterification mixture product. Esterification was done by treating the patchouli oil with acetic acid anhydride (ratio of material : reactant = 1 : 1 , 1 : 1.25 , 1 : 1.50 , 1 : 1.75), 10 mL of diethyl ether, and 4.97 g ZnCl2 as catalyst . The concoction was heated at a temperature of 100 ° C, using a batch method at various reaction times (2 hours , 4 hours , 6 hours). The results showed that the reaction time, ratio of reactants and materials, and esterification methods significantly affect yield , specific gravity and refractive index of esterification product (ester compounds).