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Item A.Daftar Isi Seminar UR-UKM Ke-7 2012(2014-05-22)Item AKTIVITAS SENYAWA BIOAKTIF ANTICENDAWAN DARI Ralstonia pickettii TT47 TERHADAP Rhizoctonia solani PENYEBAB PENYAKIT HAWAR PELEPAH PADI(2014-05-21) RustamR. pickettii TT47 (isolate TT47) were selected isolate having the potency of strong inhibition to the growth of R. solani in vitro and suppress the development of rice sheath blight disease in vivo. The antifungal activity test of the filtrate from fermentation broth of the isolate showed that the growth of R. solani reduced significantly. Presumably the culture broth of the isolate contains antifungal bioactive compounds. Antifungal activity in the culture broth of the isolate was significantly correlated with the cell growth of the isolate. Antifungal bioactive compounds were successfully extracted using buthanol or hexane solution for TT47 isolate.. MIC of TT47-hexana extract was 0,1 mg/l, and the extract was not phythotoxic against the rice seed. Stability of the active metabolites in filtrate broth cultured isolate was relatively stable on pH range from acidic to basic (pH 4, 7, and 10) but was sensitive to temperature.Item Alternatif Menentukan Lingkaran Singgung Luar Segitiga dan Titik Gergonne(2018-02-19) Azizah, Nurul; Gemawati, Sri; Hasriati, HasriatiPada sebarang segitiga, menentukan lingkaran singgung luar adalah dengan membuat lingkaran singgung dalam dan memperpanjang sisi-sisinya dengan membuat garis bagi sudut luar di dua titik sudutnya dan garis bagi dalam titik sudut lainnya. Sedangkan Titik Gergonne pada segitiga merupakan titik yang berasal dari konkurensi tiga garis dari ketiga titik sudut segitiga ke titik singgung antara lingkaran dalam dan sisi segitiga. Konkurensi titik Gergonne dalam segitiga dibuktikan dengan menggunakan teorema Ceva. Pada tulisan ini akan diberikan alternatif menentukan lingkaran singgung luar segitiga dengan menggunakan lingkaran luar segitiga dan akan dibuktikan konkurensi titik Gergonne pada lingkaran singgung luar segitigaItem Alternatif Menentukan Panjang Garis Berat pada Segitiga(2018-02-19) Gushelsi, Riza; Mashadi, Mashadi; Gemawati, SriDi dalam beberapa buku teks untuk menentukan panjang garis berat pada suatu segitiga kebanyakan dengan menggunakan teorema Stewart. Dalam tulisan ini diberikan alternatif lain untuk menentukan panjang garis berat pada suatu segitiga dengan menggunakan konsep Kongruensi dan KesebangunanItem ANALISIS DAN PEMODELAN GENERATOR INDUKSI SATU FASA PENGUATAN SENDIRI DENGAN RANGKAIAN EKIVALEN INVERS Г(2014-05-22) Hamzah, Amir; Suwitno; FeranitaCharacteristics of single phase induction generator are obtained with used an equivalent circuit. Modeling and analysis of self-excited single phase induction generator have been done in this paper. Core saturation effect is included in this analysis. An accurate equivalent circuit is required in order to obtain good analysis. Equivalent circuit type Г inverse is derived in this paper from standard equivalent circuit. This equivalent circuit is simple and the reactance stator leakage equal to the reactance rotor leakage assumption is not required to determine the parameters. Thus, determining the parameters can be done more accurate and we can obtain core saturation characteristic similar to the actual condition. The experiment results of induction generator are presented in this paper. The rms voltage of induction generator at no loaded at speed constant1560 rpm is 220 V with frequency 52 Hz and at loaded 240 W is 198 V.Item Analisis Kepraktisan dan Efektivitas Buku Kerja Kalkulus Berbasis Penemuan Terbimbing sebagai Produk Pengembangan Ditinjau dari Proses Keterpakaian, Kegiatan Belajar dan Teori(2018-02-21) Zulfaneti, Zulfaneti; Febriana, Rina; Fauzan, Ahmad; Armiati, ArmiatiPenelitian ini merupakan penelitian lanjutan. Hasil sebelumnya menyimpulkan bahwa prototipe buku kerja sudah sangat valid meskipun masih ada beberapa revisi. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan mendeskripsikan praktikalitas dan efektifitas buku kerja yang telah dikembangkan pada uji coba lapangan. Uji coba pertama dilakukan dengan teknik one to one, uji coba kedua dilakukan pada small group mahasiswa dan uji coba ketiga dilakukan pada kelompok mahasiswa yang sedang melaksanakan perkuliahan Kalkulus. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah pedoman wawancara, dan lembar observasi, yang dianalisis dengan teknik deskriptif. Hasil uji coba one to one terhadap 6 mahasiswa pengguna hanya ada 2 yang mampu menangkap maksud dari setiap uraian kegiatan dan mampu menuliskan setiap kegiatan pada Buku Kerja, ada 2 yang menangkap maksud namun memerlukan bimbingan, dan 2 yang mampu mengisi namun tidak termotivasi untuk membaca secara detail sehingga isian kegiatan banyak yang salah. Hasil ini djadikan landasan untuk merevisi. Hasil uji lapangan berikutnya pada 24 mahasiswa, juga ditemukan tidak semua mahasiswa yang termotivasi dan mampu melakukan aktivitas belajar, Meskipun demikian, sebagian besar mahasiswa mengalami perubahan hasil belajar yang signifikan, dan sudah banyak yang mampu mengikuti setiap uraian dan petunjuk pengerjaan. Secara teori, dapat disimpulkan bahwa buku kerja yang dikembangkan sudah dengan prinsip penemuan terbimbing. yaitu melalui (1) perumuskan masalah berdasarkan data secukupnya, (2) menyusun, memproses, mengorganisir, dan manganalisis data tersebut, (3) menyusun konjektur, (4) pemeriksaan konjektur, dan (5) kepastian kebenaran penemuan.Item ANALISIS KONSENTRASI HCl DAN WAKTU KONTAL OPTIMAL UNTUKPEMBUATAN ZIOLIT DARI ABU LAYANG DENGAN METODE BATCH(2014-05-21) Itnawita; Awaluddin, Amir; Syahrul, Jhon; Anita, Sofia; MerlindaYogurt is popular dairy milk. It is usually packaged by HPDE or PET plastics because of simplicity. However, it has disadvantage that is migration of monomer such as carbonyl compound (formaldehyde or acetaldehyde) during stored. The mechanism of migration is accelerated by microorganism activities and acid content during stored in refrigerator. Method used in this research was UV-Vis Spectrometry using Schiff’s reagent. The result showed that during stored, the concentration of formaldehyde in samples increased after 20 days of HPDE and 60 days of PET. It was found that the highest concentration of formaldehyde after 70 days stored was 3.250 mg/L of HDPE and 1.488 mg/L. Based on ICPS, UN (ILO, UNEP and WHO), the concentration limit of formaldehyde in food is 1 mg/L. It concluded that yogurt packaged by HDPE and PET is not safe after 70 days storedItem ANALISIS SURFAKTAN BINER (CTAB DAN PVP) UNTUK PENUMBUH PALLADIUM DENGAN METODE SEED- MEDIATED GROWTH(2014-05-22) Iwantono; Umar, A. A; Taer, E; NursoimahPalladium nanoparticles have been grown on solid substrates (glass slide and ITO) using seed mediated growth method with a various ratios of CTAB and PVP, and a various duration times of growth. The particles were grown at 28-30’C. Characterizations of the samples were carried out by using UV-Vis spectroscopy, XRD and FESEM. The results of UV-VIS spectroscopy indicate that palladium nanoparticles prepared with the ratio of CTAB : PVP = 17 ml : 3 ml, and with a duration time of 4 hours + 4 hours have the highest absorption intensity. XRD results confirmed the present of palladium nanoparticles by two peaks at 2θ = 40.122° and 46.664° with orientation of (111) and (200). Whereas, FESEM images showed that palladium nanoparticles prepared with the ratio of CTAB:PVP = 17 ml : 3 ml, and with a duration time of 2 hours + 2 hours have uniform sizes of about 13.4- 17.9 nm and have high density of about 0.2325%.Item ANALISIS VARIABILITAS GENETIK MANGGA SULAWESI BERDASARKAN PENANDA MOLEKULAR E-RAPD(2014-03-04) FitmawatiBerpijak pada fakta bahwa Sulawesi adalah pusat asal persebaran mangga poliembrioni Indonesia, diprediksi daerah ini mempunyai kekayaan genetik mangga yang sangat melimpah. Kekayaan genetik mangga dapat digunakan sebagai bahan baku pemuliaan mangga apabila teridentifikasi, karakterisasi, dan evaluasi dengan baik. Plastisitas ciri morfologi, menyulitkan dalam membuat batasan jenis, sehingga dilakukan penelusuran untuk mengungkap variasi genetik mangga Sulawesi menggunakan penanda E-RAPD dengan keunggulan pita yang dihasilkan lebih jelas, reprodusibilitas tinggi, teknik mudah dan biaya lebih murah dibanding metoda lainnya. Menggunakan 14 primer E-RAPD diperoleh sebanyak 112 pita berukuran 200-1300 pb dengan tingkat polimorfisme sebesar 70,32 %. Variasi genetik mangga Sulawesi berkisar antara 62-89%. Pada nilai kemiripan 69% mangga Sulawesi mengelompok dalam lima kelompok. Nenek moysng umum mangga yaitu Hiku mengelompok bersama mangga tengguni, macan dan Kue, semua anggota kelompok ini asli berasal dari Selawesi. Kelompok kedua terdiri dari Mukmusang, Banyak papan 1 dan 2, serta Manalagi, kelompok ketiga terdiri dari Apel, Golek, Balik papan dan Madu, kelompok ke empat terdiri dari Gola, Kandre jawa, Kue2 dan Arumanis. Mangga Galongkong terpisah dari kelompok lainnya dan memiliki kemiripan genetik paling kecil (62%).Item ANALYSIS OF CRITICAL THINKING ABILITY OF STUDENTS OF THE RSBI CLASS IN HIGH SCHOOL ON MATHEMATICS PROBLEM SOLVING(2012-11-09) RasimanThe purpose of learning mathematics in primary and secondary school is that students are expected to provide the arrangement of reasoning, critical thinking, attitude formation and the ability of application in their life and in learning various sciences (Depdiknas, 2004). Thus, students should be equipped with abilities to develop and evaluate arguments in problem-solving. One of the capabilities that must be developed to achieve these objectives is the ability to think critically. A student has the ability to think critically if it is able to analyze facts, generalize and organize ideas, defend opinions, make comparisons, draw conclusions, examine arguments, and solve problems (Chance, 1986). In addition, critical thinking skills can improve in a systematic way of thinking, awareness of thinking, and have the ability to distinguish truth from error.On the other hand, the government or local government must has at least one unit of education at all levels of education to be developed into standard international school (RSBI). Goal of this program is RSBI graduate students are expected to compete with the global knowledge for the same level as graduates from other country. Reality that mathematics teachers do not realize that students are also required to be able to think critically, so have a solid foundation for learning mathematics. To determine students' critical thinking skills through the learning of mathematics is not easy, teachers must have the courage to take the attitude by providing variation math problems, and one question that needs to be given is a mathematical problem in the real world. Polya (1973), said that problems in mathematics are the problems to find and the problem to proof Both of these types have no specific rules but the students demanded to know the data and information from the problems. Based on the special features of mathematics and related issues with the purpose of the RSBI class in high school, it can improve students' ability for critical thinking, analytical, systematic, and logical in order to find alternative solutions to problems through the exploration of empirical data in order to cuhivate a scientific attitude.Item Aplikasi Metode Reduksi Graf pada Model Pertumbuhan Populasi Kutu Daun (Pea Afid)(2018-02-19) Efendi, Efendi; Nurhayati, IkaPada makalah ini dibahas model proyeksi populasi dan laju reproduksi pertumbuhan kutu daun (Pea Afid). Model populasi yang digunakan adalah model matriks proyeksi populasi. Perhitungan bilangan reproduksi dasar (R0 ) dengan reduksi graf lebih efektif dibandingkan dengan radius spektral matrik generasi mendatang (next generation matrix). Diskusi perilaku jangka panjang populasi diberikan dalam simulasi. Nilai R0 hanya relevan untuk melihat perilaku jangka panjang, jika populasi mempunyai parameter konstan.Item APLIKASI PEMANTAUAN RUMAH DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN SENSOR DAN PORT PARALLEL KOMPUTER BERBASIS WEB(2014-05-22) AlfirmanHouses often left empty by their owners are very prone to criminal acts. In this case to maintain the security of the home, the owner can use several sensors installed in certain places and they will be used to monitor the houses through the internet. As a reader of sensor in this application, we use the CGI (Common Gateway Interface). CGI is an application to become a bridge connecting various forms of software to a web page.Item APPLICATION OF Trichoderma spp. TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF COMPOS AS GROWTH MEDIUM COMPONENT OF PINE SEEDLING (Pinus merkusii Jungh. et de Vriese)(2014-05-22) Mardhiansyah, MuhammadThe experiment aimed to evaluate the effect of application of Trichoderma spp. during composition processing of the quality of resulted compos as the growth medium component of pine seeds. Compos made from organic debris as the main component and fresh cow dung decomposer. Pellets of three species of Trichoderma i.e T.Koningii (T1), T.reesei (T13) dan T.harzianum (T27) were substituted 0.1% from weight of compos into the compos at day 10, 20, 30 during the decomposition of organic debris by containerizing the treated composes in nylon gauze container and inoculated in the compos mass. At day 70 the compos were harvest and used as the growth medium component of pine seeds. Results showed that application of T1 at day 20 lowered the C-N ratio at amount of 16.8%. Application T27 showed the best top-root ratio of seedling (4,49).Item Barisan Bertingkat(2018-02-19) Azrida, Yeni; Mashadi, Mashadi; Gemawati, SriBarisan merupakan fungsi dari bilangan asli ke bilangan real. Barisan bertingkat merupakan salah satu jenis barisan yang dapat dipandang sebagai SPL (Sistem Persamaan Linier). Untuk menentukan suku ke-n barisan bertingkat adalah dengan cara menyelidiki sampai tingkat berapa ditemukan selisih tetapnya dan kemudian mengubahnya kedalam bentuk fungsi yang sesuai dengan tingkat perolehan selisih tetap tersebut. Kemudian menentukan nilai-nilai dari suku pertama minimal hingga suku ke-empat, dan selanjutnya menghubungkan komponen komponen yang bersesuaian pada masing-masing tingkat penyelidikan sistem persamaan linier atau variabel persamaan linier yang banyaknya sesuai dengan banyaknya variabel. Pada tulisan ini akan dibahas cara menentukan suku ke-n dari barisan bertingkatItem Beberapa Metode untuk Menyelesaikan Program Gol(2018-02-19) Safitri, Elfira; Saleh, Habibis; Gamal, M. D. HSalah satu teknik penting dalam optimisasi yang sudah dikembangkan adalah Program Gol. Pada tulisan ini dibahas empat metode untuk menyelesaikan program gol yaitu metode simplex yang dimodifikasi, metode simplex yang direvisi, metode preemptif dan metode non-preemptif. Dari keempat metode ini tampak bahwa ada perbedaan dalam proses pivoting variabel yang masuk dan keluar basis. Untuk metode simplex yang dimodifikasi, metode preemptif dan metode non-preemptif disajikan dalam bentuk tabel penuh dengan menghitung nilai penciutannya sedangkan metode simplex yang direvisi menggunakan matriks invers yang berkorespondensi dengan variabel basisItem BIRTHDAY CAKE ACTIVITYSTRUCTURED ARRANGEMENT FOR HELPING CHILDREN DETERMINING QUANTITIES(2012-11-09) Mariana, NeniFew researches have been concerned about relation between children's spatial thinking and number sense. Narrowing for this small research, we focused on one component of spatial thinking, that is structuring objects, and one component of number senses, that is cardinality by determining quantities. This study focused on a design research that was conducted in Indonesia in which we investigated pre-school children's (between 2 and 3.5 years old) ability in making structured arrangement and their ability to determine the quantities by looking at the arrangements. The result shows us that some of the children were able to make such arrangement. However, the children found difficulties either to determine quantities from those arrangements or to compare some structures to easily recognize number of objects.Item BREEDING MUNGBEAN Phaseolus vulgaris(2014-05-22) Herman; FathurrahmanThe purpose of this research ia to see the change of fenotics and genetics by giving kolkhisin as a variable of the amount chromosoms. The frying pan experiment is done to get the best of ambibition kolkhisin proces, too. The seed is submerged in kolkhisin solution. After that, seed is planted in the pots. There are two treatment factors in this research K (kolkhisin consentration) devided in four level they are K0 (0%), K1 (0.1%), K2 (0.5%) and K3 (1%). While second factors is P factor (long time to frying pan) devided in four factors, they are P1 (5 hours), P2 (10 hours), P3 (15 hours) and P4 (20 hours). Parameter that is researched consist of the tall of plant, the total of branch, the time to bloom, total of ghost and weight of 100 seed. The result of consentration treatment and the long time for frying pan of kolkhisin solution show that it has the highest result to the time of bloom and K2 (31,25 days), treatment the total of ghost in K3 (68,6 ghosts) treatment and weight 100 seed in K3 (10,3 gr) treatment. While in P factor it found the highest result to the tall of plant for P1 (75,2 cm) treatment, total of branch in P1 (3,6 branch), the age for bloom and P4 (31 days) treatment, the total of ghost in P4 (58,80 ghost) treatment and weigh of 100 seed in P4 (10,07 gr) treatment. From result of highest combination treatment is got in the tall of plant P1K0 (86,6 cm) treatment the total of branch in P4K2 (4,2 branch) treatment the age for bloom in P2K3 (33,7 HST) treatment, the total of ghost in P4k3 (86,4 ghost) treatment and weight of 100 seed in P4K3 (16,9 gr) treatment . the result of statistic analyze that kolkhisin treatment and the long time for prying pan the seed influence the plant and the development of mungbin. Kolkhisin is changed the total of mungbin kromoson until it can increase the product. Giving treatment as the best combination is in P4K3 treatment.we can increase this treatment by add the persentase of kolkhisin solution that higher to increase the production of total ghost and weigh of seed.Item BUILDING AN OPTICAL TWEEZERS FOR LIFE SCIENCE RESEARCHES(2014-05-21) MinarniOptical Tweezers has evolved as a valuable tool to trap and manipulate particles. Since it was introduced in 1986 by Ashkin and colleagues, Optical Tweezers has been used in many research areas. Its applications are found on research in atomic physics, medical physics, chemistry, and more notably in biophysics and cell biology. The simplest optical tweezers can be built from a commercial optical microscope either upright or inverted. The tweezing force comes from the radiation pressure of laser light which is sent to the back of the objective lens then is focused by the lens to the particles in a cuvette or slides. The particles can be any things from atoms, molecules, bacteria, viruses, blood cells to DNA. The optical tweezers are very useful in studying biological samples because it can provide picoNewton and nanometer ranges of force hence one can study the motor properties of the particles without damaging them. There are many parameters can describe a reliable optical tweezers. These parameters depend on the laser wavelength used and the size of the particles. In this article, the process to build an optical tweezers and what optical components needed will be described. The optical tweezers described has been used to trap two size-polystyrene beads with 830 nm laser light from a diode laser. This optical tweezers will be prepared to trap and study chlorophylls of mango leaves in searching for the new method in identifying its diversity. In the future, a portable and affordable optical tweezers for life science researches will be builtItem CHANGES IN PHENOLIC AND FLAVONOID CONTENT OF Coleus amboinicus TEA DURING STORAGE(2014-05-21) Jose, Christine; Nurhayati; ChainulfiffahColeus amboinicus plants were grown organically treated with three different foliar treatments (control, herb fermented plant extract and EM5). Green tea and black tea were produced from each treatment and stored for up to three months. All green teas have significant higher (P<0.05) phenolic and flavonoid contents compared to all black teas. Green tea produced from EM5 foliar treatment showed the highest phenolic and flavonoid content. Some changes of phenolic and flavonoid contents were observed in green teas and black teas during 3 months storage.