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Item EFEKTIVITAS SERBUK BIJI KELOR (Moringa oleifera) DALAM MENURUNKAN KANDUNGAN KLORIDA DAN KEKERUHAN PADA AIR SUMUR GALI DI KOTA DUMAI(2-03-07) Jannah, Raihanil; Anita, SofiaMoringa oleifera is one of the natural coagulants in Indonesia. This study was conducted to see the effectiveness of moringa seed powder as natural coagulant as an alternative to coagulant chemical that has negative effect. This research was conducted for well water samples in Kelurahan Purnama, Sukajadi and Tanjung Palas in Dumai City. The parameters analyzed were chloride and turbidity as well as some additional parameters. Turbidity was analyzed using a turbidimetry method, while chloride was analyzed using a UV-Vis spectrophotometer. The results indicated that moringa seed powder could decrease turbidity and chloride in three kelurahans turbidity was of 62.06%, 60.51%, and 19.05%; while chloride was of 43.59%, 48.93%, and 50.50%. Based on paired t-test method (P = 0.05), moringa seed powder are effective to decrease chloride and turbidity on wells water in Kelurahan Purnama, Sukajadi and Tanjung Palas in Dumai City. Based on PERMENKES RI No. 492/MENKES/PER/IV/2010 about drinking water quality, chloride concentration was the limit of requirements for drinking water, but not for turbidity.Item PEMANFAATAN LEMPUNG ALAM MAREDAN SEBAGAI KATALIS HETEROGEN UNTUK PENGHILANGAN METILEN BIRU MELALUI PROSES FENTON(2-04-07) Hendru, Hendru; Awaluddin, AmirMethylene blue, commonly used dye in textile industry, is harmful to living organism and environment due to its resistance for degradation. The most effective method for dyestuff removal is heterogeneous catalyst based on Fenton reaction to produce OH radical. In this study, Maredan Clay (LM) can be used as a heterogeneous catalyst. The results of catalyst preparation were characterized by X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Fourier Transformed Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Characterization results showed that catalyst contained quartz, kaolinite, muscovite and hematite minerals with morphology like irregular spheres. LM give optimum result in methylene blue removal under conditions of pH = 3, H2O2 = 6.7 mM, Fe-LM = 0.75 g/L, initial concentration = 50 ppm, at room temperatureItem PENENTUAN TOTAL FENOLIK, ASAM ASKORBAT DAN AKTIVITAS ANTIOKSIDAN TANAMAN KAILAN (Brassica oleracea var. Alboglabra) YANG DIRAWAT DENGAN EKSTRAK TANAMAN TERFERMENTASI(2012-11-20) Murniati, S; Jose, C; Hendra, RKailan (Brassica oleracea var. Alboglabra) is a family of cabbages (Brasicaceae) which contain nutrients and high antioxidant activities. The cultivation system organically and conventionally can influence the nutrients and antioxidant contents. In this study, the total phenolic content, flavonoid, ascorbic acid, and antioxidant activity of ethanolic of kailan extract were carried out. Fresh weight and height of the plant as well as the percentage of damaged leaves of kailan were determine too as physical analysis. There were three different watering treatments on cultivation of kailan such as, organic kailan treated with Fermented Plant Extract (FPE), control (just water) and conventional treatment. FPE was prepared from mixture of rumput paitan (Paspalum conjugatum B), babadotan (Ageratum conyzoides L), and effective microorganism 5 (EM5). The results showed that the weight of plant, the height of plant and percentage of damaged leaves were not significantly different in all treatments. Total phenolic of organic kailan (6,866 AGE mg/g dry weight) was not significantly different from conventional treatment (6,396 AGE mg/g dry weight). Conventional kailan (0,343 QE mg/g dry weight) has the highest flavonoid content. The highest ascorbic acid content was given by organic (0,589 AAE mg/gr dry weight) and conventional kailan (0,448 AAE mg/g dry weight). For antioxidant activities, all treatments gave the same inhibition on free radical in FTC assay, and IC value in DPPH assay. Antioxidant activity in FRAP assay from conventional kailan (0,132 mol/g) could reduce Fe3+ become Fe2+ more efficient than other treatments. IC50 value in NO radical scavenging assay of organic kailan (4,009 mg/ml) was not significantly different from control treatment. This study showed that the cultivation of kailan organically by using FPE treatment could increase the total phenolic, flavonoid content, ascorbic acid and antioxidant activity and thus it could be used as alternative for replacing the pesticide.Item PENENTUAN FENOLIK, VITAMIN C DAN AKTIVITAS ANTIOKSIDAN TANAMAN SELADA (Lactuca sativa L.) YANG DIRAWAT DENGAN EKSTRAK TANAMAN TERFERMENTASI(2012-11-20) Reno Raisandi, Mohd; Jose, Christine; Hendra, RudiLettuce (Lactuca sativa L) can serve as a source of vitamins, minerals and natural antioxidants. The cultivation system organically and conventionally can influence the nutrients and antioxidant contents. In this study, the total phenolic, flavonoid, vitamin C content, antioxidant activity and flavonoid composition of lettuce extract were carried out. Fresh weight and percentage of damaged leaves of lettuce were determine too as physical analysis. Two different treatment (FPE and control) were used for organic lettuce. The results showed that the fresh weight of plants were not significantly different. Organic lettuce with FPE treatment (5,10%) had lower (P0,05) percentage of leaves damaged than control treatment (18,23%). Compared to conventional lettuce, organic lettuce with FPE (9,873 GAE mg/g) and control (9,000 GAE mg/g) treatment had a significantly (P0,05) higher content of phenolic. Organic lettuce with FPE treatment showed higher flavonoid (10,681 QE mg/g) and vitamin C (0,460 AAE mg/g) content. For antioxidant activities, organic lettuce with FPE treatment gave the best FRAP (0,234 mmol Fe2+/g), FTC (55,05%), DPPH (482,33 g/mL) and NO radical scavenging (4,619 mg/mL) values. Determination of flavonoid composition showed that lettuce extracts didn’t contain standards of flavonoid compound (quercetin, catechin, naringin, and rutin). Lettuce extracts could be contained other flavonoid compounds. From this study, it can be concluded that the percentage of phenolic and vitamin C might be contributed to the antioxidant activity and the amount of total phenolic and vitamin C content which might be influenced by the cultivation system.Item PEMANFAATAN ZEOLIT A DARI ABU LAYANG SEBAGAI PENYARING MINYAK MENTAH MENJADI BASE OIL DARI SUMUR MINYAK ZAMRUD, SIAK(2013-03-07) Desnita; Tamboesai, Emrizal M.; Anita, SofiaBase oil is used as raw material for various types of machinery lubricants. To get the lubricant in accordance with the specifications of the required machinery, base oil is added of additives. The Additives are chemichal compound in certain formulations for lubricants in accordance with defined specifications. The composition of base oil in a lubricant is around 80% and around 20% additives composition. Not all of the crude oil can be processed into base oil. Only the crude oil of the type n-paraffins were peoduced base oil for lube base oil. But this crude oil was very limited in earth crust. In this study, fractionation of Zamrud crude oil using active silica stationary phase and n-hexane as a solvent to separate the fractions is conducted of saturat. These fractions were analyzed by using of Gas Chromatography (GC). Fraction of saturat residual gas chromatography analysis of fractioned using zeolite A to obtain crude oil type n-paraffin. This fractionation results were also analyzed by gas chromatography. From the results of gas chromatographic analysis, a change in the appereance of the chromatogram before and after being treated by molecular sieve. from the number of chains of carbon atoms that exist in the pre-filtered chromatogram with zeolite A there were 29 carbon atoms, whereas after filtered with zeolite A number carbon atoms were reduced 27, indicating the existence of the saturat fraction retained on the zeolite A. Zeolite A is considerable efficiency in filtering Zamrud crude oil, the average efficiency is 46,89%, moreover the ratio pr/ph of Zamrud crude oil were 3,04 which indicates that Zamrud crude oil came from the higher plantsItem KINETIKA ADSORPSI KATION Pb(II) OLEH LEMPUNG ALAM DESA TALANAI YANG DIAKTIVASI NaOH PADA KALSINASI SUHU 600oC(2013-03-07) S., Lihin; Nurhayati; ErmanNatural clay is a part of earth that has pores and active sites on its surface. In this case the clay can be used for removing heavy metal pollutants because it has properties as an adsorbent. The purpose of this study is to determine adsorption rate constant (k) of natural clays activated NaOH through the metal adsorption of Pb(II) under the influence variation of concentration, temperature and contact time. This study uses natural clay from Talanai Village activated with a concentration of 1 M NaOH (L1) and clay without activation (Lo) as a metal adsorber Pb(II) in the solution of Pb(NO3)2. Activation of clay with NaOH was done by immersion method, followed by calcination process of at a temperature 600oC. The results showed that the maximum absorption of Lo is at concentration of 10 mg/L and L1 at 20 mg/L. Lo is the maximum at temperature 30oC and L1 at 50oC. Adsorption kinetics in this study meets pseudo orde-two correlation with coefficient R2 value (0.996 to 0.999). The rate constant (k) adsorption of Lo is -0,864 mgg-1 min-1 and L1 is 5.336 mgg-1 min-1Item DAYA ADSORPSI BIRNESSITE SINTESIS TERHADAP LARUTAN ION LOGAM Cd2+(2013-03-07) Rofina, Ega; Awaluddin, Amir; Sophia, HalidaBirnessite can be used as an adsorbent of heavy metals found on the aquatic environment and solid waste. This could occur because birnessite is a porous material with a large surface area and are able to exchange cations from the solution. This research focuses on the removal of Cd ion from synthetic solution using the batch method. The removal Cd ions have been studed intensively for decade due to the toxic effect on environment and living organisms. To date, a number of methods have been developed to minimize the concentration of Cd ions in the environment, one of which is through adsorption method. The experimental results indicated that the synthetic birnessite has high affinity toward Cd2+ ion solution. To optimize the adsorption capacity of the birnessite, a wide range of experimental procedures are studied such as the differences of contact time, concentration, adsorbent weight, temperature, and pH. The uptakes of the ions by the adsorbent were monitored using atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) and were modelled using two types of isotherm adsorption. The thermodynamic parameters were calculated using the equation found in literature. The results showed that the optimum conditions for birnessite adsorption for Cd2+ ions are as follows: contact time of 5 minutes, pH of 6, optimum concentration of 8.4675 mg/L, temperature of 600C, adsorbent weigh of 0,5 gram with adsorption capacity of 95,63%. The adsorption Cd ions onto birnessite follows the Freundlich isotherm models. The adsorption is physical adsorption (physichsorps) with the value of ΔH and ΔS of 8,7713 kJ / mol and 1,9621 J / mol K, respectively. The positive value of ΔH indicates that the reaction is endothermic whereas positive ΔG (0,282 kJ / mol), shows the reaction is not spontaneousItem SINTESIS DAN KARAKTERISASI MANGAN OKSIDA BERLAPIS BIRNESSITE DARI ASAM OKSALAT DAN KMnO4 MENGGUNAKAN METODA KERAMIK(2013-03-07) Suraya, N.; Awaluddin, A.; Tamboesai, E. M.Birnessite is one phase of manganese oxides with layered structure. The formation of birnessite has been studied using ceramic method by reacting solids of KMnO4 with oxalic acid. The synthetic methods employed in the production of birnessite include variations of KMnO4 and oxalic acid mol ratios, temperature and calcination time. The products were characterized by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) to determine crystallinity and purity. The surface area was determined by Spectrofotometer UV-Vis using methylen blue method. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) is used to determine morphology and particle size. Whereas Absorption Atomic spectroscopy (AAS) was used to determine the concentration of Mn and K, and Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) is used to determine functional groups and acidity. The results showed improvement of crystallinity and purity in a 2:3 mol ratio, this is calcined at a temperature of 7000C for 7 hours as indicated by the data from XRD. This condition also produce the surface areas between of 0,1585 to 2,008 m2/g. The SEM data showed the particle has granule form with diameters ranging from 0,5 to 2,5 μm. The AAS measurement showed that Mn content is higher than K, ie Mn 88,06% and K 25,88%, respectively. Characterization of functional groups and acidity using FTIR showed that the absorption bands of the Mn-O vibration are about 418,57 cm-1. The bands at 1540 cm-1 is a Bronsted acid sites while those at 1633 cm-1 is a Lewis acid sites representing protonated and coordinated pyridine, respectivelyItem DAYA SERAP SABUT KELAPA (Cocos nucifera) UNTUK REMEDIASI TEMBAGA, KOBAL, SIANIDA DAN KESADAHAN PADA AIR LINDI TPA MUARA FAJAR PEKANBARU(2013-03-07) Siswita, Liza; Abdullah, Chainulfiffah; Hanifah, T. AbuThe FWD (TPA) Muara Fajar is the final waste disposal for the city of Pekanbaru. It contains varied chemical elements that may raise environment pollution. It can be happened because the decomposed waste produces leachate. Leachate contents organic and inorganic compounds. The inorganic compounds that can be found in the leachate are like copper, cobalt, cyanide ions and total hardness. This study was conducted in order to know adsorption capacity of coconut fiber and coconut fiber charcoal to remove copper, cobalt, cyanide ions and total hardness from leachate of FWD Muara Fajar. Leachate sampling is done at the lechate inlet. The result showed that adsorption capacity of the coconut fiber for copper, cobalt, cyanide ions and total hardness are 0,12 mg/g, 0,011 mg/g, 0,2 mg/g and 272 mg/g, respectively. Whereas the adsorption capacity of coconut fiber charcoal for copper, cobalt, cyanide ions and total hardness are 0,123 mg/g, 0,0114 mg/g, 0,483 mg/g and 300,96 mg/g, respectively. The data was analized using statistical method (paired t test). The coconut fiber and coconut fiber charcoal show significant difference for removing copper and total hardness. The coconut fiber has significant different for removing cobalt whereas coconut fiber charcoal does not have significant difference for removing cobalt. Both of coconut fiber and coconut fiber charcoal for removing cyanide ions from leachate TPA Muara Fajar is not significantly differentItem SINTESIS DAN UJI TOKSISITAS BEBERAPA SENYAWA ANALOG PARA METOKSI KALKON(2013-03-07) Perdana, F.; Eryanti, Y.; Zamri, A.Chalcone is a very interesting compound because it is known to have various of biological activities such as antimicroba, antifungi, anesthetics, anticancer, antimalaria, antioxidance, antitumor and anti-inflammatory. Moreover, natural and synthetic compounds of chalcone have roles as precursors for other compounds. Therefore, many chalcones become model structures of target compounds by researcher. In this research, chalcone methoxy analogue compounds have been synthesized using stirer method and using base catalyst NaOH. The synthesized results obtained are (E)-3-(4- isopropylphenyl)-1-(4'-methoxyphenyl)prop-2-en-1-one (1), (E)-1-(4'-methoxyphenyl)- 3-p-tolylprop-2-en-1-one (2) and (E)-3-(3-bromophenyl)-1-(4'-methoxyphenyl)prop-2- en-1-one (3). The purity of all compounds have been tested using TLC, melting point test, analytical HPLC. Then they are characterized using UV, FTIR, 1H-NMR and MS spectroscopy. The toxicity test of the novel compounds was done by Brine Shrimp Lethality Test (BSLT) method. The all compounds showed very good activity with LC50 value < 200 μg/mLItem KESETIMBANGAN ADSORPSI Pb(II) PADA LEMPUNG ALAM DESA TALANAI KABUPATEN KAMPAR(2013-03-07) Yuwanti, Riha; Erman; NurhayatiHeavy metal removal into environment causes serious of soil, endangering the quality of water and natural resources used for human consumption, therefore need to be a way to reduce the heavy metal by adsorption method. Adsorbent are used commonly activated carbon, clay, seaweed and marine algae. This study used natural clay as an adsorbent from Talanai village due to easily available, inexpensive, and has a high enough capacity to redeem the levels of heavy metal ions. Natural clays are heated 105oC used to adsorb Pb metal by the influence of contact time, concentration, temperature, weight of adsorbent and pH in order to study the adsorption equilibrium of natural clay. The method for the adsorption is batch method, in which adsorbate is mixed with an adsorbent and then filtrate was separated by centrifuge. Then the filtrate was directly analyzed by SSA. The results showed that the optimum contact time obtained is 15 minutes, the concentration of 20 ppm, a temperature of 60oC, weight of 1 g and a pH optimum adsorption at pH 6. Adsorption equilibrium models can be represented by the Langmuir equilibrium model of the value of R2 is 0.999. Adsorption type used in this study is physical adsorption (fisisorpsi) which is characterized by a low value of ΔH and positive that is 6.254 kJ / mol and ΔS = 12.35 J / mol K. ΔH is positive that indicates that the reaction is endothermic. ΔG also is positive the value is 2.511 kJ / mol, can be concluded that the reaction is not spontaneousItem Optimalisasi Komposisi Media dan Konsentrasi Sumber Karbon Produksi Enzim Selulase Bakteri Selulolitik Strain Lokal S-16 dan S-22(2013-03-07) Rahmi, F. L.; Dahliaty, A.; Devi, S.Isolates of S-16 and S-22 are some of the local strains producing cellulases that have been isolated from the Siak River water. Cellulase enzyme can be degrades of cellulose waste containing that enable for the processing of waste to economically priced products such as glucose. In this research, optimization of the composition production of cellulase enzymes from isolates of S-16 and S-22 with a variety of media production and concentration of carbon source production. The quantitative assay for enzyme activity was determined by Nelson Somogyi method with carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) as a substrate. The highest cellulase enzyme activity of S-16 obtained in a media production (KH2PO4; MgSO4.7H2O; NaNO3; CaCl2; NaCl; CMC) of 88x10-3 U/mL, and the optimum concentration of source of carbon at 1% obtained for 42x10-3 U/mL, whereas of S-22 obtained in a media production (KH2PO4; MgSO4.7H2O; FeSO4.7H2O; NaNO3; KCl; CMC) of 14x10-3 U/mL, and the optimum carboxymethil Cellulosa concentration of sources of carbon at 1% obtained for 16x10-3 U/mL. Comparison of cellulase enzyme activity of isolate S-16 and S-22 by using Duncan test multiple range at level 5%Item PENGARUH ION LOGAM TEMBAGA (Cu+2) TERHADAP DAYA ADSORPSI BIRNESSITE SINTESIS(2013-03-07) Irmawati; Awaluddin, Amir; Sophia, HalidaHeavy metals can cause serious environmental problem such as the detereatom of water quality and natural resources, therefore there should be a way to reduce them. The effect of heavy metals on environment requires immedate solution, thus minimizing the adverse effect that may arise. The adsorption method in this study, the synthetic birnessites have been applied to reduce the Cu2+ ion concentration from the synthetic solution. To optimize the adsorption, processes of several parameter adsorptions, such contact time, concentration of solution have been investigated using batch method. The concentration of Cu2+ ions adsorped in the birnessite was monitored by atomic adsorption spectroscopy (AAS). The result showed that the optimum conditions for birnessite adsorption for Cu2+ ions are 10 minute for contact time, concentration 8,0913 mg/L with adsorption percentages 98%, at 600C and pH 6. The process of adsorption Cu2+ ions on birnessite follows the Freundlich isotherm types. The adsorption is physical adsorption (physichsorps) characterized with the value of ΔH positive that is 18,053 kJ/mol and ∆S of 74,2606 J/molK. The ΔH positive value indicated that the reaction is endothermic with ΔG negative (-4,448 kJ/mol), so if can be concluded the reaction is spontaneousItem SINTESIS DUA ANALOG 4’-BROMO CALKON MELALUI KONDENSASI ALDOL DAN UJI ANTIOKSIDAN METODE FERI TIOSIANAT(2013-03-07) Maharani; Yuharmen; Eryanti, Y.Chalcons are precursors of open chain flavonoids and isoflavonoids present in edible plants. Their derivatives have become attention for researchers because of their potentioal pharmacological effects. In finding of new efficient antioxidant compounds, substituted-chalcones have been synthesized by condensing benzaldehyde derivatives with 4’-bromoacetophenone in conventional method at room temperature based on Claisen-Schmidt condensation on alkali condition. The structures of the compounds were characterized by using infra red and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. In terms of antioxidant activity by using ferric thiocyanate (FTC) method, the compounds showed moderate antioxidant activityItem PEMANFAATAN ZEOLIT A DARI ABU LAYANG PADA PROSES PENGOLAHAN MINYAK MENTAH MENJADI MINYAK PELUMAS DARI SUMUR MINYAK LANGGAK, RIAU(2013-03-08) Silviana, Tri Siska; Tamboesai, Emrizal M.; Anita, SofiaThe aims of this research is to get a base oil (n-paraffins) of crude oil from oil field Langgak, Riau which includes heavy crude oil types. Langgak crude oil contains fraction of saturat, aromat and residue. Base oil is the raw material oil derived from crude oil. Not all of the crude oil can be processed into base oil. Only the crude oil of the type n-paraffins produces base oil. But this crude oil is very limited in earth crust. In this research, fractionation of Langgak crude oil was conducted using stationary phase active silica and n-hexane as a solvent to separate the fractions of saturate. Then, fraction of saturate crude oil were analyzed by gas chromatography (GC). The fraction of saturate crude oil was fractionated using zeolite A which aim to get crude oil n- paraffins type. The results of fractionation using zeolite A were analyzed by gas chromatography (GC). From the results of the chromatogram fractionation using activated silica the active silica can be seen capable of filtering the carbon atom to C-29 of fractions saturat crude oil. Whereas, the results of the chromatogram molecular sieve using zeolite A was indicated the existence of the fraction saturat retained on the zeolite A, until zeolite A number carbon atoms were reduced 26. Zeolite A separates crude oil from the type of n-paraffin which another fractions of Langgak crude oil, which has an average efficiency of 72.39%. Moreover Langgak crude oil in the ratio pr / ph of 2.28 indicates that it is from the source rock samples from lakes and freshwater transitions (lacustrin)Item ANALISIS KANDUNGAN FENOLIK, VITAMIN C, DAN AKTIVITAS ANTIOKSIDAN DARI BAYAM HIJAU (Amaranthus hybridus) YANG DITANAM SECARA ORGANIK(2013-03-08) Naspera, R. L.; Abdullah, C.; Jose, C.Green spinach (Amaranthus hybridus) has a secondary metabolite like phenolic, flavonoid, and vitamin C that has antioxidant capability. This research was conducted with aim to determine total phenolic content, total flavonoid, vitamin C, and antioxidant activity in organically and conventionally grown green spinach. The antioxidant activity was analyzed using Ferric Thiocyanate (FTC), 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), and NO radical scavenging activity method. The organic green spinach was grown with five treatments and control (just water) as biocontrol. The treatments are EM5, mixture EM5 and garlic, and fermented plant extract (FPE) from rumput paitan (Paspalum Conjugatum Berg.), babadotan (Ageratum mconyzoides L.), and spices. The highest total phenolic (0,940 mg GAE/g) and total flavonoid content (0,773 mg QE/g) were found in green spinach that treated with rumput paitan FPE and had significant difference (P<0,05) with other treatment. Similar result was showed in antioxidant activity (76,319%) with FTC method. Vitamin C content of green spinach with rumput paitan FPE treatment is higher than other treatment but no significant difference with EM5 and garlic mixture (65,556 mg AAE/g) and babadotan FPE treatment (63,333 mg AAE/g). The best IC50 by DPPH method is showed in rumput paitan treated green spinach (11,063 mg/mL) but no significant difference with babadotan FPE (13,183 mg/mL). Green spinach with rumput paitan treatment also has the best IC50 (28,196 mg/mL) in NO radical scavenging activity method but no significant difference with spices FPE (31,871 mg/mL). In conclusion, green spinach with rumput paitan FPE gives the best value of total phenolic, total flavonoid, vitamin C, and antioxidant activityItem KINETIKA ADSORPSI KATION Pb(II) OLEH LEMPUNG ALAM DESA TALANAI YANG DIAKTIVASI SECARA FISIKA(2013-03-08) S., Rianova; Nurhayati; ErmanClay is a natural inorganic polymer this has aluminosilicate hydrate form. It is widely known as the fraction of fine colloids (± 2 μm) of soil, sediment or rock. If the clay absorbs water, it is like a plastic form and instead will harden if dehydrated. Clay can be used as an absorber of heavy metals present in the aquatic environment and solid waste, such as Pb which is toxic for humans and animals. There are many method that have been developed to reduce the concentration of Pb ions in the environment, one of which is through adsorption method. This research has been done to study adsorption kinetics of metal ion Pb2+ on natural and modified clay. This natural clay is physically activated. This research was conducted with various concentration of Pb2+, adsorption temperature, and contact time respectively. Analysis is performed using the Atomic Absorption Spectrophometry method. The result showed that the optimum for the absorption at initial concentration 7.8658 mg/L (L0 and L1) and temperature 30oC. The adsorption mechanism of Pb(II) cation-Talanai clay follows the pseudo second-order kinetic with the maximum uptake time for L0 is 120 minutes and L1 is 300 minutesItem PENGARUH KESETIMBANGAN ADSORPSI MANGAN OKSIDA BIRNESSITE TERHADAP ION LOGAM Pb(II)(2013-03-08) Pratiwi, W.; Awaluddin, A.; Tamboesai, E. M.Lead is one of the non-essential heavy metals which is toxic to environment. If accumulated beyond the threshold value, this metal ions may cause problems for the survival of organisms and the environment. One effort developed to reduce levels of Pb metal ions in the environment is through adsorption method. In this study, the adsorbent used is birnessite with has been synthesized using the ceramic method (Astria, 2012). Birnessite has been proven to be useful in reducing heavy metals found in the environment as well as solid waste waters. This can occur because the birnessite can exchange cations in its frameworks with cations in solution. The objective of this research is to study the adsorption capacity and adsorption equilibrium birnessite towards metal ions Pb(II). The effect of time, concentration, temperature and pH on the adsorption of Pb in the birnessite has also been studied. The result showed that the maximum adsorption of Pb in birnessite is 95% with the condition at the contact time of 5 minutes, concentration adsorption capacity of 95,30 %, temperature of 60°C, and pH 6. The process of adsorption in birnessite follows Freundlich isotherm types. Adsorption type used in this study is physical adsorption (fisisorpsi) which is characterized by a low value of ΔH (+1.678 kJ/mol) which indicates the reaction is endothermic. The value of Gibbs free energy (ΔG) is positive, ie 0.399 kJ/mol and can be concluded that reaction was not spontaneousItem DAYA SERAP AMPAS TEBU UNTUK REMEDIASI MAGNESIUM, MANGAN, SENG DAN NITRAT PADA AIR LINDI TPA MUARA FAJAR PEKANBARU(2013-03-08) Rinawanti; Anita, S.; ItnawitaSugar-cane bagasse an agricultural product, contains of cellulose 37,65%. Cellulose represent a compound which can be applied as adsorben. The effectiveness of sugarcane bagasse was applied to remove magnesium (Mg), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn) and nitrate (NO3-) ions from leachate in TPA Muara Fajar Pekanbaru, in comparison of bagasse and bagasse charcoal. The adsorption of batch system was investigated to remove Mg, Mn, Zn and nitrate ions from leachate. The Results of this research indicated that bagasse and bagasse charcoal have adsorption capacity maximum of magnesium 0,159 mg/g and 0,201 mg/g, manganese 0,096 mg/g and 0,128 mg/g, zinc 0,082 mg/g and 0,116 mg/g, nitrate ions 0,003 mg/g and 0,023 mg/g. Using statistical method (paired samples test t) itnshows that bagasse and bagasse charcoal have significant capacity to remove of Mg, Mn, and Zn from leachate but does not have significant capacity to remove NO3- ions from leachate in TPA Muara Fajar PekanbaruItem SINTESIS DAN KARAKTERISASI MANGAN OKSIDA TIPE BIRNESSITE DENGAN PENGGUNAAN REDUKTOR ASAM FUMARAT MELALUI METODE KERAMIK(2013-03-08) Lismawati, Linda; Awaluddin, Amir; Tamboesai, Emrizal M.Manganes oxide has structures such as layered, tunnel, and amorphous. Birnessite is a mangane oxide with layered structure. Birnessite has never been found in a pure form in nature. The pure birnessite can be obtained by synthesis in laboratory. In this research, birnessite is synthesized from solids of KMnO4 and fumaric acid using ceramic method. The typical synthesized of birnessite can be carried out by varying mol ratio, temperature, and calcination time of reactants. The products are then characterized by XRD for purity and crystalinity, SEM for morphology and particle size, AAS for chemical composition, and IR for functional group and acidity. The XRD results showed that the number of mol ratio of oxidating agent KMnO4 over reducing agent fumaric acid strongly influenced by the formed manganese oxide phase. An increase in time and temperature of calcination also affects the crystalinity and purity. The optimum conditions of reaction production of improved crystalinity and purity are 3:1 for mol ratio of KMnO4 to fumaric acid, 700 0C for calcination temperature and 7 hours for reaction time. The formation of birnessite is also supported by the presence of 520 cm-1 peak characteristics for birnessite. The synthesized birnessite has surface area between 0.1951 m2/gr and 0.9596 m2/gr with plate-like appreances in which K and Mn contents are 22% and 60%, respectively