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Item Model Pembinaan Petani Perkebunan Karet Rakyat Berkelanjutan Di Provinsi Riau(wahyu sari yeni, 2018-01-09) Nurhamlin, NurhamlinKaret alam memiliki peranan penting dalam kehidupan manusia. Tanaman karet selain pelestari fungsi lingkungan hidup (penghasil karbon, konservasi tanah dan air, dan habitat satwa) juga memberikan nilai tambah secara sosial ekonomi kepada masyarakat pedesaan sebagai sumber mata pencaharian dan sumber pendapatan. Namun pada dekade terakhir ini harga karet alam di pasar internasional mengalami kemorosotan yang sangat signifikan, yang mengakibatkan petani karet hidup dalam keadaan miskin. Banyak program pembangunan yang dilakukan pemerintah RI untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan petani karet namun belum memberikan hasil yang optimal. Berdasarkan hasil analisis Multi Dimensional Scaling (MDS) indeks keberlanjutan ekologi (52,95%), keberlanjutan teknologi (62,35%), keberlanjutan ekonomi (60,18%), keberlanjutan sosial (53,62%) dan keberlanjutan kelembagaan (20,73%). Penataan kelembangan petani karet diharapkan mampu meningkatkan pemberdayaan kepada petani karet sehingga memiliki daya saing yang tinggi yang pada akhirnya akan meningkatkan kesejahteraannya secara berkelanjutan di masa yang akan datang.Item Partisipasi Masyarakat Dalam Penetapan Hak Ulayat Di Daerah Aliran Sungai Singingi(wahyu sari yeni, 2018-01-09) Yusri, Ali; Adlin, Adlin; Handoko, TitoThis study aims to find the problem of weak community participation and the commitment of local governments in establishing customary rights along the singingi river basin in the form of regional regulations in accordance with the mandate of the 35th constitutional court ruling in 2015. The study uses a qualitative approach by interviewing informants from the ancestors of customary land, the local government of Kuantan Singingi district and Riau Malay Customary institutions in Singingi and Singingi Hilir sub-districts. The results of the study show that there are inhibiting factors from the community side in participating in policy making regarding the communal land, namely the apathy attitude; Lack of Knowledge and Understanding of the Community; Strong and entrenched Peternalistic culture; There is no reward (follow-up) for community participation; Poor community responsibility; Community Does not know the mechanism of channeling aspirations; Limited public access to information; The lack of support from community elements that should empower the community such as NGOs and mass media. In addition there are also obstacles from the bureaucratic side, namely: a bureaucratic system that has not given space to the public, tend to reject community involvement under the pretext of high cost, lack of understanding of the bureaucrats about the meaning of participation fundamentallyItem Kaji Eksperimental Pembangkit Listrik Pikohidro Pada Daerah Aliran Sungai Sebagai Sumber Energi Berkelanjutan(wahyu sari yeni, 2018-07-19) Septe, Edi; Marthiana, Wenny; Aditya, Ezra; Suryadimal, Suryadimal; Pratama, YogaA picohydro power plant is one of renewable energy solusion which could be utilized by watershed people, as a low cost sustainable power plant. The turbine type that could be apply by utilize the low of water flow capacity and water high fall is thread turbine. More over the thread turbine could be simply manufacturing and low maintainance and operational cost. This research objectives are to find out the torsion force value and turbine shaft rotation which could be generated by 5 blades thread turbine using variation on inclination shaft and water flow discharge. This thread turbine with 76 mm inside diameter and 120 mm outside diameter, 200 mm pitch design was tested in Lubuk Minturun River, Padang, West Sumatera with testing variables are 30o and 45o turbine shaft inclination angel and 0.01633 m3/s through 0,01824 m3/s water flow discharge variation. The research result are : the highest turbine torsional force is 1,88 Nm and 601 rpm shaft rotation were gained at 0,01824 m3/s water flow discharge and 30° of turbine shaft inclination angel. By that research, it was estimate that 118,25 watt turbine power could be gained with 88,23% in efficiency, in which by that electrical power value it could be utilized as sustainable power plant by surround community hopefullyItem Pengembangan Model Peramalan Inflow Waduk Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Air Kotopanjang Menggunakan Pendekatan Anfis(wahyu sari yeni, 2018-08-19) Suprayogi, Imam; Nurdin, Nurdin; Handayani, Yohanna Lilis; Utami, RiaPrediksi inflow adalah sebuah kunci dalam perencanaan komponen, desain, operasi, pengembangan dan pemeliharaan Sumber Daya Air (SDA) yang tersedia. Model prediksi inflow memiliki banyak manfaat dalam aplikasi SDA seperti pengendali banjir, mencegah kekeringan dan mengoptimalkan operasi waduk untuk keberlanjutan sistem Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Air (PLTA). Tujuan utama penelitian adalah mengembangkan model untuk memprediksi inflow rata-rata harian pada Waduk PLTA Koto Panjang serta menguji keandalan model untuk dapat diterapkan di lapangan. Metode pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini mengunakan metode yang dikembangkan oleh Roger Jang pada tahun 1993 dari Departemen Teknik Listrik dan Ilmu Komputer dari Universitas California, Amerika Serikat dengan melakukan pola penggabungan komponen Soft computing antara Fuzzy Logic dan Artificial Neural Network (ANN) yang lazim disebut algoritma Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS). Data yang dipergunakan untuk mengembangkan model prediksi inflow waduk PLTA Kotopanjang adalah data yang bersumber dari pencatatan data debit runtun waktu dari tahun 2007 – 2012 yang telah dilakukan oleh PT.PLN (Persero) KIT Sumbagut Sektor KIT Pekanbaru unit PLTA Kotopanjang. Komposisi data debit runtun waktu dari tahun 2007- 2010 sebanyak 70% untuk proses training data sedangkan 30% data debit untuk proses testing data. Selanjutnya data tahun 2011 dipergunakan untuk membangun model dan data debit runtun waktu tahun 2012 untuk proses prediksi data inflow waduk PLTA Kotopanjang. Hasil utama penelitian membuktikan bahwa hasil prediksi inflow Waduk PLTA Koto Panjang pada tahun 2012 menggunakan pendekatan algoritma ANFIS dengan nilai RMSE dan koefisien korelasi ( r ) berturut-turut sebesar 90 dan 0.64.Item Politik Pengelolaan Das Di Riau: Negara Harus Kuat(wahyu sari yeni, 2018-08-19) Anwar, Khairul; Harto, SyafriMakalah ini bertujuan menjelaskan pola interaksi aktor dalam situasi konflik di DAS Siak dengan mengambil contoh kasus kampong Dosan. Metode yang digunakan adalah mengidentifikasi; (1)Siapa saja aktor yang terkait dalam pengelolaan DAS dan apa kepentingannya? (2) Apa preferensi politik para aktor lokal dan,(3) Bagaimanakah cara para aktor mengorganisir diri dan berkoalisi dengan kelompok-kelompok sosial? Penelitian ini bersandarkan model teori negara developmentalis (developmental state). Hasil penelitian ini adalah berupa model politik sinergi kelompok yang diaplikasikan ke DAS Siak. Model ini memiliki empat elemen pokok yaitu aktor,kepentingan,basis sosial, dan sumberdaya. Keempat unsur tersebut mensinergikan para pelaku pemerintah,masyarakat dan pelaku bisnis ke dalam tiga tahapan proses kebijakan yaitu A.isu kebijakan.B. Masalah kebijakan. C. Kebijakan sektor publik. Implementasikan model sinergi kelompok di DAS Siak ditentukan oleh beberapa faktor adalah sebagai berikut: (1) faktor eksternal berupa kebijakan ekonomi pusat dan Daerah bidang kehutanan dan perkebunan,pertanahan dan industri. (2) Faktor internal dari kampung Dosan meliputi para aktor Dosan, Kepntingan aktor, pengetahuan sosial masyarakat,kapasitas teknokratik dan kapasitas politik pemimpin Daerah. Strategi yang efektif adalah langkah yang memadukan antara kapasitas teknoratik dan kapasitas politik; (3) faktor eksternal dan internal masyarakat memnentukan penerapan model konteks pengelolaan DAS dalam situasi konflik DAS SiakItem Pengembangan Sungai Muara Bangkahulu Untuk Kegiatan Pariwisata(wahyu sari yeni, 2018-08-19) Yunita, MirnaTujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk merumuskan alternatif strategi pengembangansungai muara bangkahulu menjadi objek wisata yang menarik dikunjungi wisatawan. Sungai Muara Bangkahulu memiliki potensi yang besar dalam menyumbangkan PAD bagi kota bengkulu karena letaknya yang berdekatan dengan pantai kualo dan di pingggiran sungai ini terdapat jembatan dan monumen peresmian jembatan pantai kualo yang dijadikan tempat berkumpul muda-mudi dan kegiatan promosi produk kebutuhan sehari-hari masyarakat. Jenis penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptip kualitatif yang dilakukan pada Dinas Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan Kota Bengkulu, masyarakat dan wisatawan. Penentuan informan dilakukan secara Purposive Sumpling. Tenik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Dan untuk merumuskan alternatif strategi dilakukan dengan menganalisis data melalui analisis SWOT (Strenght, weakness, oppurtunity dan threat). Data diperoleh melalui wawancara. Hasil analisis SWOT dapat dirumuskan alternatif strategi untuk pengembangan sungai muara bangkahulu: 1) memadukan objek wisata pantai kualo dengan aktivitas wisata sungai muara bagkahulu menjadi satu atraksi wisata yang menarik; 2) melakukan kerjasam dengan pihak swasta untuk pengembangan objek wisata; 3) meningkatkan kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia dilingkungan Dinas Pariwisata Kota Bengkulu; 4) membangun fasilitas pendukung atraksi sungai muarabangkahulu; membanggun sarana prasarana pendukung disekitar objek wisata; 5) membuat peraturan dan sanksi tegas kepada pihak yang dapat menyebabkan kerusakan sungai; 6) melakukan pemberdayaan kepada masyarakat mengenai sadar wissata; 7) menerapkan dan meningkatkan koordinasi dengan Stakeholder.Item Model Dinamik Pertumbuhan Penduduk Dan Kualitas Lingkungan Di Kota Padang, Provinsi Sumatera Barat(wahyu sari yeni, 2018-08-19) Dewata, Indang; Umar, IswandiJumlah penduduk yang banyak merupkan masalah utama di banyak negara berkembang. Pertumbuhan penduduk yang tinggi berdampak terhadap kualitas lingkungan. Tujuan penelitian ini mengambarkan permodelan dinamis dan dampak pertumbuhan penduduk terhadap kualitas lingkungan di Kota Padang. Metode yang digunakan dalam permodelan dinamik adalah pendekatan sistem dengan menggunakan software powersim 10. Kota Padang memiliki angka pertumbuhan penduduk sekitar 1,3 persen/tahun pada periode 2000-2016, dan diperkirakan pada tahun 2050 jumlah penduduk meningkat menjadi 951.071 jiwa. Jumlah sampah yang diproduksi setiap tahun sebanyak 2.376 ton/tahun, dan akan meningkat menjadi 2.378 pada tahun 2050. Oleh karena itu, maka perlu adanya peran pemerintah dalam mengontrol pertumbuhan penduduk dan memperbaiki kualitas lingkungan.Item Analisis Perilaku Masyarakat Dalam Membuang Sampah Rumah Tangga Disungai Muaro Penyalinan Kota Padang(wahyu sari yeni, 2018-08-19) Handayuni, Linda; Anshari, Luthfil Hadi; Syah, NurhasanGarbage has become a national and global problem, not just local. Garbage problems arise with an increase in waste generation of 2-4% per year, but not offset by support facilities and infrastructure that meet the technical requirements so that a lot of waste that is not transported. The purpose of this study was to determine the behavior of people in removing household waste in Muaro river copying. The independent variables in this study are factors related to the behavior of the community in disposing of household waste in the river which includes: knowledge, education and attitude. The population in this study were residents residing in the vicinity of Muaro Penyalinan River, which is as many as 47 heads of families. From the result of the research, it is found that the knowledge of the respondents about household waste disposal is less than 72%, the respondent's education level is low by 55%, the negative attitude is 69%. The result of statistical test shows that between the knowledge of respondents with the behavior of househo ld waste disposal in the river obtained p = 0.0001 between the level of education with the behavior of household waste disposal in the river obtained p = 0.0005 between attitude with the behavior of household waste disposal in the River obtained p = 0.0001. Conclusion in this research is there is relationship between knowledge, education, and attitude with behavior of society to throw garbage in river Muaro Copying. Recommended suggestion for society around Muaro river Copying is to maintain cleanliness especially river, procurement of garbage bins. For the health center cadres should regularly conduct research on the proper disposal, waste treatment. For other researchers, should examine other factors related to community behavior in disposing of household waste in the riverItem Zona Rawan Longsor Pada Kawasan Permukiman Di Kabupaten Tanah Datar(wahyu sari yeni, 2018-08-19) Umar, Iswandi; Dewata, Indang; Barlian, Eri; Hermon, DediNatural disasters will bring harm to human life, and one of the efforts to minimize that is with disaster mitigation. Determination of landslide hazard zones in settlement areas is part of mitigation efforts in the sustainable use of land resources. The purpose of this study is to map the landslide hazard zone in the settlement area in Tanah Datar District. For the determination of landslide hazard zone, an overlay method is used by scoring technique using geographic information system (GIS). The analysis shows that Tanah Datar District has 35,6 percent of high landslide hazard areas, and about 38 percent of settlement areas are in high landslide hazard zonesItem Indigenous Knowledge of River Management on Society (Pattern Study of Intercultural Communication for Watershed Management in Bengkulu)(wahyu sari yeni, 2018-09-05) Hadiprashada, DhanursetoRiver management for communities around the river area in Bengkulu Province, has various problems in its utilization. Management activities of river area from indigenous cultural values sometimes was forget to effective communicated. Besides that, mining activities and the others of excessive forms the river exploitation are a separate issue for the preservation of river ecosystems. This is a very interesting phenomenon to be examined based on empirical functions for researchers. This study specifically wants to see the wisdom of the community in the pattern of communication that is done when facing the problems related to water resources especially the watershed (DAS). This paper is also dedicated to summarize the knowledge that communities and indigenous peoples have in managing the upstream streams and watersheds that are currently underway. The study was conducted using a participatory approach carried out with the community in managing and improving the watershed. The results in the study looked at some forms of communication patterns that are similar in maintaining the cultural wisdom of the community in managing the river flow but have different problems encountered. Effective Communication pattern can create a model transformation in natural resource management in intercultural communication strategies for surrounding communities and the general public.Item Peluang Dan Tantangan Perhutanan Sosial Di Sub Das Lematang : Kasus Di Hutan Penelitian Suban Jeriji, Sumatera(wahyu sari yeni, 2018-09-05) Winarno, BondanState forest in Indonesia is facing of tenurial issue that growing to be a complex situation to resolve. This paper highlights the opportunities and challenges of establishing social forestry in Suban Jeriji forest research, South Sumatra. Data are collected by survey using questionnaire, interview with key informants, and focus group discussion from April 2016 – October 2017. This research shows that almost all of the area in Suban Jeriji forest research has become rubber area occupied by local and outsider people for the last 10 years. The function of the forest change from seed production area into research forest occured in 2014 under the management of of Palembang Environment and Forestry Research Institute. Some of the people realize the status of the land is forest and they will open the commnication to find win-win solution to manage the forest land. Rubber is an established commodity for the people in the forest that potentially combine with other tree species and agriculture species in form of agroforestry. To design and impelement social forestry model in Suban Jeriji forest research,these are some challenges to deal with: (a) strengthening the concept in forest research management and budgetting related with social forestry; (b) capacity building of the research institution; (c) building network and institution with local community and other stakeholders; (d) analysis the options of social forestry model based on agroforestry commodities and market analysis. This forest potentially can be a field laboratory to build a role model of adaptive social forestry in South Sumatra.Item Multifungsi Lahan Sawah: Fungsi Lahan Sawah Dalam Mitigasi Erosi Dan Banjir(wahyu sari yeni, 2018-09-05) Darmawan, Darmawan; Rusman, Bujang; Aprisal, AprisalDespite the unfamiliar term “multifunctionality of agriculture” and the tremendous number of debates made over the past 10 years, multiple benefits from paddy rice farming in the Asian monsoon region are very significance due to the various inherent characteristics of paddy rice in this region. They were identified as rural vitalization, social security, nature and environmental preservations, and social and cultural functions. As studies estimating the monetary value of nature and environmental functions in Korea and Japan revealed, the economic value of multifunctionality from paddy rice farming reached to 70∼150% of total annual rice production cost of each country, and would have been even higher, had other functions been included. High rainfall amount and intensity cause recurrent floods in the lower basins where Koto Panjang dam located. Flood intensity and frequency have been increasing with time as characterized by increasing peak flow and annual runoff coefficient (ratio of total river flow to total rainfall), despite similar annual rainfall over time. Rapid land use changes from forest to agriculture and from agriculture to urban and industrial development reduce watershed capacity to hold water and thus increase the threats to flooding in the downstream areas. In this paper, discussion focused on the role of sawah flood and erosion mitigation functionItem Sumur Resapan Pada Lahan Terbangun Sebagai Solusi Dalam Pengelolaan Limpasan Das Terpadu(wahyu sari yeni, 2018-09-05) Azizah, Cut; Satriawan, Halus; Farida, FaridaThis paper is a review about infiltration wells as one of technology based approach in water and land conservation on watershed management. Infiltration wells is a building construction for enhanced infiltration in urban area which provided artificial water by injecting rainwater into the soil. Increasing of infiltration volume will reduce runoff volume which is part of the rainfall that flows above the ground to the rivers, lakes and oceans. In the integrated watershed management that runoff is one indicator for a good watershed management called coefficient of runoff (C). The coefficient C is the ratio between the volume of runoff to rain intensity. The increasing of urban area, it will enhanced the value of coefficient C close to the value of 1 where most of the rain intensity becomes runoff. It is expected that with the infiltration wells in urban area then the volume of rainfall will be infiltrated more so that the volume of runoff will reduced.Item Karakteristik Biofisik Dan Daya Dukung Das Kampar Hulu Dan Upaya Pengelolaannya Untuk Keberlanjutan Waduk Plta Koto Panjang(wahyu sari yeni, 2018-09-05) Rusman, Bujang; Aprisal, AprisalDaya dukung hulu DAS Kampar semakin memburuk akibat terjadinya penurunan penutupan hutan secara signifikan dan meningkatnya luas ladang gambir serta diabaikannya teknik konservasi tanah dalam budidaya pertanian pada lahan miring sehingga menyebabkan terjadinya degradasi lahan. Tujuan kajian adalah mengidentifikasi kondisi biofisik dan daya dukung hulu DAS Kampar dan sejauh mana dampaknya terhadap kecukupan pasokan air ke waduk PLTA Koto Panjang. Identifikasi kondisi biofisik dengan analisis peta citra landsat skala 1:50.000 di lakukan pada hulu DAS Kampar yang sungainya mengalir ke Waduk PLTA Koto Panjang. Metode analisis berupa document revieu dan kajian biofisik wilayah terhadap peta-peta citra satelit serta mengumpulkan data luasan lahan kritis, iklim dan tata air. Indikasi degradasi hutan dan lahan hulu DAS Kampar menunjukkan bahwa semakin meluasnya lahan kritis, erodibilitas tanah makin tinggi dan laju erosi telah melebihi nilai ETOL dan KRS makin meningkat selama 10-15 tahun tahun terakhir ini, sehingga upaya RHL akan sia-sia dilaksanakan kalau faktor penyebab degradasi hutan dan lahan dibiarkan berjalan terus, sehingga akan mengancam fungsi dan keberlajutan waduk PLTA Koto Panjang. Analisa citra landsat ETM 7 tahun 2010,menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan lahan pada sub-DAS Mahat berupa hutan, kebun campuran, semak belukar, ladang gambir/sawit, sawah dan pemukiman, dimana luas tutupan hutan makin berkurang 23% (1999-2010), kebun campuran meningkat 27% dan dampaknya meningkatnya nilai KRS batang Mahat.Item Faktor Fisika Dan Kimia Yang Memengaruhi Kehidupan Organisme Di Sungai Subayang(wahyu sari yeni, 2018-09-05) Darmadi, Darmadi; Trisnawati, DelfiPenelitian ini dilaksanakan di Sungai Subayang yang berada di Kecamatan Kampar Kiri Hulu Kabupaten Kampar Provinsi Riau. Kawasan tersebut dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat setempat sebagai daerah tangkapan air (catchment area). Aktivitas tersebut secara tidak langsung akan berpengaruh terhadap kehidupan organisme yang ada di sungai Subayang seperti Plankton, Bentos, dan Nekton. Hal ini dapat menurunkan stabilitas ekosistem di Sungai Subayang tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor fisika kimia yang memengaruhi kehidupan organisme di Sungai Subayang. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengukur kualitas air dalam studi ini ditentukan melalui kondisi fisika kimia air. Pengukuran dan sampel air diambil pada 3 titik desa yang terdapat di sepanjang Sungai Subayang yaitu Desa Gema, Desa Tanjung Belit, dan Desa Batu Sanggan. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi data primer dan data sekunder. Data primer diperoleh dari hasil pengukuran langsung di lapangan dan hasil analisis laboratorium. Sedangkan data sekunder diperoleh dari laporan penelitian, jurnal dan dari berbagai instansi pemerintah maupun swasta. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan terlihat bahwa sebagian besar parameter yang diukur masih berada dalam rentang baku mutu sesuai PP No.82 tahun 2001, kecuali untuk BOD, COD, amonia, sulfit, dan coliform. Berdasarkan indeks keanekaragaman plankton dan bentos dapat diketahui bahwa kondisi kualitas perairan Sungai Subayang secara umum cukup baik dengan kategori tercemar ringan (indeks keanekaragaman berkisar 2,000-3,000).Item Optimasi Penggunaan Lahan Pada Sub Das Masang Besar Pada Das Masang Untuk Mengurangi Laju Aliran Permukaan, Erosi, Dan Sedimen(wahyu sari yeni, 2018-09-05) Aprisal, Aprisal; Rusman, Bujang; Darmawan, DarmawanWatershed (DAS) is rainwater catchment area that need to be managed properly so the interactions between components in the watershed system are positively synergized. If mismanagement happens, there will be negative interaction that will impact to the flood disaster, erosion and silting of the river. The purpose of this research is to find optimal the land use direction to reduce volume of surface run off, erosion and sediment in sub-Watershed of Masang Besar in Masang Watershed in Agam Regency, West Sumatera. The method that has been used is land survey to take the soil sample and ground check to the field and followed by analysis of soil samples in Andalas University soil laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture. Soil samples were taken in purposive random sampling from the land unit, for representative sample. Whereas the rainfall and river discharge data was taken from related institution, which from the Water Resources Management Office.The Surface run off data was analyzed by soil conservation service (SCS) model, soil erosion analyzed by USLE model and sediment by using sediment delivey ratio (SDR) model. Monthly surface run off data, erosion and sediments are the coefficeient index in linear programming (LGP) model to determine the land use optimization. The results showed that the volume of surface run off in the Masang Besar sub-Watershed is highest found in mixed garden land use, which is 0.001239 m3 / ha / s. The lowest erosion rate occurs in forest land. The amount of erosion is 1.78-11.92 t / ha / yr and this erosion is lower than the tolerated erosion which is 29.33 t / ha / yr. The optimal land use pattern scenario refers to the Agricultural Minister's regulation No.837 / Kpts / Um / 1980, about 30 percent of forest land availability in the Watershed area, can suppress surface run off 66.59 m3 / s. Whereas the erosion and sediment can be pressed accordingg to the target or the limit of tolerance.Item Faktor-Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Kebiasaan Buang Air Besar Sembarangan Di Wilayah Kerja Uptd Puskesmas Kampar Kiri Hulu Ii Kabupaten Kampar Tahun 2016(wahyu sari yeni, 2018-09-05) Alhidayati, Alhidayati; Yulianto, Beny; Nuraisyah, NuraisyahBuang air besar sembarangan kegiatan pencerminan perilaku (Open defecation di sembarang tempat. Berdasarkan data UPTD Puskesmas Kampar Kiri Hulu II terdapat 817 KK (3418 jiwa), jamban sehat permanen 165 sedangkan jamban sehat semi permanen 0, menumpang 683 jiwa, BABS 2570 jiwa . Tujuan penelitian ini untuk melihat faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kebiasaan Buang Air Besar Sembarangan di Wilayah Kerja UPTD Puskesmas Kampar Kiri Hulu II Kabupaten Kampar . Jenis Penelitian analitik kuantitatif, dengan desain cross sectional sampel 170 KK. Teknik pengambilan sampel dengan cara Proporsional Sampling, untuk dimasing desa mengunakan metode simple random sampling. Hasil penelitian diperoleh hubungan kepemilikan/akses jamban nilai OR = 231,148 dan p Value 0,000 < α (0,05), pendidikan nilai OR = 6,398 dan p Value 0,000 < α (0,05), pekerjaan nilai POR = 58,592 dan p Value 0,000 < α (0,05), pendapatan nilai OR = 3,034 dan p Value 0,001 < α (0,05), pengetahuan nilai OR = 184,333 dan p Value 0,000 < α (0,05), sikap nilai OR = 171,167 dan p Value 0,000 < α (0,05).Item Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Air Untuk Kelangsungan Penghidupan Masyarakat Di Sub Das Lematang, Provinsi Sumatera Selatan(wahyu sari yeni, 2018-09-05) Premono, Bambang Tejo; Lestari, SriThis research is focused on water management practices undertaken by upstream communities based on local knowledge and wisdom. Furthermore, the direct use of water benefit used for community livelihoods will be estimated. The research was conducted in Semendo Darat Ulu Subdistrict where the community holds a culture of traditional water management. The method used in this research is quantitative descriptive approach with observation and in-depth discussion on selected respondents. The calculation of water value was done by market value and production value approach. Water as a public good needs a fair and balanced protection and also regulation to meet the needs of the community. Water utilization by Semende community in the research location was intended for household consumption and productive activities for agricultural cultivation. The management of water allocation for household consumption was carried out by BP-SPAMS Luang Saladahan which regulates the use of water for each households. Moreover, the management of water resources that is called Siring Panjang was used for irrigating rice fields. Within the village community, there is an informal structure in water management conducted by Datuk Siring and Menteri Siring. Datuk Siring plays a role in the regulation, supervision and smoothness of agricultural irrigation. While Menteri Siring has a duty to help Datuk Pertanggam in repairing the irrigation channels. The values of direct benefits from water utilization in this region reached Rp3.197.305.000 per year. This number indicated that the value of water resources in this area was very high so that the water and the catchment area must be preserved.Item Analisis Status Kualitas Air Sungai Batang Arau, Propinsi Sumatera Barat Berdasarkan Indeks Pencemaran Dan NSF-WQI(wahyu sari yeni, 2018-09-05) Putri, Auwilla; Osronita, Osronita; Dewata, IndangThis study was conducted to determine water quality status and water quality index of Batang Arau River in Padang City, West Sumatera Province, Indonesia by using Pollution Index (PI) and NSF-WQI method. Water samples were collected from six stations along the main river and thirteen selected parameters were analyzed, namely: Temperature, Turbidity, total suspended solid, total dissolved solids, pH, dissolved oxygen, biological oxygen demand, ammonia, nitrates, nitrites, Total Phosphates, Fecal coliform and chemical oxygen demand. Based on the calculation, without including fecal coliform as a parameter, it is obtained that the water quality status in the upstream part, station 1 and 2, have a good water quality criteria (PI value 0.58 and 0.61). Meanwhile, the middle stream part, station 3 and 4, belong to a moderately polluted criteria (PI 5.97 and 5.65), and the downstream part, station 5 and 6, go into a polluted criteria (PI 5.97 and 5.65). The Water Quality Index shows a good category on stations 1, 2 and 3 (NSF-WQI values in the range 71.89-72.44), whereas at stations 4, 5 and 6 fall into a medium category (NSF-WQI value at 63.87-68.48). When fecal coliform is included, there is a decline of water quality status and index of Batang Arau River. The water quality status indicates a moderately polluted at station 1 (PI : 2.07) and polluted on station 2, 3, 4, 5 (PI value in range 5.63-6.06). The Water Quality Index shows medium category in all monitoring stations (NSF-WQI score in the range 54.65-63.32). It is expected that the research results can be used to improve the quality of Batang Arau River.Item Model Keterkaitan Dampak Pengembangan Kawasan Minapolitan Di Kecamatan Xiii Koto Kampar(wahyu sari yeni, 2018-09-05) Sari, Almaida; Dinata, Apriyan; Astuti, PujiThe District of XIII Koto Kampar designated as minapolitan area by the Minister of Marine and Fisheries, because its has potential in freshwater fish farming. The problems are slowly growth of economic activities, only providers of raw materials (fish), there is still a lack of infrastructure and public service facilities, and low level of human resources quality. This study aims to determine the impact of minapolitan area to social, economic, and institutional aspects. Sampling using 185 domestic fisheries population on pond fish farming with 126 sample. Data collection techniques by observation, questionnaires and interviews. The analysis technique used is descriptive analysis and multiple regression processing is performed with SPSS version 16. Impact of minapolitan area on the social aspect are the level of education and health, residence, unemployment, poverty, crime rates, security, the relationship between society and young people's behavior. The economic aspects is ownership of aquaculture and fish production, 126 respondents had 353 aquaculture in of 174.731 m2 total area. The institutional aspects, its has 10 groups of fish farming, the cooperative financial institutions and their training centers. Obtained multiple regression equation Y = 0.977 + 0.232 X1 + 0.655 X2 + 0,313 X3. Minapolitan area their positive impact on social aspects, economic aspects and institutional aspects is based on the results of which Fcount > Ftable (18,85 > 2,68). And the economic aspect is the positive impact of the most dominant with minapolitan area is based on test results tcount > ttable is 4,047 > 1,657.