Browsing by Author "Zulkarnaini, Zulkarnaini"
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Item ANALISIS USAHA PERIKANAN TANGKAP BERWAWASAN LINGKUNGAN DALAM MENDUKUNG KABUPATEN KARIMUN SEBAGAI KAWASAN FREE TRADE ZONE(2016-07-13) Yuliansyah, Hazmi; Filiatra, Filiatra; Sukendi, Sukendi; Zulkarnaini, ZulkarnainiSistem pengelolaan usaha dan penguasaan teknologi tepat guna yang masih lemah merupakan permasalahan perikanan tangkap yang paling banyak dijumpai di Kabupaten Karimun. Pengembangan usaha perikanan tangkap harus dapat memecahkan masalah tersebut dan meningkatkan posisi tawar Kabupaten Karimun di kawasan free trade zone. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis perkembangan usaha perikanan tangkap dan jenis usaha perikanan tangkap unggulan yang berwawasan lingkungan di Kabupaten Karimun. Metode yang digunakan terdiri dari metode deskriptif dan metode skoring. Jumlah usaha perikanan tangkap yang beroperasi di Kabupaten Karimun berfluktuasi setiap tahunnya. Jumlah tertinggi terjadi pada tahun 2010 yang mencapai 7021 unit, sedangkan jumlah terendah terjadi pada tahun 2012 yang mencapai 5301 unit. Usaha perikanan tangkap terpilih sebagai unggulan dan berwawasan lingkungan berturut-turut adalah gillnet (VA-Gab = 5,714), bubu ketam (VA-Gab = 5,593), rawai (VA-Gab = 5,576), jaring karau (VA-Gab = 5,506), togok (VA-Gab = 5,189), dan kelong (VA-Gab = 4,461).Item The Effect Of Personality And Reward On Work Burnout At The State High School Teachers In Tanah Putih Rokan Hilir(wahyu sari yeni, 2019-05-06) Harianti, Dona; Kartikowati, Rr Sri; Zulkarnaini, ZulkarnainiThis study aims to determine the effect of personality and rewards on job burnout of teachers at state high school in Tanah Putih Rokan Hilir, either simultaneously or partially. This survey research has 117 population which is then taken 91 persons as a sample, using random sampling technique. The data then is analyzed using regression analisys including, regression coefficient, and the coefficient of determination. Results showed that there are significant positive simultan personality and reward on job burnout amounted to 47,2% of teacher. While partially personality positive effect on job burnout amounted to 0,39% of teachers, and reward positive effect on job burnout of teachers by 45,9%. It can be concluded that the personality and reward jointly positive effect job burnout of state high school teachers in Tanah Putih Rokan Hilir.Item Evaluasi Kebisingan Lalu Lintas Di Kota Pekanbaru(wahyu sari yeni, 2018-07-13) Hasan, Indra; Erwin, Erwin; Zulkarnaini, Zulkarnaini; Isranuri, IsranuriNoise is unwanted sound that might be disturbing public life especially in urban area. Pekanbaru is one of big city in Indonesia. The rapid increase of economic growth will impact to the number of vehicles that cross over the roads. The purpose of this research is to study the phenomenon of traffic noise sourced by vehicle. The measurements were performed to the eight of main roads in Pekanbaru city. And the result showed the traffic noise which exceeded the threshold of public health. Preventive action should be conducted to mitigate the noise pollution.Item Implementasi Kebijakan Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Alam Berkelanjutan(2018-04-02) Zulkarnaini, Zulkarnaini; Mashur, DadangIndonesia is a country endowed by God of abundant natural resources. However, due to various consequences, mainly due to human actions and deeds, the natural wealth has experienced such severe degradation. If not immediately anticipated, then such conditions will have a wide impact on the deterioration of quality of human life. This study aims to identify and analyze problems in the legal system in Indonesia related to the protection and management of sustainable natural resources. This study uses a policy statute approach is an approach that is done by observing the legislation related to policy issues studied. The procedure of processing the materials through library research using the card system is to inventory legislation, textbooks, journals, and seminar results paper to obtain materials in accordance with the formulation of the issues to be discussed. The results show that implementation of sustainable natural resource management policies in Indonesia is hampered by limited political will and lack of collaboration between law enforcement agencies, as well as improper implementation of law enforcement procedures. There are also legal loopholes and inconsistencies that hinder successful prosecutions. Policy reforms, strengthening law enforcement agencies, enhancing intergovernmental collaboration, and building awareness of laws and regulations for the wider community, are important steps to address the threat of extinction of existing natural resourcesItem Kebijakan Pengelolaan Ekosistem Mangrove Berkelanjutan Di Kabupaten Bengkalis Provinsi Riau(wahyu sari yeni, 2019-01-03) Mashur, Dadang; Sujianto, Sujianto; Afrizal, Afrizal; Zulkarnaini, ZulkarnainiThe condition of mangrove forests in Bengkalis Regency is now very alarming, caused by the first due to natural factors namely abrasion caused by waves from the strait and secondly because human factors openly cleared mangrove forests by shrimp farming entrepreneurs who allegedly violated the rules and AMDAL and the exploitation mangrove wood that is cut down illegally for social and economic needs, such as the existence of a charcoal trading business, a shaky wood business, and a firewood business. Utilization and development activities in the Bengkalis Regency mangrove ecosystem continue to be carried out without regard to the concept of sustainable development, then Bengkalis Regency has the potential to lose all of its mangrove forests. For this reason, a forest management policy is needed that can truly guarantee the sustainability of mangrove forests so that future generations can enjoy the environmental services of this mangrove forest. At present there are six policies in the form of laws related to the management of mangrove ecosystems. Then each law has a derivative in the form of a Government Regulation (PP), the next policy is at the level of a particular ministry to implement or coordinate the implementation of the law. Damage starts from low, moderate to severe. This has caused the decline in biodiversity and environmental services of mangrove ecosystems due to changes in land function so as to increase disaster risk. Management of mangrove forests in Bengkalis Regency is currently directed to rehabilitation because of the large number of damaged areas so that if the activity is successful, it is expected to restore its ecological function to provide environmental services for the surrounding community and for communities outside the area. However, these rehabilitation activities cannot ignore economic and social issues related to the presence of the surrounding community.Item KOPERASI PERIKANAN KETERAMPILAN DAN FUNGSI MANAJERIAL(2018-01-10) Zulkarnaini, ZulkarnainiBuku yang berjudul “ Koperasi Perikanan “ ini disusun atas dasar keterbatasan literature yang ada di perpustakaan Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Universitas Riau Pekanbaru, terutama dalam bidang ilmu Ekonomi Koperasi. Keberadaan buku ini sangat membantu mahasiswa dalam mengikuti perkuliahan.Item MODEL DISTRIBUSI LIMBAH BOD5 TERSEBAR (NONPOINT SOURCE POLLUTION-BOD) DI PERAIRAN LAUT PULAU BULUH KOTA BATAM KEPULAUAN RIAU(Program Doktor Ilmu Lingkungan UNRI, 2019-11-16) Fahrullah, Haerizul; Zulkarnaini, Zulkarnaini; Syahril, SyahrilBackground and Purpose: The large number of shipyard industrial activities that stand around Buluh Island has the potential to pollute the waters of the island of Buluh so that it impacts on the catches of the reed island fishermen themselves. Some electronic media reported the impact felt by the fishermen of Buluh Island on the shipyard industry and farm of pig activities. This study aims to maintain the quality of the aquatic environment on Batam City's Buluh Island through the modeling of sources of scattered waste, so a study of non-point pollution is needed that has a direct impact on people's lives. Material and Methods: BOD parameters, in general are widely used to determine the level of waste water pollution. BOD measurement is a measurement of the amount of oxygen used by microorganisms in decomposing organic matter that is in a waters. Decomposition of organic matter involves various organisms and oxidation reactions occur with the end result of carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O). Oxidation reactions during the BOD examination are the result of biological activity and the reactions that take place are influenced by the population and temperature. This research was conducted in the Buluh Island area, Bulang District, Batam City, Riau Islands Province. This research was conducted in April - June 2019. The location of the study was Buluh Island, where there were many shipyards and pigs which were thought to be a source of waste distributed in the marine waters of the island of Batam City. Sampling is done based on the station (5 stations) that have been determined and measured in the laboratory and compared with the results of the model using equation 1. Results: Based on the results obtained at the five stations both for measurement results and modeling results (calculation results) BOD concentration values the highest is at station-3 and station-5 with values 16,978 and mg / L.17, 986 mg / L. This is because the station is the main source of waste in the farm of pigs and the location of the largest shipyard in the study area which has an impact on the decline in catches of Batam Island's Buluh fishermen. Conclusion: Based on the analysis conducted in this study, it can be concluded that by using the equation of the distribution model of scattered limbs and some physical parameters such as current speed, distance, coordinates and some water samples at each station, it is very easy to map the BOD-wide waste distribution model in Buluh Island waters. Batam City, Riau IslandsItem PELATIHAN PEMBUATAN MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN MENGGUNAKAN MICROSOFT POWER POINTUNTUK PARA GURU SD DI KECAMATAN TAPUNG KAB KAMPAR(2013-04-26) Harison,Harison; Sugiarto, Sigit; Zulkarnaini, Zulkarnaini; Muhammad, ImranPenggunaan media khususnya media komputer sangat membantu guru dalam menerangkan obyek suatu pelajaran. Akan teapi banyak sekali guru yang belum mengusai ataupun menyadari peranan komputer sebagai alat bantu dalam media pembelajaran, kebanyakan mereka tau bahwa komputer sangat berperan dalam kebutuhan kantor dan sistim administrasi, dari pengemabdian yang kami lkukan hasilnya cukup menarik para guru mulai menyadari bahwa komputer juga bias berperan dalam alat bantu dalam bidang pengajaran, dan membuat sendiri alat bantu lebih menyenangkan dibanding dengan menggunakan paket yang sudah ada.Item PEMBANGUNAN BERKELANJUTAN Teoritis dan Empiris(perpustakaan UR, 2020-12) Mayarni, Mayarni; Meiwanda, Geovani; Zulkarnaini, ZulkarnainiRealisasi pembangunan yang multi-dimensi memerlukan investasi fisik maupun non-fisik. Investasi yang terpenting adalah investasi dalam pembangunan sumber daya manusia. Sama halnya dengan investasi yang bersifat fisik, jalan, jembatan, bandar udara, pelabuhan irigasi dll, investasi sumber daya manusia mutlak dilakukan sejak awal dan di segala lini. Termasuk ke dalam investasi sumber daya manusia adalah yang bersifat meningkatkan kapasitas dan kapabilitasnya. Sumber daya manusia seringkali dikenal sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan modal manusia (human capital). Investasi modal manusia bersifat kumulatif, yang harus dipupuk sejak awal dan berlangsung terus menerus. Amartya Sen dalam berbagai tulisan dan pemikirannya menuangkan konsep pembangunan sumber daya manusia berbeda dengan pendekatan tradisional. Dalam pendekatan tradisional, sumber daya manusia dipandang sebatas salah satu input dalam faktor produksi, disamping modal dan sumber daya lainnya untuk meningkatkan perekonomian.Item PENCEGAHAN KEBAKARAN LAHAN GAMBUT MELALUI PENGUATAN HUKUM FORMAL TINGKAT DESA(2019-11) Zulkarnaini, Zulkarnaini; Lubis, Evawani ElysaThe condition of peatlands in several regions in Riau Province is quite alarming, because there are often repeated fires in the same place. The absence of solutions from the government and corporations that produce in the vicinity of the location of the fire made residents more oppressed as victims. Because of that, it was felt that initiation from the local community (village) was needed in the management of peatlands, which included water management, fire prevention and control, and protection of natural resources. The purpose of this paper is to focus on the need for initiation from local communities in peatland management in order to prevent fire outbreaks. The locus of research in villages prone to peatland fires on the coast of Bengkalis Regency. The results of the study revealed that although there were formal regulations in the national sphere regarding the management and protection of peatlands, their implementation had not yet reached the grassroots level. Therefore, in efforts to prevent fires, community participation in peatland management must be prioritized, especially in rural communities located in the target areas of restoration. The activity can be in the form of government and village community facilitation to develop regulations that can be used to support peat restoration in the village area, especially related to fire prevention aspects. This is based on the idea that because it comes from the initiative and agreement of the people themselves, of course the rules will be more binding, so that the application will be maximized.Item Sosialisasi Program Kampung Iklim Di Desa Kampung Pinang Kecamatan Perhentian Raja Kabupaten Kampar(wahyu sari yeni, 2019-03-21) Rusli, Zaili; Sujianto, Sujianto; Mashur, Dadang; Zulkarnaini, ZulkarnainiPemanasan global memicu terjadinya perubahan iklim yang memberikan pengaruh signifikan terhadap kehidupan manusia di muka bumi, termasuk di Kecamatan Bantan Kabupaten Bengkalis. Perubahan iklim telah menyebabkan berubahnya pola hujan, naiknya muka air laut, terjadinya badai dan gelombang tinggi, serta dampak merugikan lainnya yang mengancam kehidupan masyarakat. Perubahan iklim dapat meningkatkan risiko terjadinya bencana terkait iklim seperti: (a) Kekeringan, banjir dan longsor, (b) Kegagalan panen, (c) Kenaikan muka laut, rob, intrusi air laut, abrasi, ablasi atau erosi akibat angin, gelombang tinggi dan (d) Wabah penyakit malaria dan demam berdarah. Desa Kampung Pinang mempunyai potensi untuk dikembangkan / diberdayakan masyarakatnya melalui Program Kampung Iklim (PROKLIM) dalam upaya adaptasi dan mitigasi perubahan iklim. Untuk itu Desa Kampung Pinang dapat mengusulkan kegiatan adaptasi dan mitigasi perubahan iklim dalam kerangka Program Kampung Iklim dapat dilakukan secara bertahap berdasarkan kondisi dan kebutuhan masyarakat dengan memperhatikan kapasitas dan sumber daya yang tersedia di lokasi setempat.Item Studi Kebisingan Lalu Lintas Dan Korelasi Dengan Sosio-Ekologi Lingkungan Di Kota Pekanbaru(wahyu sari yeni, 2019-01-09) Hasan, Indra; Erwin, Erwin; Zulkarnaini, Zulkarnaini; Isranuri, IsranuriTraffic noise is a major problem in large cities. Noise itself occurs as an environmental response to natural habitats and the environment exposed to road traffic noise. The purpose of this study is to predict the traffic noise level that has an impact on the environment, ecology and socio-economy. The survey was also conducted in 2016 with 127 random respondents to find out the level of interference and their reaction to the noise of road traffic vehicles. The results indicate that there is a relationship between the ecological impact of noise, the environment and human social life