Browsing by Author "Suwondo, Suwondo"
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Item Analisis Kualitas Perairan Sungai Subayang Berdasarkan Indeks Biotilik Sebagai Pengayaan Modul Mata Kuliah Ekologi Perairan(wahyu sari yeni, 2018-09-19) Syuhada, Nur Ikhlas; Suwondo, Suwondo; Fauziah, YuslimRiver is a flowing water (lotic) that get input from all the waste of human activities like settlement, agriculture, and also industry. The impact of these activities makes many river pollution occurrences. The polluted streams have a major impact on changes of organisms in water, including to humans such as the need for clean water. The aquatic ecosystem is an ecological unit interconnected with abiotic and biotic components in its habitat. By studying the components in the waters we can see how the quality of a river. So by knowing the changes that occur in the waters, we can make efforts in managing river ecosystems. With this knowledge, it is expected to provide support in aquatic ecology knowledge . The study consisted of two stages: analysis of water quality and module enrichment. Stages of water quality analysis based on the biotic index are conducted along the Subayang River. This research is an explorative research which the data collection using survey method. Data are analyzed and discussed descriptively. The stage of module enrichment use the ADDIE development model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) and then the modul will be validate. The results show that the research of the quality of the Subayang river has the characteristic that can be integrated with aquatic ecology course and it can be used for enrichment of modules in aquatic ecology.Item Analisis Potensi Erosi Daerah Aliran Sungai Galugur Kecamatan Kapur Ix Berbasis Sistem Informasi Geografis(wahyu sari yeni, 2019-01-03) Nurdin, Nurdin; Suprayogi, Imam; Sujatmoko, Bambang; Suwondo, Suwondo; Mustofa, Riyadi; Anggoro, Hafiz CaturGalugur Kapur IX Sub district watershed is one of the upper watersheds in the Kotopanjang hydropower reservoir which has the potential to trigger a reservoir sedimentation rate increasement due to land clearing for plantations so that it will speed up the filling of dead bin of reservoir significantly which will have an impact on the reduction of the planned service life of the reservoir. The research objective is to analyze the potential for erosion in the Galugur watershed using Geographic Information System (GIS) as an information of a watershed management policy. The research approach method for erosion estimation is the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) method. The USLE method is influenced by four factors: rain erosivity factor (R), soil erodibility factor (K), downhill length and slope factor (LS), and land utilization factor (CP). These erosion estimation factors are then converted into four thematic maps, namely rain erosivity map (R), soil erodibility map (K), downhill slope and length map (LS), land cover and management map (CP). All thematic maps that have been generated are overlaid and will produce an erosion distribution map. The main results of the study proved that erosion that occurred in the Galugur watershed based on GIS was dominated by low category erosion approximately 43% of the total area of 5787,123 ha. Confirmed by the results of research that states that the Galugur watershed erosion product will blend with the water flow from the upstream to the reservoir, so that the sediment in the reservoirs will occur in large scale quantities. The reservoir sedimentations have the potential to be a threat to the reduction in the service life of the Kotopanjang hydropower reservoir which is designed to operate for 100 years.Item Analisis Potensi Lokal Provinsi Riau Dalam Mendukung Penguatan Edukasi Lingkungan Di Perguruan Tinggi(wahyu sari yeni, 2019-01-09) Haryanto, Rudy; Suwondo, Suwondo; Wulandari, SriStrengthening environmental management can be done through environmental education in universities. Good environmental education is able to raise the environmental potential in accordance with the characteristics of the region into knowledge for students. This research was conducted to identify local potential in Riau Province which can be integrated into the learning of Environmental Education at FKIP University of Riau. The research was conducted using a qualitative descriptive approach, where data collection was carried out by observation, interview, and literature study. The parameters analyzed include (1) identification of local potential in the form of ecosystems and local wisdom typical of Riau; and (2) analysis of the environmental education curriculum at FKIP University of Riau; (3) Analysis of integration in learning. The research found that Riau Province has (1) various typical ecosystems of Riau, including the Tropical Rain Forest Ecosystem, Peat Swamp Forest, Oil Palm Plantation Ecosystem, River Ecosystem, and Lake Ecosystem; (2) Various local community wisdom that play a role in environmental management, including: Local Wisdom Lubuk Larangan and Local Wisdom of Indigenous Forests. Environmental Education Courses have Sub Learning Outcomes (1) Describe the basic concepts and characteristics of various ecosystem typologies; and (2) Explain various efforts in sustainable environmental management, as a topic of lectures. This Local Potential can be integrated with environmental education lectures at FKIP UNRI. Integration can be done at the preliminary stage (apperception and motivation), core activities, and/or individual assignments or scientific groups in learning. This local potential can be developed as a learning resource in the form of modules to support the strengthening of environmental education in universities.Item Estimasi Serapan Co2 Pada Arboretum Universitas Riau(2018-04-03) Wulandari, Sri; Suwondo, Suwondo; Nursal, Nursal; Casther, CastherThis study was conducted to determine the estimation CO2 absorption in the arboretum Riau University. The method used is purposive random sampling by considering the condition of vegetation and topography. The research parameters were: (1) vegetation analysis; (2) carbon stock and (3) CO2 absorption. Vegetation of trees in the arboretum Riau University has 25 family, 44 species and 604 individuals with average density of 55.26 ind / ha, frequency average of 8.48, average dominance of 10.66 m2 / ha, and the average diversity index of 2. 94 with medium category. The most important tree species in absorbing CO2 is Hevea brasiliensis of 0.51 ton / ha. Total carbon reserves of 1.12 tons / ha and CO2 uptake of 4.11 tons / ha. With an arboretum area of the University of Riau ± 10 ha then the absorption of CO2 that occurs is 41.1 tonsItem Identifikasi Lahan Kritis Pada Daerah Tangkapan Air Waduk Plta Koto Panjang(wahyu sari yeni, 2019-01-03) Suwondo, Suwondo; Rahmat, Aan Nur; Mustofa, RiyadiCatchment Area has a hydrological function for the sustainability of the PLTA Koto Panjang Reservoir. As the number and activity of the Koto Panjang catchment area population increases, it has experienced hydrological pressure and land degradation. The study was conducted to identify the condition of critical land in the Koto Panjang catchment area. The research was conducted in the water catchment area of PLTA Koto Panjang in June-August 2018 using an overlapping approach using Geographic Information System application. The analysis is done descriptively. The results showed that the area of 329,305 ha of Koto Panjang hydropower catchment area, 32.8% classified as critical, 42.3% classified as critical potential, 19.6% classified as rather critical, 1.1% classified as very critical, 0.3% classified as not critical 0.3%. The criteria for the condition of critical land in this catchment area can be used as a reference for determining the priority location for the management of the Koto Panjang Hydroelectric Reservoir.Item Nilai Ekologi, Sosial Dan Ekonomi Masyarakat Dalam Pengelolaan Lubuk Larangan Sungai Subayang(wahyu sari yeni, 2019-01-03) Wulandari, Sri; Suwondo, Suwondo; Haryanto, RudyLubuk Larangan in Subayang River as one of the local wisdoms possessed in Riau Province. Lubuk Larangan has noble values in the management of water resources. This research was conducted to determine the ecological, social and economic conditions of the community around the area of the local wisdom of the Lubuk Larangan of the Subayang River. Research location in Batu Songgan Village, Kec. Kampar Kiri Hulu, Kab. Kampar, Riau Province from August to September 2018. Ecological values are seen based on water quality, diversity of vegetation and aquatic biota. The social and economic value of the environment is seen based on the subayang river water resource productivity data for the community. Data collection is done through field observations, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis was carried out in a qualitative descriptive manner. The results showed that the Subayang River pollution index showed good quality (1.17-1.76), vegetation diversity index, plankton, and benthos were at medium-high criteria (1,658-3,342), while the value of the productivity of natural resources in the freshwater fishery sector in Lubuk Larangan the annual ban is Rp. 634,800 thousand / year, this value is equal to 6.92 times greater than the catch of the people who have a fisherman's income (Rp. 91,650 / year). The local wisdom of the community around the subayang river has the value of the protective behavior in protecting the river and forest ecosystem based on custom rules. Ecological, economic and social values of the community support the sustainable management of the Subayang RiverItem PENGELOLAAN EKOWISATA BERKELANJUTAN HUTAN LARANGAN ADAT KENEGERIAN RUMBIO(2019-11) Azharo, Atika; Suwondo, Suwondo; Putera, Ridwan MandaCustomary Forest Prohibition Kenegerian Rumbio has the potential for ecotourism development. Ecotourism management must be completed by paying attention to everything related to each other to avoid mistakes that will result in the tourist attraction. Sustainable management has become a Conservation in Ecotourism Development. This study aims to determine success in the management of ecotourism which is supported by ecological aspects, economic aspects, and socio-cultural aspects. So that sustainable development can be realized in the management of ecotourism in the Customary Forest Prohibition Kenegerian Rumbio that are sustainable. Sustainability of management can be seen by MDS (Multi Dimensional Scaling) analysis using the help of Rap-InsusEco (Rappid Apprasial Sustinability Ecoturism Index) from the ecological, economic and socio-cultural dimensions. The sustainability status of ecotourism management in The Customary Forest Prohibition Kenegerian Rumbio is currently multidimensional, including the category of quite sustainable. The results showed the sustainability index of the ecological dimension 72.5% (enough to pass), the economic dimension of 33.5% (less continuing) and the socio-cultural dimension of 51.6% (enough to pass). The determinants of sustainable ecotourism management strategies in Customary Forest Prohibition Kenegerian Rumbio are determined by the dominant key attribute. The key factors are; (1) level of biodiversity (2) protection of ecologically vulnerable places (3) marketable ecotourism products, (4) development of other tourism, (5) labor absorption rate, and (6) contribution of the tourism and forestry sector.Item Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengelolaan Daerah Aliran Sungai Secara Terpadu(wahyu sari yeni, 2018-09-19) Syahza, Almasdi; Suwondo, Suwondo; Bahruddin, Bahruddin; Darmadi, DarmadiPenelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kualitas perairan Sungai Subayang yang dilakukan pada bulan Januari 2016. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode survei, dimana pengambilan data menggunakan teknik purposive rondom sampling pada 6 stasiun dengan mempertimbangkan kondisi lingkungan. Parameter biologi yang diukur meliputi Keanekaragaman, Kepadatan, Dominasi. Parameter fisika dan kimia meliputi suhu, kecerahan, kecepatan arus, DO dan substrat dasar. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan 24 spesies yang terbagi menjadi 2 kelas yaitu kelas Insecta (23spesies) dan kelas gastropoda (1 spesies). Keanekaragaman makrozoobentos di Sungai Subayang berkisar antara 0,69 sampai 3,78, indeks tertinggi berada di stasiun I dan terendah terletak di stasiun VI. Indeks dominasi makrozoobentos di Sungai Subayang berkisar antara 0,16 sampai 0,53, indeks tertinggi berada di stasiun II dan terendah berada di stasiun IV. Sedangkan dominansi makrozoobentos di Sungai Subayang berkisar antara 0,16 - 0,53. Indeks dominansi menggambarkan ada atau tidaknya spesies makrozoobentos yang mendominasi perairaran tersebut. Berdasarkan indeks keanekaragaman kualitas perairan sungai subayang tergolong buruk hingga baik