Browsing by Author "Mulyadi, Aras"
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Item ALGA – Ekologid dan Prospek Pemanfaatan(2015-01-21) Mulyadi, ArasBagi orang awam, istiiah alga daipat diberikannya dalam penyebutan beragam, seperti lapisan licin pada permukaan pantai, penyebab bau pada lingkungan pantai, penyebab kotornya kolam renang, makanan bagi hewan laut, lapisan licin yang tumbuh pada saluran buangan, penyebab hijaunya atap dan dinding rumah, dan lain lain. Bold dan Wynne (1985) menyebutnya dengan "ponds scunf, "frog spittle, "water mossed dan "seaweeds". Di Indonesia, alga lebih dikenal dengan nama ganggang, lumut, dan rumput laut Penyebutan itu, sering diberikan kepada biomassa alga yang dapat tumbuh di beragam tempat (Keats, 1997). Namun secara biologis, alga diartikan sekelompok mahluk hidup tumbuhan tingkat rendah berbentuk thallus, sangat sederhana dan tidak memiliki jaringart vaskuler, yang dapat tumbuh di berbagai media. Tumbuhan alga juga disebut thallophyta. Thallophyta diartikan sebagai tumbuhan berthallus; artinya sekelompok tumbuhan yang memiliki batang, akariinaOpun daun sejati melainkan tumbuhan yang memiliki organ yang hanya menyerupai batang, akar atau daun belaka. Selain itu, alga juga dapat dibedakan dengan tumbuhan lainnya melaluii fenomena reproduksi seksual (Bolddan Wynne, 1985): t ) alga sel tunggal individunya berperan langsung sebagai organ reproduksi; 2) sebagian alga multiset, gamet dihasilkan dalam satu sel tertentu atau gametangia; 3 ) alga multisel lain ada juga yang gametangianya dihasilkan oleh beberapa sel. Namun demikian, ada juga kelompok alga yang melakukan perkembangbiakan melalui reproduksi aseksual. Alga tipe ini biasanya menghasilkan spora berflagel yang mampu bergerak aktif dan/atau spora tidak bergerak dalam sporangia. Sporangia dapat dihasilkan oleh satu set tertentu atau oleh beberapa sel pada alga multisel.Item Analisis Deforestasi Hutan Mangrove Di Kota Dumai, Riau(wahyu sari yeni, 2019-01-03) Mulyadi, Aras; Efriyeldi, Efriyeldi; Ilahi, IlhamThe era of regional autonomy has triggered the development of Dumai City towards a better direction. As a coastal area in Riau Province, it is estimated that it will threaten one of the potential coastal ecosystems, Dumai City is a mangrove forest. This study aims to analyze deforestation of mangrove ecosystems in Dumai City, Riau. Analysis of deforestation using ArcGIS and NDVI clasic version 4.5 software for imagery in 2005, 2010 and 2015. The causes of deforestation were carried out through interviews with the community. In 2005 there was 649.64 ha of mangrove area, but 46.79% of deforestation had occurred in the Dumai City mangrove forest so that in 2010 the remaining area was 345.06 ha. The main factors driving the deforestation of mangrove forests in Dumai City stem from the conversion of land into industrial estates, the construction of ports, roads, plantations, agriculture, and settlements. In addition, it is also caused by the use of mangrove wood for household needs, charcoal wood and building materials. The utilization of mangrove wood can be proven from the magnitude of the percentage of logged-over stumps which is more dominant (amounting to 67.32%) compared to natural dead stumpsItem Bio Ekologi Mikro Algae (Diatom) di Perairan Muara Sungai Mesjid Kota Dumai(2013-04-17) Husien siregar, Sofyan; Mulyadi, Aras; Hamidy, Rasoel; Manihuruk, Tolopan; Abi kusuma, DarnaThe research was conducted from March to June 2012 in water of Mesjid River Estuary of Dumai City Riau Province. The goal of this research is to describe the variations of niunber and composition species of planktonic diatom among the Mesjid River Estuary Water and environmental factors that affect it. Survey method was applied to collect data by observation, measurement and sampling in the field, followed by the identification of diatom samples at Integrated Laboratory of Marine Sciences, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, University of Riau. Total number of epiphytic diatom spesies were 12 species with small variation from river body to mouth estuary. Beside that, there are six species namely Chaetoceros debilis, Planktoniella sp., Pleurosigma normanii, Nitzschia seriata, Coscinodiscus sp., dan Hyalodiscus 5/7.found at all stations. The lowest density of planktonic diatom is found at station 4 (16529 cell/1) and The highest is at station 3 (35420 cell/1). The measurement of water quality parameters shows that the condition of the waters in the Sungai Mesjid of as whole is still in balance, there is no competition for place nor food and water quality middle level of contamination.Item GAMBARAN DIATOM PADA SUNGAI KUANTAN KAWASAN TALUK KUANTAN KECAMATAN KUANTAN TENGAH DI KABUPATEN KUANTAN SINGINGI SEBAGAI PENUNJANG DIAGNOSIS IDENTIFIKASI LOKASI KORBAN MATI TENGGELAM(2013-07-26) Sanofta, Wendy; Afandi, Dedi; Mulyadi, ArasDiatoms examination in the body of drowning death was an important procedure in determination of death location. The presence of diatoms found in the lung and the other organs were the intravital sign, proving the victim were alive on the water. Determination of diatoms species could be used as a supportive diagnostic in identifying drowning site by comparing diatoms between the body and water. The aim of the present research was to find out the species and abundance of diatoms in Kuantan river especially at Taluk Kuantan area. Samples were taken from three stations which decided purposively in May 2013. The results showed that 23 species diatoms were found, namely: Isthmia sp, Aulacoseira sp, Diatoma sp, Melosira sp, Eunotia sp, Tubellaria sp, Gyrosigma sp, Achnantes sp, Fragillaria sp, Eucampia sp, Pleurosira sp, Cyclotella sp, Skeletonema sp, Rhizosolenia sp, Stephanodiscus sp, Streptotheca sp, Tintinnopsis sp, Triceratium sp, Dactyliosden sp, Chaetoceros sp, Thalassionema sp, Meridion sp, dan Eucyridium sp. Total abundance of diatoms account were 1442 cells/L, with the Diatoma sp were the dominant diatoms in the water which abundance of 736 cells/L.Item Indonesian Undergraduate Instructional Reform Towards A World Class University Graduates(2015-03-11) L.N, Firdaus; Mulyadi, Aras; Hamzah, Yanuar; KennedyThe qualities of human resources in Indonesia have not been appropriate with the national hope, and tend to decline, and it is far away from the international human resources quality. Internationally, the rank of Indonesia Competitiveness is decreasing. Among 60 countries in the world, Indonesia is at the 59nd position in 2005. 83.27% of Indonesia university graduates were working as unskills labour. The quality of Indonesian human resources are significantly determined the economic development, law, politics, and social of this country. The qualified human resources will succeed in the world competitions, whereas for those who are not qualified will lose in the competition. The competition in the globalization era is the competition of human resources quality that is provided by education institutes. Therefore, the efforts to improve the undergraduates’ education quality become the programs which have to be supported by all parties, including the educational implementers in central, districts, schools, and community in Indonesia. This paper is aim to discuss for the urgency of instructional reform in Indonesia Undergraduate Education systems. It was based on the thesis that changing curriculum is not adequate. We must change what teacher’s does in the classroom. There will be no educational reform until we have instructional reform, i.e. changes in what teacher does in the classroom to create an environment where learning takes place. We explore An Integrated Holistic Model’s of Student-centered Learning Paradigm by integrating the Soft Skills Attributes for undergraduate education reform should take into account towards a world class universty graduates. Finally, the transformational academic leardership of lecturer is a crucial element in term of quality improvement in teaching and learning in higher education system.Item Kayu Kelapa Sawit Peremajaan Kebun Sebagai Core Plywood Dan Penyimpan Karbon Di Provinsi Riau(2018-04-03) Siswoko, Endro; Mulyadi, Aras; Thamrin, Thamrin; Bahruddin, BahruddinIn 2016, the total area of oil palm plantation in Riau Province was 2,430,508 hectares. The treatment of oil palm waste from replanting activities via burning and decomposing may increases the amount carbon emission in the atmosphere which would cause global warming. This research aims to determine environment-friendly oil palm plantation management strategies, in particular oil palm trunks waste utilization as alternative staple source of making plywood core and carbon sequestration. This research took place at PT. Asia Forestama Raya’s (PT. AFR) factory in Pekanbaru, Riau Province. The data of this research was taken from 25 years-old replanted Tandum plantation owned by PT. Perkebunan Nusantara V Ltd. (state-owned) in Riau Province. Ninety one oil palm trunks were used for plywood core making test material. Based on technical aspect assessment (mechanical/physics), only 4 mm (three ply) plywood that passed all of the tests: adhesion shear strength, bonding strength, delamination, and moisture content. Oil palm tree has 223.68 kg C/trunk carbon biomass on average, or 28.63 ton C/ha. Carbon sink on core plywood was 53.68 kgC/trunk or 6.87 tonC/ha. Carbon dioxide stock -196.82 kgCO2/trunk, or -25.19 tonCO2/ha. The result of this research shows that oil palm trunks waste which was the biggest waste of replanting activities, could be used as an alternative timber/base source for plywood core that fulfills technical and also environmental aspects as carbon sequestration.Item Konflik Dan Mitigasi Konflik Gajah Sumatera (Elephas Maximus Sumatranus Temminck) Dengan Manusia Berdasarkan Persepsi Masyarakat Di Sekitar Taman Nasional Tesso Nilo Provinsi Riau(wahyu sari yeni, 2019-01-09) Yoza, Defri; Siregar, Yusni Ikhwan; Mulyadi, Aras; Sujianto, SujiantoElephant conflicts with humans occur in areas that are used together by elephants with humans. This study aims to identify people's perceptions of elephant conflict with humans and mitigation of elephant conflict with humans. In this study, the interview method was used with the determination of respondents through purposive sampling. The study was conducted in 2017 in two villages around Tesso Nilo National Park that is Lubuk Kembang Bunga Village and Air Hitam Village. Community perceptions in both villages namely Air Hitam Village and Lubuk Kembang Bunga Village are generally positive about elephants and elephant conflict with humans. The mitigation of elephant and human conflict is expected by the community in two villages in the way of planting commodities that are not prefered by elephants, planting elephant feed on their paths and replanting forests in elephant habitatItem Kualitas Dan Distribusi Spasial Karakteristik Fisika-Kimia Perairan Sungai Siak Sekitar Kotamadya Pekanbaru(2015-07-02) Adriman; Mulyadi, Aras; Fauzi, MuhammadPenelitian ini dilaksanakan di perairan Sungai Siak sekitar Kota Pekanbaru Propinsi Riau dari bulan September sampai Desember 1999. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kualitas dan distribusi spasial karakeristik fisika-kimia pierairan Sungai Siak sekitar Kota Pekanbaru. Karakteristik fisika-kimia air yang diwujudkan dalam nilai konsentrasinya dibandingkan dengan baku mutu air golongan B (Kepmen. No. 02/MENKLH/1/1988). Selanjutnya penentuan mutu lingkungan perairan dilakukan berdasarkan Indeks Kualitas Lingkungan Perairan (IKLP). Untuk raelihat variasi Distribusi spasial karakteristik fisikakimia digunakan pendekatan Analisis Komponen Utama (PCA). Berdasarkan basil pengukuran parameter fisika-kimia air selama penelitian diperoleh bahwa, sudah ada beberapa parameter yang melampaui baku mutu air golongan B, yaitu parameter pH, B0D5, COD. Berdasarkan Indeks Kualitas Lingkungan Perairan, kualitas perairan Sungai Siak sekitar Kota Pekanbaru tergolong dalam kriteria buruk. Dari hasil Analisis Komponen Utama (PCA) didapatkan bahwa stasiun pengamatan dapat dibagi dalam 4 kelompok. Masing-masing kelompok dapat dibedakan berdasarkan karakteristik fisika-kimia yang mempengaruhinya. Pengelompokan tersebut sangat dipengaruhi oleh aktivitas di wilayah daratan dan aktivitas di dalam perairan itu sendiriItem MANAJEMEN PENGELOLAAN LIMBAH CAIR MINYAK BUMI DI DUMAI(2016-07-21) Asmiwati; Mulyadi, Aras; Zamri, Adel; MubarakKegiatan industri secara umum mengasilkan Produk yang diinginkan juga sebahagian yang tidak diinginkan merupakan sektor yang sangat potensial sebagai sumber pencemaran yang akan merugikan bagi kesehatan dan lingkungan. Pencemaran berasal dari industri merupakan buangan limbah dari industri hasil akhir proses produksi yang tidak memiliki nilai namun memiliki potensi bahaya bagi lingkungan. Limbah industri dapat berupa gas, cair maupun padat yang dapat berpengaruh terhadap lingkungan dan kesehatan manusia bila tidak ditangani dengan baik dan benar tujuan penelitian ini untuk melihat manajemen pengelolaan limbah cair minyak bumi. Terdiri dari plan skor 4.03 kriteria sangat bai. Do skor 3.75 kriteria baik, Check skor 3.73 kriteria baik dan action skor 4.06 kriteria sangat baik. Rata-rata skor 3.81 kriteria baik pengelolaan IPAL Pertamina Dumai perlu ditingkatkan manajemen Pengelolaan limbah cair minyak bumi yang pengelolaannya sudah sesui dengan baku mutu tetapi masih perlu manajemen pengolahan limbah cair minyak bumi supaya limbah yang dihasilkan dapat mendekati angka nol (Zero Waste Water) sehingga pencemaran lingkungan dapat diatasi.Item Manggrove Di Kampus Universitas Riau Dumai (Edisi Revisi)(2018-01-29) Mulyadi, ArasHutan mangrove dibentuk oleh beragam jenis tanaman pohon, perdu dan flora tambahan. Keragaman jenis mangrove ini terdapat perbedaan antara satu daerah dengan daerah lainnya. Perbedaan keragaman ini lebih dominan ditentukan oleh kondisi lingkungan, seperti: substrat, faktor fisika, faktor kimia dan interaksi manusia sekitarItem MANGROVE Di KAMPUS UNIVERSITAS RIAU(2018-02-02) Mulyadi, ArasHutan mangrove dibentuk oleh beragam jenis tanaman pohon, perdu dan flora tambahan. Keragaman jenis mangrove ini terdapat perbedaan antara satu daerah dengan daerah lainnya. Perbedaan keragaman ini lebih dominan ditentukan oleh kondisi lingkungan, seperti: substrat, faktor fisika, faktor kimia dan interaksi manusia sekitar.Item Penerapan Ahp Dalam Menentukan Prioritas Utama Srategi Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Air Bersih Di Pulau Merbau(wahyu sari yeni, 2019-01-09) Joleha, Joleha; Mulyadi, Aras; Wawan, Wawan; Suprayogi, ImamThis paper discusses the problem of how to determine the main priority of the strategy to meet clean water needs that can be applied to small islands, especially on Merbau Island using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. This study began with a survey of 100 family heads by distributing questionnaires. The questionnaire contains questions relating to personal data, and data about the components of rainwater harvesting. The opinions of experts were asked in this matter to determine the values considered by experts in determining strategies for meeting clean water needs on Merbau Island. Then an analysis is carried out using the AHP program. The results showed that the fulfillment of recommended water requirements on Merbau Island was to maximize household scale rainwater harvesting (RWH). Maximizing rainwater harvests on a household scale is a top priority with the support of the availability of adequate clean water facilities and infrastructure. In relation to clean water facilities and infrastructure, it is expected to use a rainwater harvesting technology system, therefore the criteria of technology have the highest value, but in the field it is difficult to implement by the community so government support is needed in realizing it. Government support is highly expected because 44% of the island's population Merbau is a poor person who naturally prioritizes basic needs rather than providing good and right rainwater harvesting facilities and infrastructure.Item STRATEGI PENGEMBANGAN EKOWISATA MANGROVE DI DESA BOKOR KECAMATAN RANGSANG BARAT KABUPATEN KEPULAUAN MERANTI PROVINSI RIAU(2019-11) Fauzi, Rizki; Mulyadi, Aras; Hendrik, HendrikIn environmental management, mangrove forest is one of the important components that must be preserved. This study aims to determine the potential of mangrove ecosystems in the village of Bokor, developed into a regional ecotourism mangrove on an ongoing basis, determine the level of participation and perceptions, and perceptions of policy makers to calculate the carrying capacity of the area for tourism activities, as well as the strategy for development of ecotourism mangrove in the village of Bokor to mangrove ecotourism management. This research was conducted in April 2019 until September 2019, at the village of Bokor District of West Rangsang Meranti Islands regency in Riau province. This study uses a survey, a structured interview (questionnaire) and non-structured (free in-depth interviews). Based on the results of research show that Bokor village has a range of ± 148 km from the capital of Riau province. Means of transportation to get Bokor village can use the sea transport services ship speed boat, accommodation lodging has been provided 5 units of housing, access to rural roads that have been in semenlisasi. Areas of ecotourism has available mangrove trekking path, pavilion, boat, there are 3 sporting events each year; live event bokor one night, a party of river basins. Mangrove vegetation, there are 11 species of 8 families, canoe, there are three sporting events each year; live event bokor one night, a party of river basins. Mangrove vegetation, there are 11 species of 8 families, canoe, there are three sporting events each year; live event bokor one night, a party of river basins. Mangrove vegetation, there are 11 species of 8 families, with an area of 319 ha of mangrove forests, Value 1133.33 ind./ha mangrove forest density, thickness of 550-1400 m, Travel Conformance Level 81-86. Of the 40 respondents know the name of mangrove 67.5%, 0.95 public participation is low, Perception of 7.63 is high, the capacity of the region up to 120 / day, Matrix Grand Strategy obtained external and internal factors (the strengths and weaknesses) of 0 , 93 (positive) and the difference between the total value of the influence of external factors (opportunities and threats) 1,98-0.98 that is equal to 1.00 (positive),