Browsing by Author "Mahatma, Radith"
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Item ANALISIS ISI LAMBUNG IKAN BAUNG (Mystus nemurus) DARI PERAIRAN SUNGAI SIAK, KECAMATAN RUMBAI PESISIR, PEKANBARU(2013-03-22) Mahatma, Radith; Yusfiati; Elvyra, Roza; TitrawaniPenelitian bertujuan menganalisis pakan pada isi lambung ikan baung, melihat kondisi jaringan pada organ usus ikan baung dan mengidentifikasi parasit (ekto maupun endoparasit) pada ikan baung yang ditemukan di perairan Sungai Siak. Metode penelitian ini adalah metode survei. Sampel untuk analisis isi lambung dan endoparasit sebanyak 30 ekor, 5 ekor untuk pengamatan struktur usus ikan baung. Analisis isi lambung dengan Index of Preponderance (IP), endoparasit di usus ikan dan struktur usus dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil analisis isi lambung nilai IP yaitu 95,3% (detritus), 4,0% (udang), 0,5% (kumbang air), dan 0,2% (serasah). Bagian usus mengalami kerusakan yaitu pada tunika mukosa di lapisan epitel nekrosis, lamina propria tunika mukosa menyatu dan pembengkakan, pemendekan vili, vili menyatu, sel epitel menyatu dan penebalan otot polos sirkular. Jumlah sel goblet di usus depan yaitu 34 sel/mm, usus tengah dan belakang 46 sel/mm, luas area sel goblet usus depan ( 0,40%/mm), usus tengah (0,63%/mm) dan usus belakang (0,59%/mm). Jenis parasit yang paling banyak menyerang ikan Baung {M.nemurus C.V.) adalah Trichodina sp, Dactylogyrus sp dan Capillaria sp. Bagian tubuh yang sering diserang adalah insang, sirip, lambung, usus dan anus. Ikan baung yang terinfeksi parasit sebanyak 15 ekor.Item Aspek Biologi Dan Ekologi Organism Bentos Dan Ikan Buntal Mas (Tetraodon Fluviatilis Hb) Di Kawasan Mangrove Pesisir Timur Sumatra kec. Bukit Batu kab.Bengkalis Area Transisi Cagar Biosfer Giam Siak Kecil-Bukit Batu(wahyu sari yeni, 2017-07-22) Yusfiati; Mahatma, Radith; Titrawani; Elvyra, RozaTujuan penelitian adalah mengidentifikasi kelimpahan dan keragaman meiobentos di kawasan mangrove pesisir Timur Sumatra Kec. Bukit Batu, Kabupaten Bengkaslis, Mengidentifikasi struktur komunitas dan kelimpahan makrobentos di kawasan mangrove pesisir Timur Sumatra Kec. Bukit Batu, Kabupaten Bengkaslis dan mengetahui dan menganalisis diferensiasi karakter morfometri dan meristik populasi ikan buntal Mas (T. fluviatilis H.B) di perairan pakning. Total 60 dampel berhasil disamplingkan dari kedua lokasi, desa Tanjung Leban dan Bukit Batu Laut. Sebanyak 50 dari 60 sampel sedimen yang dikoleksi untuk memeriksa meiofauna yang berhasil diisolasi dari sedimen. Sedang sampling makrobentos telah dilakukan 60 sampel berhasil disampling dan sebanyak 50 dari 60 sampel sedimen yang dikoleksi di kedua lokasi. Kisaran panjang total (PT) ikan buntal mas di Muara Pakning pada jantan 43 mm sampai 92 mm dan betina 65 mm sampai 130 mm. Pada Muara Bengkel, panjang total Jantan 40 mm sampai 87 mm dan betina 57 mm sampai 92 mm. Sedangkan panjang total tubuh ikan buntal mas di Muara Jangkang pada jantan 31 mm sampai 87 mm dan betina 35 sampai 95 mm. Karakter morfometrik ikan buntal mas betina dan jantan pada tiga lokasi pengamatan memiliki keeratan hubungan yang sangat kuat, sedang dan lemah, serta status hubungannya allometrik positif, allometrik negatif dan isometrik. Sedangkan karakter meristik ikan buntal mas betina dan jantan adalah sama di ketiga lokasiItem DISTRIBUSI SEL MUKUS PADA USUS IKAN BAUNG (Mystus nemurus C.V) DARI PERAIRAN SUNGAI SIAK PROVINSIRIAU(2013-03-22) Mahatma, Radith; Yusfiati; Elvyra, Roza; TitrawaniPenelitian bertujuan menganalisis pakan pada isi lambung ikan baung, melihat kondisi jaringan pada organ usus ikan baung dan mengidentifikasi parasit (ekto maupun endoparasit) pada ikan baung yang ditemukan di perairan Sungai Siak. Metode penelitian ini adalah metode survei. Sampel untuk analisis isi lambung dan endoparasit sebanyak 30 ekor, 5 ekor untuk pengamatan struktur usus ikan baung. Analisis isi lambung dengan Index of Preponderance (IP), endoparasit di usus ikan dan struktur usus dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil analisis isi lambung nilai IP yaitu 95,3% (detritus), 4,0% (udang), 0,5% (kumbang air), dan 0,2% (serasah). Bagian usus mengalami kerusakan yaitu pada tunika mukosa di lapisan epitel nekrosis, lamina propria tunika mukosa menyatu dan pembengkakan, pemendekan vili, vili menyatu, sel epitel menyatu dan penebalan otot polos sirkular. Jumlah sel goblet di usus depan yaitu 34 sel/mm, usus tengah dan belakang 46 sel/mm, luas area sel goblet usus depan ( 0,40%/mm), usus tengah (0,63%/mm) dan usus belakang (0,59%/mm). Jenis parasit yang paling banyak menyerang ikan Baung {M.nemurus C.V.) adalah Trichodina sp, Dactylogyrus sp dan Capillaria sp. Bagian tubuh yang sering diserang adalah insang, sirip, lambung, usus dan anus. Ikan baung yang terinfeksi parasit sebanyak 15 ekorItem Efek Ekstrak Etanol Daun Pelawan (Tristanlopsis Obovatar.Br)Terhadap Organ Uterus Ovarium Dan Kondisi Darah Tikus Betina Setelah Melahirkan(wahyu sari yeni, 2017-07-22) Titrawani; Chahyadi, Ennie; Mahatma, RadithDaun pelawan merupakan salah satu jenis tanaman yang memiliki potensi yang dapat dikembangkan sebagai obat tradisional. Namun, tanaman ini masih sedikit dimanfaatkan sebagai tanaman obat. Hal ini dikarenakan belum banyak penelitian yang dilakukan untuk mengkaji lebih dalam potensi tanaman pelawan sebagai tanaman obat. Hasil uji molekul fitokimia tanaman ini mengandung senyawa falvonoid, terpenoid, tanin, dan saponin. Kandungan senyawa flavonoid diketahui dapat mempengaruhi reproduksi pada tikus bunting. Informasi mengenai efek penggunaan obat herbal dalam penyembuhan suatu penyakit belum banyak dikaji, khususnya ekstrak daun pelawan dalam proses peneyembuhan pasca melahirkan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan mengkaji efek ekstrak etanol daun pelawan (Tristaniopsis obovata R.Br) terhadap organ uterus, ovarium dan kondisi darah tikus betina setelah melahirkan. Penelitia bersifat eksperimental dengan menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) yang terdiri atas 2 perlakuan. Setiap perlakuan terdiri atas 15 ulangan. Penelitian membuat ekstrak etanol dau pelawan dengan cara pembuatan simplisia dan pembuatan ekstrak etanol. Tiga puluh ekor tikus betina diadaptasikan terlebih dahulu dalam kandang individu. Tikus ditempatkan dalam kandang berukuran 34 x 25 x 12 cm per ekor yang beralaskan sekam dan bertutupkan kawat. Tikus diberi makan secara teratur dengan kebutuhan diet yang terjaga (feed intake diamsumsikan sama), minum ad libitum, dan ditempatkan pada ruangan dengan pencahayaaan selam 12 jam (06.00-18.00), suhu ruangan 20-25oC dengan kelembapan relatif 40-50% sebagai kondisi umumnya. Proses pembuntingan adalah tikus jantan dan betina dimasukkan ke dalam satu kandang. Proses perkawinan biasanya terjadi malam hari. Hewan percobaan terdiri dari 30 ekor tikus betina bunting yang dibagi dalam 2 kelompok perlakuan yaitu control (KK) dan kelompok perlakuan ekstrak etanol daun pelawan (KP). Masing-masing kelompok terdiri dari 15 ekor tikus bunting. Kemudian setiap kelompok perlakuan dibagi lagi menjadi 3 waktu pengambilan sampel yaitu pada hari ke 3 postpartus, hari ke 5 postpartus, dan hari ke 7 pospartus (Roosita et al 2003). Kemudian dilakukan pembedahan untuk megambil uterusnya. Selanjutnya dibuat preparat uterus ovarium dengan bahan fiksatif berupa larutan Bouins dan pewarnaan dengan Hematoxylin dan eosin (Humason 1967). Sedang kondisi darah dihitung jumlah eritrosit, leukosit dan Hematokritnya. Perlakuan dengan pemberian ekstrak etanol daun pelawan pada tikus betina postpartus ternyata menyebabkan perubahan struktur jaringan uterus, terutama pada lapisan endometrium, walaupun dengan uji sidik ragam Anova tidak terjadi perbedaan signifikan. Diduga, kandungan ekstrak etanol daun pelawan yang mengandung steroid mempengaruhi produksi hormon reproduksi tikus betina yaitu hormon estrogen yang menyebabkan proses pemulihan lapisan endometrium lebih cepat. Dengan pemberian ekstrak etanol daun pelawan ternyata dapat memicu perkembangan folikel pada ovarium. Hal ini kemungkinan senyawa steroid yang dikandung ekstrak etanol daun pelawan yang mempengaruhi produksi FSH dan LH yang akan mamicu perkembangan sel-sel folikel di ovarium. Jumlah total eritrosit pada perlakuan menurun jika dibandingkan dengan kontrol, kemungkinan tikus megalami penyakit anemia. Tetapi pada perlakuan ekstrak hari ke tujuh setelah melahirkan jumlah eritrositnya meningkat. Jumlah total leukosit pada perlakuan hari ketiga dan keempat juga menurun jika dibandingkan dengan kontrol. Sedangkan pada perlakuan hari ketujuh yang diberi ekstrak etanol daun pelawan jumlah leukositnya mengalami peningkatan. Jumlah hematokrit dan leukokrit terjadi penurunan dan jenis sel leukosit yang banyak ditemukan yaitu monosit dan limfosit. Peningkatan jumlah sel darah tersebut diduga akibat pengaruh kandungan yang ada pada ekstrak etanol daun pelawan yang dapat membantu proses pembentukan sel-sel darahItem EKTOPARASIT PADA KUCING (Felis Domestica, Linnaeus 1758) DI KOTA PEKANBARU(2016-01-28) Maharani, Riri; Mahatma, Radith; TitrawaniThe present study aimed to know ectoparasites species found in the domestic cat population in Pekanbaru and to asses their prevalence in the population. It also attempted to obtain indications of the influence of cat’s race, sex and raising conditions on ectoparasites prevalence. The prevalence of ectoparasites on the cat was 53%. A total of 53 out of 100 cat were examined with the intensity was 3,1 ectoparasites/cat. A total of five ectoparasites species were found, namely Ctenocephalides felis, Felicola subrostratus, Ixodes ricinus, Otodectes cynotis and Rhipicephalus sanguineus, where the highest prevalence (35,8%) of Ixodes ricinus while the lowest prevalence was found on (1,8%) of Rhipicephalus sanguineus. The finding of this study indicated the importance of raising condition compared to cat race and sex.Key words: Felis domestica, Ektoparasit of cat’s, PekanbaruItem ENDOPARASIT PADA USUS AYAM KAMPUNG (Gallus domesticus) DI PASAR TRADISIONAL PEKANBARU(2013-06-17) Rismawati; Yusfiati; Mahatma, RadithThis research aims to know the endoparasites and its prevalence in chicken (Gallus domesticus) intestines from tradisional market in Pekanbaru. This research hadbeen carried out from October 2012 to March 2013. The chicken intestines were collected from seven traditional markets in Pekanbaru (Sail, Lima Puluh, Kodim, Palapa, Cik Puan, Arengka and Panam). Six samples of chicken intestine were examined from each market which the total number of samples were 42 altogether. Two methods were used in this study, direct and concentration method. The results showed that 26 out of 42 samples were infected by endoparasitic species belong to 18 genus i.e. Echinostoma, Raillietina, Schistosoma, Echinococcus, Diphylidium, Hymenolepis, Choanotaenia, Amoebotaenia, Anoplacephala, Ascaris, Toxocara,Oxyuris, Trichuris, Strongyloides, Ancylostoma, Capilaria, Ciliata dan Eimeria. The abundance of endoparasites from seven traditional markets in Pekanbaru ranged from 0 to 18 which the average of endoparasitic abundance was 7. The highest prevalence of endoparasitic species from mature individual and egg was found in Rallietina (26%) and Hymenolepis (29%) respectively.Item INVENTARISASI KEPITING BIOLA (OCYPODIDAE) DI LINGKUNGAN INTERTIDAL KABUPATEN BENGKALIS, RIAU(Elfitra, 2022-12) Putri, Hartina; Mahatma, Radith; Muhammad, AhmadEnvironmental changes in the intertidal area causes mangrove degradation and aberration resulting in an impact on the existence of fiddler crab. This study aimed to investigate fiddler crabs (ocypodidae) from the intertidal environment of Bengkalis Regency, Riau. Fiddler crabs were taken in October 2020 in two different locations (Bukit Batu and Tanjung Leban). Speciments were collected using a hoe or by hand capture. The results of research in the intertidal area of Bengkalis Regency found six species from two genera. The two species belong to the genus Austruca (A. annulipes A. perplexa), and four species belong to the genus Tubuca (T. typhoni, T. urvillei, T. dussumieri, T. rosea).Item JENIS-JENIS DAN PREVALENSI EKTOPARASIT PADA KUCING (Felis domestica, Linnaeus 1758) DI KABUPATEN SIAK, PROVINSI RIAU(Elfitra, 2021-12) Setiawati, Dewi; Mahatma, RadithCats are carnivorous animals that have been domesticated and become one of the pets, especially for the people in Siak, Riau Province. Lack of good care causes cats to become infected with ectoparasites, one of whichis ectoparasites that can be transmitted to humans (zoonotic). A total of 168 cats were examined, in which 38 of them were infected with ectoparasites. The ectoparasites found were then identified. From the identification results found three types of ectoparasites namely Felicola subrostratus, Ixodes sp, and Rhipicephalus sanguineus. The results showed that the highest abundance of ectoparasites was found in the species F. subrostratus (48.9%), while the lowest abundance of ectoparasites was found in the species R. sanguineus (22.5%). The highest prevalence of ectoparasites was found in the species Ixodes sp (14.3%), while the lowest prevalence of ectoparasites was found in the species F. subrostratus (4.2%). The highest ectoparasite intensity was found in F. subrostratus species (25.1%), while the lowest prevalence of ectoparasites was found in Ixodes sp species (4.3%).Item JENIS-JENIS PARASIT PADA I KAN BAUNG (Mystus nemurm) DARI PERAIRAN SUNGAI SIAK, KECAM ATAN RUMBAI PESISIR, PEKANBARU(2013-03-22) Mahatma, Radith; Yusfiati; Elvyra, Roza; TitrawaniPenelitian bertujuan menganalisis pakan pada isi lambung ikan baung, melihat kondisi jaringan pada organ usus ikan baung dan mengidentifikasi parasit (ekto maupun endoparasit) pada ikan baung yang ditemukan di perairan Sungai Siak. Metode penelitian ini adalah metode survei. Sampel untuk analisis isi lambung dan endoparasit sebanyak 30 ekor, 5 ekor untuk pengamatan struktur usus ikan baung. Analisis isi lambung dengan Index of Preponderance (IP), endoparasit di usus ikan dan struktur usus dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil analisis isi lambung nilai IP yaitu 95,3% (detritus), 4,0% (udang), 0,5% (kumbang air), dan 0,2% (serasah). Bagian usus mengalami kerusakan yaitu pada tunika mukosa di lapisan epitel nekrosis, lamina propria tunika mukosa menyatu dan pembengkakan, pemendekan vili, vili menyatu, sel epitel menyatu dan penebalan otot polos sirkular. Jumlah sel goblet di usus depan yaitu 34 sel/mm, usus tengah dan belakang 46 sel/mm, luas area sel goblet usus depan ( 0,40%/mm), usus tengah (0,63%/mm) dan usus belakang (0,59%/mm). Jenis parasit yang paling banyak menyerang ikan Baung {M.nemurus C.V.) adalah Trichodina sp, Dactylogyrus sp dan Capillaria sp. Bagian tubuh yang sering diserang adalah insang, sirip, lambung, usus dan anus. Ikan baung yang terinfeksi parasit sebanyak 15 ekor.Item KAJIAN KEANEKARAGAMAN NYAMUK (ORDO: DIPTERA, FAMILI: CULICIDAE) DI KECAMATAN TENAYAN RAYA, KOTA PEKANBARU(Elfitra, 2021-12) Purnama, Kartika Tri; Mahatma, RadithTenayan Raya is a district with the highest spreading and prevalence of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) in Pekanbaru from 2016 to 2020. This study aimed to determine the relationship between Culicidae diversity and DHF in Tenayan Raya District. The sampling was taken at 130 locations by using the purposive sampling technique. This study combined two data sources. The primary data was the identification of Culicidae larvae and imago. The secondary data was taken from questionnaires of respondent behavior and DBD case data in 2016-2020. In the study, two species of Culicidae were found, Aedes albopictus and Culex quinquefasciatus (total 2,439 individuals). The amounts of A. albopictus larvae found were 618 individuals and 1094 imagos. Meanwhile, the number of larvae of C. quinquefasciatus found 319 individuals and imago was 408 individuals. The highest Culicidae distribution was found in Tangkerang Timur, Kulim and Sialang Sakti with 9% of each areas. Kulim, Bambu Kuning, and Tangkerang Timur were areas with the least number of MNE actions which was comparable to the height abundance of mosquitoes in these areas. This high abundance of mosquitoes was also comparable with the high average DHF cases in these areas.Item KEANEKARAGAMAN EKTOPARASIT PADA BIAWAK (Varanus salvator, Ziegleri 1999) DIKOTA PEKANBARU, RIAU(2016-01-30) Maharany, Elva; Mahatma, Radith; TitrawaniThis study aimed to identify and to measure the frequency of ectoparasites attendance on lizard in Pekanbaru, Riau. The study was conducted from July to October 2014. As many as 20 of lizard were collected from six districts in Pekanbaru, Riau. Each lizard was examined its ectoparasites. The result indicated that 19 out of 20 lizard were infected by ectoparasite. Frequency of ectoparasites attendance in this study was 95% and intensity was 12,84. Ectoparasites found in this study were Amblyomma sp. and Aponomma sp. Frequency of attendance of ectoparasites found in monitored lizard from six districts in Pekanbaru were range between 50%-100% and the intensity of ectoparasites were range between 5-18. The highest frequency of ectoparasites attendance based on the body part were found on legs (90%) and the lowest frequency were found on tail (45%). Frequency of ectoparasites attendance on monitored lizard in this research were categorized always.Item Kelimpahan Dan Keragaman Meiobentos Di Zona Intertidal Kawasan Marine Station Universitas Riau, Kota Dumai Provinsi Riau(2018-08-21) Mahatma, Radith; Khairijon, Khairijon; Nasution, Sufiana; Permala, AndikaKajian mengenai keenekaragaman dan kelimpahan meiobentos ini dilakukan pada zona intertidal di kawasan Marine Station Universitas Riau Kota Dumai. Sampling dilakukan pada 9 stasiun yang berada dalam dua habitat yang berbeda, bervegetasi mangrove dan tidak bervegetasi mangrove. Kelimoahan meiobentos pada dua habitat yang berbeda dianalisis dengan uji t. Struktur komunitas meiobentos terdiri dari 10 taksa yang terdiri dari Nematoda, Oligochaeta, Polychaeta, Copepoda, Ostracoda, Insekta, Holothuroidea, Kynorhincha, Gastropoda, dan Tardigrada. Komposisi meiobentos didominasi oleh Nematoda, Oligochaeta, dan Polychaeta, secara berurutan jumlahnya mencapai 74%, 12%, dan 8% dari total meiobentos yang disampling. Densitas meiofauna yang berasal dari habitat bervegetasi manrove adalah 579 ind./10 cm2, sedangkan daerah yang tidak bervegetasi 503 in./10 cm2. Hasil uji t mengindikasikan bahwa kelimpahan meiobentos di kedua tipe habitat, bervegetasi dan tidak bervegetasi, tidak berbeda nyata.Item KELIMPAHAN MEIOFAUNA DI KAWASAN MANGROVE DESA BASILAM BARU DUMAI, PROVINSI RIAU(2013-07-16) Neri, Elfi; Mahatma, Radith; KhairijonThe information of meiofauna abundance from Indonesia mangrove is still scarce. This research aimed to know the abundance of meiofauna from mangrove area in Basilam Baru village. Samples were collected using corer from sediment that dominated four different mangrove vegetations i.e. Rhizopora apiculata, Xylocarpus granatum, sonneratia alba and Avicennia alba. A total of 4144 meiofauna which consisted of Copepoda, Nematoda, Nemertina, Olygochaeta, Ostracoda, Polichaeta and Thermosbaenacea were found in this study. The total of meiofauna abundance that found in mangrove area of Basilam Baru village was 682,03 ind/10cm2. The average abundance of meiofauna within the four different mangrove vegetations was significantly different (P<0,05). The most dominant meiofauna was Nematode followed by Copepode. The highest abundance of meiofauna was found around Avicennia alba and the lowest abundance was found around Xylocarpus granatum.Item KOMUNITAS MEIOFAUNA DI KAWASAN MANGROVE BANDAR BAKAU DUMAI PROVINSI RIAU(2013-07-16) Nurmalisyah; Mahatma, Radith; KhairijonThis research was conducted to determine the community structure (composition and abundance) of meiofauna from mangrove areas in Bandar Bakau Dumai, Riau Province. Samples were collected from sediment which dominated by four different mangrove vegetations i.e. Sonneratia alba, Xylocarpus granatum, Avicennia alba and Rhizophora apiculata. The number of taxa found in the study was 11 taxa, they were Nematoda, Copepoda, Oligochaeta, Ostracoda, Turbellaria, Foraminifera, Ciliophora, Polychaeta, Isopoda, Kinorhyncha, and Holothuroidea. The average of meiofauna abundance found in sediment dominated by Sonneratia alba, Xylocarpus granatum, Avicennia alba, Rhizophora apiculata were 544,8 ind/10 cm2, 140,8 ind/10 cm2, 111,92 ind/10 cm2 and 22,7 ind/10 cm2 respectively. The abundance of meiofauna vegetation was significantly different (F= 9,20; P<0,05). The abundance of Harpacticoid Copepod was 895.98 Ind/10 cm 2. Diosaccidae was the most dominant Harpacticoid family found this study.Item PARASIT PADA BELUT SAWAH ( Monopterus albus, Zuiew 1793 ) DI DESA SAWAH KECAMATAN KAMPAR UTARA(2014-04-14) Khati, Syauli Ashari; Mahatma, Radith; WindartiMonopterus albus, Zuiew 1793 (Synbranchidae) or swamp eel is rich in protein and commonly used in Riau’s culinary. It is easily found in muddy areas, rice paddy fields and in the organic material polluted area where this fish is able to tolerate to the polluted environment. Fish living in the organic polluted area may face the risk of parasite infection, including the zoonotic parasite that may infect human being. To understand the parasite present in swamp eel, a study had been conducted. The study area of this research was a domestic polluted swamp area in the Sawah Village (Kampar Regency Riau). Thirty eels from this area were used for parasite identification study. Results showed that among the samples, 14 fishes were infected by nematode parasite Gnathostoma spp. This parasites were present in the gonad, liver, body wall and peritoneum. The parasites were found in 5 developmental stages namely egg, 1 st , 2 nd , 3 rd and 4 th larvae.Item PARASIT PADA IKAN GABUS (Channa striata, Bloch 1793) DI DESA SAWAH KECAMATAN KAMPAR UTARA(2016-01-26) Mariani; Titrawani; Mahatma, RadithChanna striata (Gabus fish) is one of the fish that is much prefered by the people. The main source Channa striata is based on the nature and not farmed yet. In order to establish Channa striata farming, there are many things that we should know, one of them is about the parasites in Channa striata. The purpose of this study was to know the types of ectoparasites and endoparasites which infect Channa striata in Sawah Village of North Kampar District. This research was conducted from November 2014 to March 2015 using survey method. Formalin 4% were used to preserve the parasites collected from the specimens. Parasite identification was performed using Bowman (1999) and Lucky (1977). The result showed that Channa striata hosted six parasites genus i.e. Strongyloides, Trichinella, Dactylogyrus, Lamproglena, Camallanus dan Ancylodiscoides. The total frequency of parasite presence (prevalence) was 30% and commonly categorized into “commonly”. The prevalency of each genus of Strongyloides, Trichinella, Dactylogyrus, Lamproglena, Camallanus and Ancylodiscoides 13.3%, 11.7%, 3.3%, 3.3%, 3.3% and 1.7% respectivelyItem PELATIHAN TEKNIK BERTERNAK CACING TANAH PADA IBU-IBU PKK KEL. SIDOMULYO BARAT, KEC.TAMPAN PEKANBARU(2013-04-19) Yusfiati; Indriyani, Dewi; Fitmawati; Mahatma, Radith; Herman; Sofyanti, NeryJenis-jenis cacing tanah yang sering dibudidayakan adalah genus Lumbricus, Periony dan Pheretima. Ketiga jenis cacing ini menyukai bahan organik yang berasal dari pupuk kandang. Dalam pertanian, cacing dapat menghancurkan bahan organik, sehingga memperbaiki aerasi dan struktur tanah. Akibatnya lahan menjadi subur dan penyerapan nutrisi oleh tanaman menjadi baik. Keberadaan cacing tanah juga akan meningkatkan populasi mikroba yang menguntungkan tanaman (Anonima, 2011). Menurut para ahli cacing Lumbricus Rubellus mengandung kadar protein sangat tinggi sekitar 76%. Kadar ini lebih tinggi dibandingkan daging mamalia (65%) atau ikan (50%) (Comarudin, 2008).Item PENGARUH KONDISI MANGROVE TERHADAP KELIMPAHAN KEPITING BIOLA (Uca sp) DI EKOSISTEM MANGROVE SUNGAI RAWA(2020-06) Alfian, Muhammad Aldi Fratama; Khairijon; Mahatma, RadithViddler crab is a type of crab that lives in holes or soaks in the substrate of mangrove ecosystem. This research was conducted from January to April 2020 in the Sungai Rawa Mangrove Ecotourism Area. The purpose of this study was to determine and obtain correlation values between condition of mangrove ecosystem and the abundance of viddler crabs. Survey method used in this research was purposive sampling technique. This study found 7 types of mangroves namely Avicennia marina, Avicennia alba, Avicennia officinalis, Sonneratia alba, Sonneratia ovata, Rhizophora mucronata, Rhizophora apiculata. The mangrove condition at the observed station was in the rare (damaged) category. Mangrove density in transect 1, 2 and 3 were 775 trees/ha, 375 trees /ha, and 200 trees /ha, respectively. The highest abundance of viddler crab was 4500 ind /ha found in station 1, while the lowest abundance was in station 2 where fiddler crab species was not found. The correlation between the existence of viddler crab and mangrove density showed a strong positive relationship. It means that the higher value of mangrove density leads to the high abundance of viddler crabItem PREVALENSI DAN JENIS-JENIS PARASIT PADA IKAN DI SUNGAI KAMPAR DESA SERING KECAMATAN PELALAWAN(2016-01-28) Fatmawati, Arum; Mahatma, Radith; TitrawaniThis study aimed to determine species, prevalency and intensity of parasites in fish from Kampar river, Sering Village, Pelalawan District. This research was conducted from December 2014 to February 2015. A Total of 40 fish samples from 7 species were observed, identified and then analyzed. Endoparasites found in the digestive tract was from the Family of Anoplocephalidae, Trichinellidae, and Strongyloididae with a value of 22.5% prevalence of endoparasites, with the category Often, whereas in scales and gills there were no ectoparasites. The value of the prevalence of endoparasites in each Family were 2.5% (Anoplocephalidae), 5% (Trichinellidae), and 15% (Strongyloididae). Endoparasites prevalence values for each fish species were 71% (Channa striata), 38% (Barbonymus schwanenfeldii), 17% (Osteochilus kelabau). Value prevalence of parasites in each organ of the digestive tract was 30% in stomach and 70% in bowel. Endoparasites intensity value was 1.1 while the value of the intensity of each Family were 1 (Anoplocephalidae), 1 (Trichinellidae) and 1.17 (Strongyloididae).Item PREVALENSI EKTOPARASIT PADA POPULASI ANJING PELIHARAAN (Canis lupus familiaris) DI KOTA PAYAKUMBUH(2016-01-28) Nalitha, Faradisa Firsty; Mahatma, Radith; Muhammad, AhmadThe close relationship between domestic dogs and man implies the importance of the health care of the pets. One of the parameters of dog’s health is the presence of ectoparasites. Payakumbuh is a town in West Sumatra, where the dog keeping is very popular among the residents. The present study aimed to know ectoparasite species found in the domestic dog population at this town and assess their prevalence in the population. It also attempted to obtain indications of the influence of dog’s race, sex and raising conditions on ectoparasite prevalence. A total of 50 domestic dogs were examined and the presence of ectoparasites was demonstrated in 44% of the dogs with an intensity of 3,6 ectoparasite individuals/dog. Only two ectoparasite species were found, i.e. Ctenocephalides canis and Rhipicephalus sanguineus. The prevalence of the former was more dominant (38%) then that of the later (6%). It appeared that the dog’s vulnerability to ectoparasites was more influenced by raising conditions than by the race, sex, and age of the animal