Browsing by Author "Herman, Herman"
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Item AMPLIFIKASI GEN EF1α PADA TUMBUHAN TUNTUN ANGIN (Elaeocarpus floribundus)(wahyu sari yeni, 2019-04-23) Mutiarawati, Dilla; Herman, HermanThe method of amplification is used in the genetic field, specifically to multiply target DNA, using PCR (polymerase chain reaction) method. To amplify the target DNA, the first step that must be done is DNA isolation. One of the target DNA that can be amplified is the EF1α gene in tuntun angin plant (Elaeocarpus floribundus), this gene is one of housekeeping gene. The amplification of the EF1α gene used a pair of primer EF1α_F : 5 '- TCC AGC TAA GGG TGC C -3' and EF1α_R : 5 '- GGT GGG TAC TCG GAG A -3', with annealing temperature of 54,70C. The PCR result was then checked using electrophoresis method. The results showed a band of the EF1α gene. The size of the EF1α gene band was determined using 1Kb ladder DNA. Size of EF1α gene band was found to be about 900 pb, with a thin and single band.Item EVALUASI KARAKTER UMUR POLONG MASAK DAN JUMLAH POLONG PADA MUTAN KACANG HIJAU (Vigna radiata (L.) R. Wilczek) GALUR KAMPAR GENERASI KELIMA (M5) HASIL RADASI GAMMA(2020-07) Fatmala, Apriza; Herman, HermanThe yield of mung beans (Vigna radiata (L) R. Wilckzek) in Riau Province has decreased since 2011 due to the reduced cultivating mung beans land. Kampar cultivar has low production and tend to be profitless, so makes mung beans farmers not too interested to cultivate them. Radiation with gamma rays is one of the many ways to improve the plants genetic. This study aimed to evaluate the character of mung bean phenotypes resulting from gamma rays radiations in M5 generation. This study used 13 M5 populations of Kampar cultivar and untreated population as control. Each population was planted in different plots and each plant was planted with 40 cm x 40 cm space between. The observed characters were age of mature pods and number of pods. Data was analyzed with mean analysis and DMRT using SPSS program version 15.0. The results showed that gamma rays radiation caused the age of mature pods of mutant plants to be longer and the number of pods per plant decreased.Item ISOLASI DNA DAUN ROTAN GETAH (Calamus angustifolius L.) MENGGUNAKAN GENOMIC DNA MINI KIT (PLANT) GENEAID(Elfitra, 2023-01) Vitovang, Aristyanti Devie; Herman, HermanRattan (Calamus angustifolius L.) is a clump plant. This plant can be found from the lowlands to the mountains. Young shoot of this plant is consumed by local people of Rokan Hulu Riau as processed food called pangkek. This study aimed to analyze rattan DNA through molecular analysis. Research method consisted of total DNA isolation and electrophoresis. The resulting total DNA has a thick, bright band, with a length of more than 10,000 bp.Item ISOLASI DNA TOTAL TUMBUHAN JENGKOL BUAH BESAR (Archidendron pauciflorum) SAMPEL JB1&JB2 ASAL KECAMATAN KAMPAR, RIAU(Elfitra, 2022-01) Oktavia, Amelly; Herman, HermanJengkol (Archidendron pauciflorum) is a native plant from Southeast Asia. This plant is classified into family Fabaceae. Jengkol fruit has a unique stench due to djenkolic acid. Jengkol is frequently used as medicine such as diarrhea medicine, wound medicine, antibiotics and as anti-inflammatory. Molecular research on jengkol is still limited. Therefore, to support molecular analysis of jengkol, this study aimed to isolate total DNA. Total DNA isolation was carried out using young leaves of two individuals JB1 and JB2 following the Genomic DNA Mini Kit Plant (Geneaid) kit protocol. The visualization results of the total DNA bands showed bright and thick bands with a size of more than 10,000 bp.Item ISOLASI DNA TOTAL TUMBUHAN JENGKOL BUAH KECIL (Archidendron pauciflorum) SAMPEL JK1 JK2 DAN JK3(Elfitra, 2022-04) Asmania, Asmania; Herman, HermanSmall fruit jengkol (Archidendron pauciflorum) belongs to fabaceae (legumes). This species is native to tropical plants originating from Southeast Asia which is commonly consumed as fresh vegetables and processed dishes. Jengkol has many nutritional benefits and potentials due to the high content of chemical compounds and secondary metabolites that small fruit jengkol has. The local community has not optimally cultivated jengkol and their genetic information is still limited. This study aimed to isolate the total DNA of small fruit jengkol plants as samples JK1, JK2, and JK3 using the Genomic DNA plant mini kit (Genaid) method. The stages of this research were sampling, total DNA isolation, PCR and total DNA electrophoresis. Results of this study showed that JK1, JK2, and JK3 samples revealed more than 10,000 bp with intact, bright and thick DNA bands.Item ISOLASI DNA TOTAL TUMBUHAN JENGKOL PAPAN (Archidendron pauciflorum) SAMPEL JB3(Elfitra, 2022-01) Barasa, Ferdawati; Herman, HermanJengkol papan (Archidendron pauciflorum) is a plant member of Fabaceae family which contains various nutrients and chemical compounds, and has a fruit with a unique smell. The smell is caused by djengkolic acid. DNA isolation is the process of separating DNA from other cell components to obtain DNA. This study aimed to isolate DNA of jengkol papan plant. Leaf samples were taken from Lake Bingkuang Village, Kampar District, Kampar Regency, Riau Province, Indonesia. DNA was extracted using Genomic DNA Mini Kit Plant (Geneaid) and followed by electrophoresis under 1% agarose gel. The result showed that the total DNA band profile was thick and bright, but still smeared with a size of more than 10.000 bp. It indicates that the concentration of DNA that has been isolated was high.Item ISOLASI DNA TOTAL TUMBUHAN MAMAN (Cleome gynandra l.) MENGGUNAKAN GENOMIC DNA MINI KIT (PLANT) GENEAID(Elfitra, 2023-01) Furqoni, Aries Tri; Herman, HermanMaman (Cleome gynandra L.) is a plant that is also known by other local names such as mamang, lenglengan, and maman overseas while in other countries it is known as five-leaved clove, spiderman flower and bustard mustard. Maman plants belong to the upright herbaceous plants, usually grown in fertile soil, especially burnt land, because there are a lot of remnants of burnt organic matter which are source of nutrient for maman plants. Maman is consumed as vegetable, called “orange maman", by local people in Rokan Hulu district, Riau Province. This study aimed to isolate total DNA of maman plant sample MN1 using the Genomic DNA Mini Kit Plant (Geneid). The research method involved two steps, total DNA isolation and total DNA electrophoresis. The results showed that the total maman DNA band in the MN1 sample was more than 10,000 bp in size, and the band looked thick and bright.Item ISOLASI DNA TOTAL TUMBUHAN PUCUK SEMINYAK SAMPEL PS3 ASAL KABUPATEN KAMPAR, RIAU(Elfitra, 2023-01) Cahyati, Isa Endar; Herman, HermanSeminyak shoot is wild plant grown on rubber plantation field. Seminyak shoot is traditional vegetable originating from the Rokan Malays. Fruits, leaves and flowers of Seminyak are consumed Rokan Malay people. The taste of this oil shoot is sweet and slippery. Molecular research on shoots of Seminyak has never been done. Therefore, this research was carried out with the aim of isolating total DNA and electrophoresis of the shoots of Seminyak. Total DNA isolation using Genomic DNA Mini Kit Plant (Geneaid) using young leaves from PS3 individuals. The visualization results of total DNA bands show thin bands and smears with a size of more than 10.000 bp.Item Kajian Pemupupukan P Pada Lahan Sawah Balai Benih Induk Untuk Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Padi (Oryza Sativa L.)(2018-02-06) Novarma, Riski; Nelvia, Nelvia; Herman, HermanPenelitian bertujuan untuk mendapatkan dosis pupuk P pada lahan sawah Balai Benih Induk (BBI) Pekanbaru Propinsi Riau untuk pertumbuhan dan hasil produksi padi yang optimal. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan 5 perlakuan yang terdiri dari 5 taraf (46; 57,5; 69; 80,5; 92 kg P2O5/ha), masing-masing perlakuan diulang 4 kali, dosis yang digunakan BBI adalah 69 kg P2O5/ha. Parameter yang diamati tinggi tanaman, jumlah anakan produktif, jumlah gabah per malai, bobot gabah bernas per sampel, bobot gabah bernas per meter persegi, bobot 1000 butir gabah dan indeks panen, serta pH, P tersedia dan P potensial tanah. Data hasil pengamatan tiap parameter dianalisis secara statistik menggunakan analisis ragam dan uji lanjut dengan DNMRT taraf 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa penurunan dosis P dari 69 kg P2O5/ha (dosis BBI) ke 46 kg P2O5/ha menghasilkan tinggi tanaman, jumlah anakan produktif, jumlah gabah per malai, bobot gabah bernas per sampel, bobot gabah bernas per meter persegi dan indeks panen lebih tinggi dibadingkan pemberian P pada dosis BBI (69 kg P2O5/ha) dan di bawah maupun di atasnya (57,5, dan 80,5, 92 kg P2O5/ha). Pemberian dosis 57,5 kg P2O5/ha terhadap bobot 1000 butir gabah menghasilkan perbedaan yang nyata dari dosis 69 kg P2O5/ha (dosis BBI).Item OPTIMASI SUHU ANNEALING UNTUK AMPLIFIKASI DAERAH atpB-rbcL INTERGENIC SPACER PADA TUMBUHAN DURIK-DURIK (Syzygiumsp.) ASAL RIAU(2020-08) Putri, Nur Aisyah; Herman, HermanDurik-durik (Syzygium sp.) is a plant from the family Myrtaceae that can grow in the flooded swamp ecosystem. This plant has a good adaptability to inundation stress. This study aimed to determine the optimal annealing temperature that could be used for amplification in the atpB-rbcL intergenic spacer region. Leaf samples of durik-durik (Syzygium sp.) plant were taken from Lake Kajuik located in Langgam Village, Pelalawan Regency, Riau Province. Samples were extracted using Genomic DNA mini kit Plant (Geneaid) then amplified using dreamTaq DNA polymerase and atpB-rbcL intergenic spacer primer pair with a PCR machine. The results showed that DNA bands were around 1000 bp. The optimal annealing temperature was Tm-5 = 46,6 oC.Item OPTIMASI SUHU ANNEALING UNTUK AMPLIFIKASI ndhF-rpl32 INTERGENIC SPACER PADA TUMBUHAN PANDAN (Benstonea sp.) ASAL RIAU(2020-08) Thahirah, At; Herman, HermanDNA barcoding techniques can be utilized in the field of plant taxonomy and phylogenetics to identify plants more accurately. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) is a technology that supports to multiply a small sample of DNA into millions of copies. Annealing temperature optimization needs to be done in order to obtain specific target DNA. This research was conducted to obtain annealing temperature to amplify the ndhF-rpl32 Intergenic Spacer region in pandanus plants (Benstonea sp.) from Riau. The stages of this research included total DNA isolation using Genomic DNA Mini Kit Plant, PCR replication using the DreamTaq DNA Polymerase kit, and electrophoresis. The primers used in this study were ndhF: 5'- GAA AGG TAT KAT CCA YGM ATA TT-3 ' and rpl32-R: 5'- CCA ATA TCC CTT YYT TTT CCA A-3 '. The results obtained from this study showed that optimal annealing temperatures were found at 50,3 ◦ C.Item PEMBUKTIAN DNA TOTAL TUMBUHAN TUNTUN ANGIN (Elaeocarpus floribundus) DENGAN SEKUEN GEN MATK(wahyu sari yeni, 2019-04-23) Aisyah, Nur; Herman, HermanTuntun angin (Elaeocarpus floribundus) is one of important floodplain plant that grows in Kajuik Lake, Langgam, Pelalawan District, Riau Province, Indonesia. The ability of this plant for flooding stress adaption can’t be separated from the existence of genes related to the flooding stress. DNA isolation in this plant is useful in obtaining moleculer information that is useful for further analysis. The study aimed to prove that total DNA isolated was present by using matK gene. The isolation of total DNA was conducted by taking 0,1 g of tuntun angin leave. Methods included total DNA isolation, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), electrophoresis, sequencing and data analysis using bioinformatic tools use BioEdit versi 7.0 and BLASTn. Total DNA extraction used the Genomic DNA Mini Kit Plant (Geneaid). The total DNA was then migrated on 1 % agarose gel to know the quality of total DNA obtained. The total DNA of tuntun angin wasn’t detected on gel electrophoresis after visualizing on UV lamp. Amplification of matK gene was performed to proof that the total DNA was present. The result showed that a 529 bp of the matK gene was similar to Elaeocarpus floribundus available in GeneBank.Item PROFIL PITA DNA TOTAL LOPANG(Elfitra, 2023-05) Siahaan, Citra Winarni; Herman, HermanLopang are annual herbaceous plants that have been cultivated in Riau. Lopang plants are dominantly grown in open areas of farming fields. This plant is consumed as a vegetable and is believed to be an herbal medicine for certain diseases by local people. This study aimed to extract total genomic DNA of Lopang plants. Research methods include total DNA isolation and total DNA electrophoresis. The results showed that total DNA was thin with a length of more than 10,000 bp.