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Item ANALISA FAKTOR UMUR PAVING BLOCK(2013-04-22) Herman; Kurniawandy Alex; ErmiyatiPaving block widely used in constructions, such as pavement, residential street, parking lot and many others. Easiness of installation, low cost maintenance, and beautiful aspect of it leads to more people prefer to use it, there are no set of standards to predict approximate age of paving block making it difficult for developer, contractor and owner to determine the compressive strength if it is not tested at age 28 days (more or less 28 days). Therefore, author conducted a study to test the compressive strength of paving block at age, 3,7,14,21,28,56, and 91 days, from this study we could know age factors value of amplify strength of paving block based on the increasing of paving block age. The study was conducted at “PT. Multi Guna Jaya Murah” with mixed composition obtained from proctor tests which conducted at “Laboratorium Teknologi Bahan Universitas Riau” the result of age factors value for paving blocks at age 3,7,14,21,28,56, and 91in sequences are 0 ,757; 0,837; 0,949; 0,986; 1.000; ,1,013; and 1,065 different with age factors value of a concrete are 0,400; 0,650; 0,880; 0,950; 1,000; 1,20; and 1,30.Item ANALISIS KEANEKARAGAMAN SAGU (Metroxylon sagu Rottb.) PADA TIGA TIPE HABITAT DI PULAU PADANG KEPULAUAN MERANTI(2014-03-05) Rahayu, Yeni; Fitmawati; HermanPulau Padang memiliki areal penanaman sagu (Metroxylon sagu Rottb.). Menurut pengetahuan masyarakat lokal terdapat tiga tipe habitat kebun sagu di Pulau Padang, yaitu Gambut, Kilang Manis, dan habitat bertanah liat. Produktifitas sagu berkorelasi dengan ketiga tipe habitat tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengungkap keanekaragaman sagu pada tiga tipe habitat di Pulau Padang dan menentukan tipe habitat yang mendukung produktifitas sagu yang tinggi, sebagai informasi dasar bagi upaya konservasi habitat sagu. Sebanyak 19 individu sagu telah dikoleksi dari tiga tipe habitat dan diamati karakter morfologi dan agronominya. Hasil karakterisasi ditemukan tiga tipe variasi sagu yaitu sagu duri, sagu sengke, dan sagu bemban. Analisis kluster menunjukan bahwa tanaman sagu mengelompok pada tiga kelompok utama berdasarkan asal habitat dan keberadaan durinya pada tingkat kesamaan 31-88%. Berdasarkan analisis komponen utama membagi tanaman sagu menjadi 5 kelompok, cenderung mengelompok juga berdasarkan asal habitat dan keberadaan duri dengan nilai akumulasi keragaman dua komponen utama 58%. Tipe habitat kilang manis direkomendasikan sebagai habitat sagu yang perlu dikonservasi di pulau PadangItem APLIKASI LIMBAH CAIR RENDAMAN REBUNG BAMBU DAN RENDAMAN KULIT JENGKOL TERHADAP RESPON PANJANG AKAR DAN VOLUME AKAR TANAMAN SELEDRI (Apium graveolens L. var. secalinum)(2016-01-28) Haloho, Risky Ana; Herman; Roslim, Dewi IndriyaniCelery is one of the most famous vegetables in the world because it has high economic value and useful as medicine. Celery can grow well in the highland with cool climate. The problem which arise the most is lack of interest of vegetable farmer to plant celery in the lowland because usually celery will grow stunted in incompatible environment. Informations about celery growth in lowland and hot climate are necessary to determine the best treatment which helps celery growth in lowland. The aims of this study was to determine type and the best liquid waste concentration for celery growth in Pekanbaru. Liquid waste used was bamboo shoots and jengkol skin. Celery seeds were obtained from farm store in Pekanbaru then planted in Botanical Research station FMIPA UR. Parameters observed were root length and volume. This study was carried out using completely randomized design (CRD) with 10 treatments repeated 4 times. Data was analyzed by ANOVA followed by Duncan's Multiple Range Test at 5%. Applications liquid wastes either alone or in combination showed significant effect on roots length, and roots volume. The result showed that 6,0 cc (R2) liquid of bamboo shoot gave the best effect on all parametersItem APLIKASI MULSA ORGANIK Pueraria javanica DAN KOMPOS PELEPAH KELAPA SAWIT(Elaeis guineensis) TERHADAP PERKECAMBAHAN DAN PERTUMBUHAN ANAKAN GULMA Borreria alata (Aublet) DC(2013-03-21) Indraheni, Rina; Fatonah, Siti; HermanOne of the alternative methods for weed control is soil mulching. Mulches influence weed germination and growth by blocking the daylight. Soil surface can be mulched by different materials. Such as organic materials. The objectives of this experiment were to evaluate the effect two organic mulches Pueraria javanica and the palm oil stem compost (Elaeis guenensis) on Borreria alata. In this study with thicknesses (2.5, 7.5 and 12.5 cm) and an unmulched. The observed data was analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and the significant differences among the treatment means were determined using Duncan’s Multiple Range test with probability level of P=0.05. The results showed that all organic mulches lessen weed germination and growth. Mulch of Pueraria javanica with thickness 2.5 cm reduced weed germination as 76.29% and growth as 44.26%. Palm oil stem compost (Elaeis guenensis) with thickness 2.5 cm had the strongest influence on the decrease of weed germination i.e 86.60% and growth i.e 32.79%. The 7.5 cm and 12.5 cm thickness mulching with Pueraria javanica and Palm oil stem compost (Elaeis guenensis) didnot germinate weedsItem BREEDING MUNGBEAN Phaseolus vulgaris(2014-05-22) Herman; FathurrahmanThe purpose of this research ia to see the change of fenotics and genetics by giving kolkhisin as a variable of the amount chromosoms. The frying pan experiment is done to get the best of ambibition kolkhisin proces, too. The seed is submerged in kolkhisin solution. After that, seed is planted in the pots. There are two treatment factors in this research K (kolkhisin consentration) devided in four level they are K0 (0%), K1 (0.1%), K2 (0.5%) and K3 (1%). While second factors is P factor (long time to frying pan) devided in four factors, they are P1 (5 hours), P2 (10 hours), P3 (15 hours) and P4 (20 hours). Parameter that is researched consist of the tall of plant, the total of branch, the time to bloom, total of ghost and weight of 100 seed. The result of consentration treatment and the long time for frying pan of kolkhisin solution show that it has the highest result to the time of bloom and K2 (31,25 days), treatment the total of ghost in K3 (68,6 ghosts) treatment and weight 100 seed in K3 (10,3 gr) treatment. While in P factor it found the highest result to the tall of plant for P1 (75,2 cm) treatment, total of branch in P1 (3,6 branch), the age for bloom and P4 (31 days) treatment, the total of ghost in P4 (58,80 ghost) treatment and weigh of 100 seed in P4 (10,07 gr) treatment. From result of highest combination treatment is got in the tall of plant P1K0 (86,6 cm) treatment the total of branch in P4K2 (4,2 branch) treatment the age for bloom in P2K3 (33,7 HST) treatment, the total of ghost in P4k3 (86,4 ghost) treatment and weight of 100 seed in P4K3 (16,9 gr) treatment . the result of statistic analyze that kolkhisin treatment and the long time for prying pan the seed influence the plant and the development of mungbin. Kolkhisin is changed the total of mungbin kromoson until it can increase the product. Giving treatment as the best combination is in P4K3 treatment.we can increase this treatment by add the persentase of kolkhisin solution that higher to increase the production of total ghost and weigh of seed.Item DAYA TUMBUH KECAMBAH DAN WAKTU BERTUNAS KACANG HIJAU (Vigna radiata L.) GENERASI F3(2016-01-30) Putri, Rindhani Friska; Roslim, Dewi Indriyani; HermanThe improvement program of mung bean (Vigna radiata .L) can be done by crossbreeding, selection, and testing of the progeny to obtain new varieties. This study aims to analyze the growth ability and germination time of mung bean sprout, F3 generation. The study was conducted at the experimental station of Biology, Faculty of Math and Natural Science, University of Riau from January to April 2015. A total of 693 mung beans seeds (F2 generation) were planted and observed. The results showed that the skin color of mung beans pods (F3 generation) have a variation. The grouts ability of mung bean sprout growth ability (72,22%) was F2-13 while the lowest (11,90%) is shown by F2-15. In Kenari and Kampar parent, the percentage of sprout growth ability were 61,9% and 57,14%, respectively. The bud forming time of mung bean (F3 generation) ranged from 5,60 to 6,83 days. The fastest forming time was found in F2-14 plot with 5,6 days in average. While the slowest time of forming bud was found in F2-12 plot with an average of 6,8 days. The germination time of Kenari and Kampar sprout were 6,17 and 6,12, respectively.Item DESKRIPSI KARAKTER MORFOLOGI UBI KAYU PUCUK HIJAU (Manihot essculenta Crantz) ASAL TALUK KUANTAN(2016-05-19) Fitriani, Ingga Yurisna; Roslim, Dewi Indriyani; HermanCassava (Manihot esculenta crantz) is one of the agricultural commodity that produce tuber for food source in Indonesia. Cassava plants can be developed through plant breeding program that require plasma nuftah with high genetic diversity. This study aimed to describe the morphological characters of “Pucuk Hijau” cassava from Taluk Kuantan. This research was conducted from September 2013 to June 2014 in the garden of Biology ,Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Science University of Riau. Materials used in this study were “Pucuk Hijau” cassava seeds and cow manure. The procedure involves planting and observation of morphological characters. The results showed that the morphological characters of cassava shoots are, green and un-grove stem surface, long ptiole (20 cm), conical-cylidrical tuber shape, light brown outer tuber, thin (1 mm) and purple tuber, with white inner tuber.Item EKSPORASI DAN KARAKTERISASI KEANEKARAGAMAN PLASMA NUTFAH MANGGA (MANGIFERA) DI SUMATRA TENGAH(2014-03-05) Fitmawati; Suwita, Anggi; Sofiyanti, Nery; HermanIdentifikasi dan karakterisasi adalah sebuah jembatan utama menuju pemanfaatan sember daya genetic tanaman dan konservasinya. Sumatera merupakan daerah hutan hujan tropis dengan keunikan bentangan dan aspek ekologisnya sehingga memiliki kekayaan hayati yang tinggi, salah satunya tanaman mangga. Namun, laju deforestasi hutan yang tinggi di Sumatera, khususnya bagian tengah menuntut perlunya dilakukan studi eksplorasi sumber daya hayati sebagai langkah awal konservasi. Keanekaragaman mangga di Sumatera adalah aspek penting dan menarik untuk dikaji karena ditemukan adanya karakter khusus yaitu kemampuan berbuah pada curah hujan tinggi. Karakter ini dapat digunakan sebagai sumber persilangan untuk perbaikan sifat tanaman mangga budidaya guna merakit bibit unggul yang beradaptasi dengan iklim basah. Eksplorasi keanekaragaman mangga di Sumatera tengah telah dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode survey, meliputi Provinsi Riau, Provinsi Sumatera Barat, Provinsi Jambi. Hasil eksplorasi diperoleh 900 koleksi mangga yang terdiri dari delapan spesies mangga, antara lain M. indica, M.zelenica, M. odorata, M. laurina, M. foetida, M. quadrifida, M. torquendra dan M. kemanga.Item EVALUASI KARAKTER FENOTIPIK DAN UPAYA PENGEMBANGAN TANAMAN PADI LOKAL MELALUI PERSILANGAN DAN MUTASI BUATAN(2014-03-05) Wahibah, Ninik Nihayatul; Herman; Roslim, Dewi IndriyaniPadi (Oryza sdtiva L.) rnerupakan sumber pangan bagi masyarakat Indonesia yang dikonsumsi tidak kuran g dari 200 juta penduduk. Konsumsi beras rata-rata 133 kglkapita/tahun, maka total kebutuhan beras 26,6 juta ton/tahun (Husodo 2007). Pertarnbahan jurnlah penduduk nrendorong rneningkatnya kebutuhan akan beras, oleh karena itu perlu digalakkan usaha peningkatan produksi beras untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut. Angka Tetap (ATAP) prodtrksi padi tahun 2010 sebesar 574.864 ton padi Gabah Kering Giling (GKG) atau meningkat dibanding produksi padi pada tahun 2005 sebesat 425.095 toMra (BPS 2011). Peningkatan produksi padi tersebut belnm mencuktrpi kebutuhan konsumsi beras penduduk R.iau sebesar 659.6rc tonlha. Hal ini menyebabkan tingginya ketergantungan pasokan beras dari Provinsi lain seperti Sumatera Barat atau Sumatera Utara. Untuk mengurangi ketergantuttgaf tersebut, pemerintah Provinsi beserta pelnerintah Kabupaten se Riau mengeluarkan kebijakan peningkatan produksi beras. Kebiikan tersebut dapat diwujudkan dalam bentuk progrimr ekstensifikasi manpun intensifikasi. Upaya ek-stensiJikasl dilakukan dengan rnengernbangkan areal pertanian seperti mengembangkan varietas padi pada lahan gambut yang barryak terdapat di Provinsi Riau. Usaha inten.sifikasr dilakukan dengan cara perbaikan varietas padi melalui pengembangan galur-galur yang mempunyai potensi produksi tinggi dengan biayaminimal.Item Evaluasi Karakter Fenotipik dan Upaya Pengembangan Tanaman Padi Lokal Melalui Persilangan dan Mutasi Bantuan(2013-04-16) NihayatuI Wahibah, Ninik; Herman; Indriyani Roslim, DewiAngka Tetap (ATAP) produksi padi tahun 2010 sebesar 574.864 ton padi Gabah Kering Giling (GKG) atau meningkat dibanding produksi padi pada tahun 2005 sebesar 425.095 ton/lia (BPS 2011). Peningkatan produksi padi tersebut belum mencukupi kebutuhan konsumsi beras penduduk Riau sebesar 659.610 ton/ha. Hal ini menyebabkan tingginya ketergantungan pasokan beras dari Provinsi lain seperti Sumatera Barat atau Sumatera Utara. Untuk mengurangi ketergantungan tersebut, pemerintah Provinsi beserta pemerintah Kabupaten se Riau mengeluarkan kebijakan peningkatan produksi beras. Kebijkan tersebut dapat diwujudkan dalam bentuk program ekstensifikasi maupun intensifikasi. Upaya ekstensifikasi dilakukan dengan mengembangkan areal pertanian seperti mengembangkan varietas padi pada lahan gambut yang banyak terdapat di Provinsi Riau. Usaha intensifikasi dilakukan dengan cara perbaikan varietas padi melalui pengembangan galur-galur yang mempunyai potensi produksi tinggi dengan biaya minimal.Item GENETICS DIVERSITY IN MANGO (MANGIFERA) SPECIES WITH OFF-SEASON FRUITING IN PEKANBARU, RIAU-INDONESIA(2014-03-05) Fitmawati; Rohayati, Suci; Herman; SyahdanAcross the Riau Province, Indonesia, the mango (Mangifera) shows a wide agroecological diversity and varietal wealth which can be exploited for off-season production. Various mango species are adptable for fruit production with diverse seasons in this area. In mango, off-season production is based on the genotype, environment and chemical interaction imposed on the mango trees, thus there is an ample scope in that area to work out specific mango cultivars for off-season production. Therefore, the studu was conducted during August 2010 to August 2011 with the objectives to investigate and characterize the off-season mango cultivars with existing soil of Pekanbaru City, Riau Province, Indonesia using genetic diversity and field survey as selection criterion. The relevant morphological, agronomic and anatomic data were analyzed with NTSYS-ps 2.02i program. Three different Mangifera spesies M. indica (with 32 cultivars), M. sumatrana (one cultivar) and M. odorata (one cultivar) were included in the study. However, 11 cultivars belong to M. indica Viz; arumanis, golek, manalagi, bapang, apel merah, gedong gincu, cowasji patel, surkha panditlawa, inayat pasand, atu-atu, jamuna ewre found with superior fruit characteristics and bearing. All of these cultivars produced fruits for long time period (February to October) or out-off season. Based on similarity matrix, mango of Pekanbaru city has Genetic similarity value of 0.21 to 0.87. Lowest similarity value noticed in cultivar manalagi found in tampan 8 and cultivar gedong gincu. However, highest similarity valuewas observed in cultivar manalagi found in bukit raya 4 and bukit raya 6. Cluster analysis manifested that genetic diversity in mango of Pekanbaru City was 13-64% with similarity level of 36-87%.Item HYBRID F1 KACANG HIJAU (Vigna radiata L.) HASIL PERSILANGAN VARIETAS KENARI X KULTIVAR LOCAL KAMPAR(2014-03-05) Herman; Roslim, Dewi Indriyani; ZulkifliPemuliaan tanaman kacang hijau diawali dari pemilihan secara konvensional dan perkawinan silang diantara sesama kultivar liar dengan kultivar budidaya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan variabilitas genetic pada tanaman kacang hijau. Penelitian dilakukan dengan melakukan persilangan antara kacang hijau varietas Kenari dengan kultivar local Kampar. Hasil persilangan mendapatkan 3 biji polong (1,6%). Ketiga biji F1tersebut akan ditanam untuk seleksiItem ISOLASI DAN ELEKTROFORESIS DNA TOTAL DARI UBI KAYU (Manihot esculenta Crantz.) GENOTIPE VARIEGATA DAN KERITING ASAL PROVINSI RIAU(2016-01-30) Sanjaya, Suci Islami; Roslim, Dewi Indriyani; HermanCassava (Manihot esculenta Cranzt.) is a species that has high adaptability to acidic and poor nutrient soil in Riau Province. This province has high cassava genotypes that distributed in several districts, including Rokan Hilir. The variegata and keriting cassava are cassava genotypes from Rokan Hilir, but the genetic studies to isolation DNA have never been conducted. This study was aimed to isolate and electrophoresis the total DNA of variegata dan keriting cassava. The research methods included the isolation of DNA from fresh leaves of the variegata dan keriting cassava using CTAB (Cetyl Trimethyl Ammonium Bromide) method and the electrophoresis was conducted ina 1,2% agarose gel to know the quantity and quality of total DNA obtained. The results showed that the quality of the total DNA of variegata dan keriting cassava with thick band and intact. The concentration of total DNA obtained approximately 700-1000 ng/ μlItem KARAKTER MORFOLOGI DAN PERTUMBUHAN TIGA JENIS CACING TANAH LOKAL PEKANBARU PADA DUA MACAM MEDIA PERTUMBUHAN(2014-03-05) Roslim, Dewi Indriyani; Nastiti, Dini Septya; HermanAbstrakLimbah organik dari limbah rumah tangga, pertanian, perkebunan, dan peternakan sering menimbulkan masalah, karena mencemari lingkungan. Cacing tanah dapat menggunakan limbah organik tersebut sebagai media pertumbuhannya dan juga merombaknya menjadi pupuk kasting. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pertumbuhan tiga jenis cacing tanah yang ditemui di kota Pekanbaru pada dua media pertumbuhan. Tiga jenis cacing tanah yang diteliti adalah Amynthas aspergillum (Cacing Gila Bodoh), Perionyx sp1 (Cacing Merah), dan Perionyx sp2 (Cacing Susu). Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Faktorial Lengkap. Masing-masing cacing tanah ditumbuhkan pada dua media, yaitu serasah dan campuran kotoran sapi+tanah, di dalam pot plastik. Medium tanpa cacing tanah digunakan sebagai kontrol. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan cacing tanah Amynthas aspergillum (Cacing Gila Bodoh), Perionyx sp1 (Cacing Merah), dan Perionyx sp2 (Cacing Susu) memiliki perbedaan karakter morfologi pada panjang tubuh, warna kulit, jumlah segmen, tipe prostomium, jumlah seta per segmen, warna dan posisi klitellum, posisi dan jumlah lubang jantan. Medium campuran kotoran sapi+tanah lebih cocok untuk pertumbuhan Perionyx sp2 (Cacing Susu), media serasah untuk pertumbuhan Amynthas aspergillum (Cacing Gila Bodoh), dan media kotoran sapi saja tanpa penambahan tanah untuk Perionyx sp1 (Cacing Merah).Item KEANEKARAGAMAN GENETIK UBI KAYU DI PROVINSI RIAU BERDASARKAN MORFOLOGI DAUN DAN BATANG(2014-03-05) Roslim, Dewi Indriyani; Herman; Chaniago, Murtiana; Restiani, RiniUbi kayu merupakan bahan pangan alternatif pengganti beras yang berpotensi untuk dikembangkan. Beberapa varietas ubi kayu diketahui telah beradaptasi dengan baik pada kondisi tanah di Provinsi Riau yang memiliki pH asam (yaitu di bawah 5) serta miskin hara mineral yang dibutuhkan oleh tanaman. Penelitian bertujuan mengeksplorasi ubi kayu dari provinsi Riau. Ubi kayu dieksplorasi dari kabupaten Rokan Hulu, Riau. Ubi kayu hasil eksplorasi kemudian ditanam di kebun Biologi FMIPA Universitas Riau untuk dievaluasi. Morfologi yang diamati meliputi bentuk daun; warna daun, tangkai daun, dan batang; diameter batang dan tangkai daun. Ubi kayu di Provinsi Riau memiliki keanekaragaman morfologi daun dan batang. Daun menjari dengan jumlah 5-9 jari. Warna daun berkisar hijau muda, hijau tua, atau belang kuning-hijau. Warna tangkai batang meliputi putih, kuning, atau merah. Penelitian ini merupakan titik awal pengembangan ubi kayu di Provinsi RiauItem KEEMPUKAN UMBI PADA 9 (SEMBILAN) GENOTIPE UBI KAYU (Manihot esculenta) ASAL PROVINSI RIAU(2016-01-26) Pratamasari, Hidayat; Roslim, Dewi Indriyani; HermanThis study was aimed to characterize cassava tuber from Riau Provinve based on the biochemical characters. This study was carried out at Biological Research Station, Fac, of Math and Natural Science, Riau University. That located at 5 m above sea level for 12 months started from February 2014 until February 2015. This study way conducted using group random design with nine cassava genotypes, i.e ubi kuning1, ubi kuning 2, ubi lurus, ubi jari tangkai merah, ubi roti, ubi sayur, ubi cita, ubi jari-jari tangkai putih, ubi hijau. The character observation was the softness of steamed cassava. The result showed that ubi kayu kuning2, ubi roti, ubi kayu ceta were classified as soft cassava. Whlle ubi kayu kuning1, ubi tangkai merah, ubi lurus, ubi jari-jari tangkai putih, ubi sayur ubi hijau were classified as hard cassavaItem KEKERABATAN Bulbophyllum dan Vanda DI PEKANBARU BERDASARKAN KARAKTER MORFOLOGI(2014-03-28) U., Fitriani K.; Herman; Sofiyanti, NeryBulbophyllum and Vanda are tropical orchids that are widely distributed in many regions in Indonesia, as well as in Pekanbaru, Riau. These genera have their own beauty with unique morphological characters, therefore they attract most people especially orchid lover. This research aimed to identify the species of Bulbophyllum and Vanda in Pekanbaru and to determine their relationship based on their morphological characters. One hundred eighteen characters were scored from 10 orchid species, these characters were then analyzed using NTSyst 2.02. The result identified five Bulbophyllum species (B. vaginatum, B. medusa,B. machrantum, B. echinolambium and B. coroliferum) and five Vanda species (V. teres, V. dearei, V. limbata, V. tricolorand V. sumatrana). The similarity coefficient was ranged from 0.24-0.72. The dendogram was mainly divided into two groups (A and B). Group A consisted of all Vanda species while B consisted of all Bulbophyllum speciesItem KERAGAAN FENOTIPIK KACANG HIJAU (Vigna radiata L.) VARIETAS NASIONAL MERPATI YANG DITANAM DI PEKANBARU RIAU(2016-01-26) Dewi, Rahma; Herman; Roslim, Dewi IndriyaniMung bean (Vigna radiata L.) is wellknown and important crop in Indonesia. Indonesian people like the refined product of mung bean. The high benefit and nutritional content of mung bean make this species as good alternative food ingredient. The Mung bean production in Riau is still relatively low and the variety of green bean that tolerance to acid soil is not known yet. The aim of this research was to determine the phenotypic performance of national Merpati mung bean variety from Pekanbaru, Riau. In this study, the seeds of this variety were grew at the Biology experimental garden, Faculty of Math and Natural Science, University of Riau. The parameters observed were flowering time, plant height, number of productive branches, number of pods cropping, crop pod length, number of seeds pod, and a weight of 100 seed crop. The results showed that the phenotypic performance of national Merpati mung bean variety is described as follow flowering time (33 days after planting), plant height (59,20 cm), the number of productive branches (12.30), number of pods cropping (18.55), long pods cropping (9,38 cm), the number of seeds per pod (10,7), and a weight of 100 seed crop (5.40 g)Item KESTABILAN KARAKTERISTIK AGRONOMI KACANG HIJAU (Phaseolus radiatus L.) MUTAN 1 DAN 2 HASIL PERLAKUAN KOLKISIN(2013-07-05) Nuzila, Okyarni; Herman; FitmawatiThe production of green bean in Riau province is fluctuative, due to low interest of local people to grow this plant. One of the green bean varieties is from Kampar, it has small seed size, trichomes and no simultaneous harvest time. One of the efforts to improve the green bean phenotype and genotype is by making mutation using colchicine. This research aimed to test the stability of green bean characteristic (M1 and M2) to produce big size seed, simultaneous harvest time and no trichomes. The design used in this study was random assignment design with three treatments and nine replications. The agronomical parameters observed were the flowering times; the pod producing time; the 50%, 80%, 95% harvest time; the seed weight, the pod weight and number ; weight of 100 seed; the whole plants height, and the seed weight per hectare. Agronomical data were analyzed using SPSS 17,0. Based on agronomical observation, the best characters observed were the pod producing time, the 50% 95% harvest time, 100 seed weight and seed weight per hectare which is owned M2 plant.Item KOMPOSISI FLORISTIK GULMA DI PERKEBUNAN KELAPA SAWIT YANG BERBEDA UMUR TEGAKAN DAN METODE PENGENDALIANNYA DI DESA TAMBANG, KAMPAR(2014-03-05) Fatonah, Siti; HermanPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginventarisasi jenis-jenis gulma yang terdapat di dua lahan perkebunan kelapa sawit yang berbeda umur dan metode pengendalian gulmanya serta mengetahui jenis-jenis gulma yang mendominasi di kedua lahan tersebut. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di perkebunan kelapa sawit Desa Tambang Kecamatan Tambang Kabupaten Kampar pada bulan Juni sampai Juli 2010. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya perbedaan komposisi floristic gulma pada dua lahan tersebut. Pada lahan dengan umur tegakan 1,5 tahun keanekaragaman gulma lebih rendah namun kerapatan gulma lebih tinggi dibandingkan pada lahan di bawah tegakan kelapa sawit umur 13 tahun. Gulma yang mendominasi di lahan umur tanaman kelapa sawit 1,5 tahun antara lain Imperata Cylindrica, Digitaria sanguinalis, Cyperus rotundus, Borreria alata, Paspalum conjugatum, eupatorium odoratum, Glechenia lenaralis, Mikania michranhta, dan Ageratum conyzoides. Pada lahan di bawah tanaman kelapa sawit umur 13 tahun gulma yang dominan antara lain Stenochlaena palustri, Souropus sp, Nephrolepis bustoniensis, Melastoma affine, Dicranopteris linearis dan Cyperus rotundus
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