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Item ANALISA KARAKTERISTIK SPEKTRUM SUARA ANAK PAUD MENGGUNAKAN SOFTWARE PRAAT(2016-02-01) Hartanti, Juli; Erwin; Syech, RiadA study of spectrum of children voice (4-5 year old) using praat software through computer has been done. The voice of sample was recorded by using a mocrophone connected to computer equipped printed praat software.The samples are girls and boys that originected from Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD) Kids Center Al-Fatyah, Bina Karya Abadi and Kid’s home. The results show that the value of pitch for girls are higher than that of boys. This is due to the size of their voice band. The value of pitch are 220-290 Hz and 219-287 Hz for boys and girls respectively. The average value of formant are increased formant F1 to F3. While the value of F2 is higher for boys compared to girls. The duration for boys is longer than for girls. The time duration of girls and boys is respectively 3.0-4.0 s and 2.0-2.9 s.Item ANALISA PENGARUH KETEBALAN LEMPENGAN BESI (Fe) TERHADAP INDUKSI MAGNETIK YANG DITIMBULKAN OLEH BEBERAPA MEREK TELEPON SELULER(2016-02-01) Noprianti, Ikrah; Erwin; SalomoNowadays, a cellular telephone is predicted to generate the effect of electromagnetic radiation on the users. In this research, the measurement of magnetic induction generated by three cellular telephones (sample A, B and C) was demostrated. The measurement was performed in two directions namely horizontal and vertical directions. In order to measure the magnetic induction, was used a Pasco magnetic probe 2162. The magnetic induction in the horizontal direction was measured with the distance of 0,5 cm from the cellular telephone. The effect of a slab of iron with various thicknesses namely 1-4 mm on magnetic induction was also studied. The results of this research showed that the value of magnetic induction generated by the cellular telephone sample A is the highest among brand B and C with the value of 7.73300x10-4 Tesla and followed by sample B and C with the value of 3.6241x10-4 Tesla and 1.41615x10-4 Tesla respectively. The value of magnetic induction in vertical direction decreases very significantly with the distance. Moreover, the magnetic induction increases when a slab of iron with the thickness of 1 mm to 4 mm was introduced.Item ANALISA PENGARUH PENYAKIT FLU DAN BATUK TERHADAP SUARA PENDERITA DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN KOMPUTER(2016-02-01) Lina, Devi; Erwin; Surbakti, AntoniusThe study of the influence of flu and cough disease of men and women on their voice spectrum had been carried out. The sample voices were recorded by using a computer equipped with a software called “Praat” as a substitute for spectrum analyzer. The samples were selected for three boys and three girls at the age of 7-11, three females and three males at the age of 22-24 in the condition of normal and sick (flu and cough). There are three pieces of voices that has to be spoken by the sample, namely “Jurusan Fisika”, “Tetap Maju”, and “Selamat Sore”. In order to obtain a better result of the study, it is necessary for the sample to say the three pieces of voices in three times. The results show that the value of the fundamental frequency for the women is higher than that of the men either in normal (well) condition or unwell condition. The value of the fundamental frequency for children in unwell condition is around 276 Hz and 249 Hz for female and male respectively and for adult is 182 Hz for female and 143 for male. While the value of the fundamental frequency sample in the normal condition for children is 269 Hz for female and 252 Hz for male, for adult is 175 Hz for female and 130 Hz for male. The results also shows that the average value of format F1, F2, and F3 for males is higher compared to that for women in both conditions. Furthermore, the time duration for the three pieces of voices is longer for children compared to that for adult, while the time duration for the three pieces of voices for the samples in normal condition is shorter compared to that of unwell conditionItem ANALISA TINGKAT KEMAGNETAN DAN SUSEPTIBILITAS MAGNETIK DARI PASIR BESI DI PANTAI PADANG SUMATERA BARAT MENGGUNAKAN PROBE MAGNETIK PASCO PS-2162(2016-05-19) Syahril, Novianti; Erwin; SalomoThe measurement of the magnetic degree and magnetic susceptibility of iron sand deposited along Padang beach West Sumatra has been done. The amount of sample of each location was 10 Kg. The sample was completely dried under sun ray before being processed by iron sand separator. The value of total magnetic induction was measured using a magnetic sensor called Pasco magnetic probe PS-2162. Prior to magnetic measurement, it was preparared a rectangular solenoid of 400 turns with the length of 10,0 cm, and side of 3,0 cm. The concentrate of iron sand obtained from iron sand separator was inserted as a core of the solenoid. The total magnetic induction value was measured as a funcion of applied current (2- 10A) to the solenoid and horizontal distance (1-5 mm). The results of this research showed that the highest magnetic degree value of iron sand was obtained from the sample of location B with the value of 5.5%, while the lowest value of magnetic degree was originated from location A with the value of 1.5%. Moreover, the total magnetic induction of the solenoid increased as electric current of the solenoid was increased, and the total value of magnetic induction decreased as a function of the horizontal distance. It was observed that the highest value of magnetic susceptibility was obtained from location B with the value of 4.84 × 10-4 m3 / kg, and the lowest value of magnetic susceptibility from location A with the value of 3.03 × 10-4 m3 / kg. The magnetic susceptibility values obtained were within the interval of 0,001 x 10-4 m3 / kg to 11 x 10-4 m3 / kg, which means that iron sand concentrate derived from Padang beach contains of Fe2O3 and Fe3O4.Item ANALISIS MORFOLOGI GANGGUAN SINTILASI IONOSFER DI INDONESIA(2016-05-19) Sari, Dwi Komala; Erwin; Husin, AsnawiThis paper continues some results from equatorial GPS ionospheric scintillation observations that have been conducted at Kototabang, West Sumatera Indonesia. The previous research has shown that the maximum ionospheric scintillation occured in equinox months which are in March to April and September to October. To get the morphological appearances of ionospheric scintillation, the analysis that is done by determining the percentage of occurances, time of occurances, and FFT analysis that shows the period of occurance of ionospheric scintillation. The used data range is 2006 to 2013 data. The amplitude of scintillation was measured using the S4 index. Ionospheric scintillation was generated from GPS satellite through ionospheric layers that underwent delaying. The occurance of ionospheric scintillation was minimum in 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 with its value respectively of around 60%, 20%, 35% and 23%. These occurances were due to a minimum phase of solar activity. In 2011, 2012 and 2013 the scintillation was beginning to increase with its value respectively of around 99%, 98%, and 99% in which the occurance was selected for S4 ≥ 0,5. The peak period of the occurance of ionospheric scintillation was obtained from data processing using Matlab software R2008a® using Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) method. Ionospheric scintillation generated from the GPS satellite signal through the ionosphere was delayed. The affects of ionospheric scintillation are cycle slips, loss of lock in navigational system, fading on signal or message error in satellite communication.Item ANALISIS SPEKTRUM SUARA MANUSIA BERDASARKAN SUKU PADA KELOMPOK USIA ANAK-ANAK DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN SOFTWARE PRAAT(2016-02-01) Gaol, Normaida Lumban; Erwin; Ginting, MbantunA study on the human voice spectrum is analyzed based on ethnic and age groups of children 8-11 years old. Recording is done with the human voice by using a microphone and a computer equipped with a software praat instead of the spectrum analyzer. The recorded sound spectrum determined a fundamental frequency (pitch) and formant. Sampling was done by recording the sound from each tribe of Batak, Malay, Minang, and Java, which consists of 4 males and 4 females were grouped into children aged 8-11 years. Each voice read three pieces word is "Red and White", "Indonesia" and "Youth Pledge". The results showed that the tribe (ethnic) Batak in males has a value of fundamental frequency averages higher at 231-282 Hz than the Malay, Minang, and Java has a fundamental frequency value of the average 241-252 Hz, 150-214 Hz, and 134 Hz-170 Hz. The value of the average fundamental frequency of each tribe for females, in which the value of highest frequency contained in Malay is 225-235 Hz compared to ethnic Minang, Javanese and Batak which has an average fundamental frequency are 186-240 Hz, 148-186 Hz and 125-186 Hz. The differences in the fundamental frequency caused by factors based on gender, age, condition of a person, the tribe and the condition of the room. The formant value rose from the first formant (F1) to the third formant (F3). Average formant values F1, F2, and F3 males lower compared to females. Formant value of the average F1, F2 and F3 boys 2116.387 Hz, 2157.046 Hz and femalesItem AN AUTONOMOUS WIRELESS MODUL FOR EARLY WARNING SYSTEM OF FOREST-FIRE BASED ON NTC SENSOR(2014-03-10) Umar, Lazuardi; ErwinWe have developed a sensor for fire detection in the forest (fire-sensor), which will be applied in rain forest of Sumatra. A prototype of the forest-fire sensor consisted of transmitter and receiver module of STM110 EnOcean Firma of 433MHz ISM Band has been constructed. The fire-sensor module detects the presence of fire in the vicinity using a temperature sensor of the NTC (negative temperature coefficient). The NTC sensor is thermally sensitive resistors (resistance decrease with increasing temperature and made of metal oxides and coated with epoxy or glass with resistance of 470K Ω. The thermistor is mounted on the exterior of the prototype (casing) and its switch-temperature is adjusted between 50°C and 90°C. A rapid rise in the temperature above the setting point indicates the presence of a nearby fire changes the sensor resistance rapidly and therefore, the sensor would send a telegram to the central station (receiver module).Item DAYA KELUARAN PANEL SURYA SILIKON POLI KRISTALIN PADA CUACA NORMAL DAN CUACA BERASAP DENGAN SUSUNAN ARRAY PARALEL(2016-02-01) Pratomo, Andrian Budi; Erwin; AwitdrusThe measurement of output power of silicon polycrystalline arrayduring normal and smoked days has been carried out. This array has an output tolerance about 3 %. The experiment was done for 6 days, started from 13 June until 14 June 2013 for the normal days and 24 June until 27 June 2013 for smoked days, at Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Riau. The result of the normal measurements show that average power output for normal days was greater than that for smoked days that was 46,6 Watt and 35,5 Watt respectively. The average output of voltage was 28,25 Volt while for smoked days, the voltage was 13,9 Volt. Higher values of the average output of voltage for normal days was due to the higher intensity of sunlight during the normal days compared to smoked days.Item Description Of The Incident Hypertension And Risk Factors That Contribute To The Occurrence Of Hypertension In Coastal Siak River(2015-06-20) Karim, Darwin; Erwin; Utomo, Wasisto; Mulia, PutraHypertension is a serious health problem and one of the most important causes of premature death worlwide. Hypertension incidence rates increased along with accompanying risk factors. This study aims to know the description of the incidence of hypertension and the risk factors that contribute to the incidence of hypertension in the coastal Siak River. The methode used is descriptive correlational cross-sectional approach. The study was conducted in the Puskesmas Rumbai Pesisir, using simple random sampling technique, obtained a sample of 100 respondents. Measuring instruments used in the form of a questionnaire. Data were analyzed by univariate statistical test frequency distribution, bivariate data were analyzed with Pearson's Product Moment Correlation. The results showed that there is significant relationship between gender (p value 0.0 with OR 2.12 in men rather than women), body mass index (p value 0.04 with OR 0.64 in obesity person), consumption of foods high in salt (p value 0.026 with OR 3.03), fried food consumption (p value 0.08 with OR 3.36) and lack of exercise (p value 0.05 with OR 0.38) with the incidence of hypertension. It can be concluded that there are risk factors can be modified in hypertension and can not be modified, that affect the incidence of hypertension. This study expected can be a foundation management of hypertension disease in the community.Item Efektifitas Kegiatan Pos Yandu dalam Pencegahan Penyakit Diare Paska Banjir di Daerah Pesisir Sungai Siak(2013-03-21) Rahmalia, Siti; ErwinSalah satu masalah kesehatn yang sering terjadi paska banjir adalah diare dan sering terjadi pada anak-anak. Hal ini disebabkan karena fasilitas air bersih yang dibutukan sudah terkontaminasi dengan air banjir. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas kegiatas kader pos yandu dalam pencegahan diare paska banjir Penelitian ini didesin dengan menggunakan diskriptif observasional dengan total sampil 15 orang kader Posyandu. Semua responden diambil dari Pos Yandu RW VII, VIII dan XII di Meranti Pandak Rimibai Pesisir. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan kuesioner dan lembar observasi. Data yang terkimipul dianalisa dengan menggunakan distribusi frekwensi. Hasil penelitian menimjukkan bahwa tingkat pengetahuan kader Pos Yandu tentang pencegahan dan penatalaksanaan diare paska banjir sudah baik. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan review ulang dan penyegaran kembali pengetahuan dan skill tenaga kader Posyandu secara reguler sehingga masyarakat akat terhindar dari masalah diare setelah mengalami banjir.Item Efektifitas Konsumsi Ekstrak Ikan Gabus (Ophiocephalus Striatus) Terhadap Peningkatan Kadar Albumin Darah Pasien Dengan Sindroma Nefrotik Dan Sirosis Hepatis(2015-08-08) Erwin; Dewi, Wan Nishfa; BayhakkiSindroma Nefrotik dan sirosis hepatis merupakan suatu penyakit yang ditandai dengan adanya penurunan kadar albumin darah yang cukup tinggi. Terapi albumin yang selama ini diberikan sangatlah memberatkan pasien dan keluarga karena harga serum albumin yang sangat mahal. Kemampuan setiap keluarga untuk membeli serum albumin ini sangat terbatas terutama bagi keluarga yang kurang mampu. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektifitas pemberian konsumsi ikan gabus dalam meningkatkan kadar albumin darah pasien dengan sindroma nefrotik dan sirosis hepatis. Metode penelitian ini adalah Quasi experiment accidental sampling, total 20 responden: 10 (kontrol) dan 10 (intervensi) Kelompok kontrol mendapatkan terapi sesuai institusi. Kelompok intervensi mendapatkan tambahan konsumsi ekstrak ikan gabus selama satu minggu. Gambaran Rata-rata/mean kadar albumin pada kelompok intervensi sebelum dan sesudah intervensi adalah -1,6667 mg/dl dengan standar deviasi -0,42269 mg/dl lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol sebesar -0,32857 mg/dl dengan standar deviasi -0,53140 mg/dl. Hasil penelitian didapatkan nilai p (0,226) > α (0,05) yang berarti secara statistik tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara rata-rata kadar albumin setelah intervensi pada kelompok intervensi dan kontrol.Item EFEKTIFITAS ORAL HYGIENE DENGAN SUCTION MENGGUNAKAN LARUTAN CHLORHEXIDINE 0,2% TERHADAP PENCEGAHAN VENTILATOR ASSOCIATED PNEUMONIA (VAP) PADA PASIEN YANG TERPASANG VENTILATOR MEKANIK(2013-02-04) Putri, Yanti; Erwin; JumainiThe aim of this study to determine the effectiveness of oral hygiene by suction using liquid Chlorhexidine 0.2% for the prevention of Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP) in patients who mounted a mechanical ventilator. he design of the research is Quasi-Experimental approach Randomized Posttest Only Control Design, which was to determine whether the intervention creates a significant difference between the two groups. The research do in the Arifin Achmad hospital Pekanbaru involving 30 respondents. The sampling method was purposive sample. Measuring tool used is the observation sheet. The research uses univariate and bivariate anaysis. The results of the statistical test T test obtained p value = 0.005 significant p value> α (0.05) then Hogagal rejected, so it can be concluded that there are significant differences in the results of the indicator value of oral hygiene among clients using without using CHX CHX in the prevention of VAP , so the use of CHX as oral hygiene may be more effective than without the use of CHX.Item EFEKTIFITAS TERAPI AKUPRESUR TERHADAP DISMENORE PADA REMAJA DI SMAN 5 dan MA AL-HUDA BENGKALIS(2013-07-11) Firda Julianti, Eni; Hasanah, Oswati; ErwinAcupressure is nonpharmacologic therapy for dysmenorrhea. The purpose of this research was to identify the effect of acupressure on pain (intensity and location) and level of anxity in adolescent with dysmenorrhea at SMAN 5 and MA AL-HUDA Bengkalis. This study was quasi-experimental with non-equivalent pretest-posttest kontrol group design. The sample were 80 respondens, devided into intervention and control group with purposive sampling methode. The analisys used was univariate bivariate analysis. The result showed that there was significant decrease in the pain intensity, pain location and level of anxity after the acupressure (P-value<0.05). Acupressure at LR3 and PC6 can be an effective and cost-free for self care and can be use widely as part of nursing intervention.Item EIGEN FUNGSI DAN EIGEN ENERGI DARI ELEKTRON DALAM KAWAT KUATUM TANPA IMPURITAS(2013-03-05) Fauzi, Rio; Erwin; SalomoQuantum wire (nanowire) is a wire with nanometer size, where the movement of electrons inside the wire experiences hoping from one site to the next site. If the wire does not have impurities, the electron motion will be ballistic. However, as a matter of fact the creation of quantum wires can not be separated from impurities. In this paper a computer simulation program to fine the Eigen functions and Eigen energy of electrons in one-dimensional quantum wire without impurities was developed. The process of this simulation uses MATLAB version 7 program. Eigen functions and Eigen energy of electrons in a quantum wire can be computed by solving time independent Schrodinger equation. In this research, a computer program comprises of two programs, namely the program and the main program menu. A program menu is used to enter the input data that will be written in the data file. This program allows users to enter the data required in the calculation. The main program is a program used to calculate the Eigen functions and Eigen energy. Computer program to calculate Eigen function and Eigen energy of electron in quantum wire has been created and has been succeeded on the run, and the results are in accordance with the results of theoretical calculations. Eigen value for electron energy on n=1,2,3,4, and 5 obtained 0.0038eV; 0.0151eV; 0.0339eV; 0.0602eV; and 0.0941eV. so for the same n theoretical calculation results are 0.0038eV; 0.0151eV; 0.0339eV; 0.0602eV; and 0.0941eVItem Energi Dan Fungis Gelombang Elektron Dalam Kawat Kuantum Tanpa Impurity(2013-04-17) Erwin; Defrianto; Saktioto; Fauzi, RioKawat kuantum (nanowire) merupakan kawat dengan dimensi nanometer, dimana gerakan electron didalarrmya mengalami hoping dari satu site kesite berikutnya. Jika dalam kawat tersebut tidak terdapat impuritas (pengotor) maka gerakan electron adalah gerakan ballistic. Namun dalam kenyataannya pemuatan kawat kuantum tidak terlepas dari impuritas. Dalam tulisan didilakukan simulasi program komputer untuk menentukan eigen fungsi dan eigen energi elektron dalam kawat kuantum tanpa imputitas. Program yang dikembangkan ini menggunakan program MATLAB versi 7. Untuk mendapatkan eigen function dan eigen energy dari electron dalam kawat kuantum, maka ditentukan penyelesaian Persamaan Schrodinger tidak bergantung waktu. Dalam penelitian ini, program komputer yang dibuat terdiri dari 2 program yaitu program menu dan program utama. Program menu d.igunakan untuk memasukkan da^ta input yang nantinya ditulis dalam data file. Program ini memudahkan pengguna dalam menginput data yang diperlukan dalam perhitungan. Progreim utama adalah program yang digunakan untuk melakukan perhitungan terhadap eigen fungsi dan eigen energy.Item FAKTOR INTRINSIK DAN EKSTRINSIK YANG BERHUBUNGAN DENGAN TINGKAT KEMANDIRIAN LANSIA DALAM MELAKUKANAKTIVITASSEHARI-HARI(2013-07-11) Nopriadi, Delta; Pristiana Dewi, Ari; ErwinThis study aims to determine the intrinsic and extrinsic factors associated with the level of independence of the elderly in performing daily activities. This study uses a descriptive design with cross sectional correlation. Sample in this research is located in the Village of elderly Meranti Pandak with a sample of 79 respondents was drawn using cluster sampling technique. Measuring instruments used in the form of questionnaires and have tested the validity and reliability (r> 0.444). Analysis was used univariate and bivariate analysis using Chi Square test. The results showed an association such as: age, consuming drugs and elderly environment with a level of independence in performing activities of daily living (P value: 0,00; 0,04; and 0,00) and the results showed no correlation with the degree of independence of the elderly in performing daily activities, namely: type of illness and family support (P value: 0,06 and 0,20). Recommended for the elderly for health control in health care at least once a month and to the families of the elderly can provide material and non-material support to elderly health condition.Item Faktor-Faktor Yang Berkontribusi Terhadap Penyakit Kulit (Integument) Pada Masyarakat Di Daerah Pesisir Sungai Siak Pekanbaru(2015-08-10) Hasneli, Yesi; Bayhakki; ErwinFaktor-faktor yang menyebabkan pencemaran Sungai Siak antara lain sampah-sampah rumah tangga dan sampah para pedagang di Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) yang dapat menyebabkan meningkatnya angka kejadian penyakit kulit (integument) setiap tahun dan dapat berakibat pada penurunan produktivitas warga yang tinggal di DAS Siak. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor apa sajakah yang berkontribusi terhadap penyakit kulit (integument) pada masyarakat di daerah pesisir Sungai Siak. Jenis penelitian ini adalah descriptive correlational dengan pendekatan “cross sectional”. Design penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berkontribusi berkontribusi terhadap penyakit kulit (integument) pada masyarakat di daerah pesisir Sungai Siak. Sampel penelitian ini adalah masyarakat yang tinggal di pesisir sungai siak yang menggunakan air sungai siak untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil analisa bivariat ada hubungan yang signifikan pada sikap (p value 0.000 dan OR=4.4) dan perilaku (p value 0.001 dan OR=3.9) responden terhadap penyakit kulit (scabies) pada masyarakat pesisir sungai siak, sedangkan berdasarkan jenis kelamin, status perkawinan, pekerjaan, penghasilan dan sumber air tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan.Item Gambaran Persepsi Penderita Tb Paru Tentang Penyakit Tb Paru Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Xiii Koto Kampar III(2015-08-10) Murlianis; ErwinSalah satu kendala yang masih sering ditemukan pada upaya penekanan jumlah penderita TB Paru adalah kurangnya pemahaman masyarakat. Masih banyak masyarakat yang kurang memiliki akses informasi sehingga terkadang mempunyai persepsi yang salah tentang penyakit tuberkulosis paru (TB Paru). Banyak penderita TB Paru yang enggan berobat ke rumah sakit atau Puskesmas karena mengira TB Paru adalah penyakit karena guna-guna, diracun, kutukan, keturunan dan lain sebagainya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana persepsi persepsi penderita TB Paru terhadap penyakit TB paru di wilayah kerja Puskesmas XIII Koto Kampar III. Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif sederhana, total 40 responden. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah kuesioner tentang pengertian, penyebab, tanda dan gejala serta cara penularan TB paru denganmenggunakan skala likert. Hasil penelitian didapatklan persepsi negatif tertinggi (50%) adalah tentang penyebab terjadinya tuberkulosis. Sedangkan cara pencegahan sebagian besar mempunyai persepsi yang positif (85%).Item HJBAH KOMPETITIF PENELITiAN KERJASAMA INTERNASIONAL DALAM RANGKA PUBLIKASI INTERNASIONAL BATCH II TAHUN KE-1 (2009)(2013-02-20) Sulistyo Rini, Ari; Defrianto; Umar, Lazuardi; Erwin; Abu Thalib, Ibrahim; KamisahInformasi mengenai sifat sifat fisis tanah seperti faktor kelembaban memegang peranan penting dalam penggunaan lahan pertanian yang berhubungan dengan produksl tanaman pangan, disamping berfungsi sebagai reservoir air dan sumber nutrisi bagi manusia. Pengamatan sifat-sifat dari tanah pertanian secara tradisional dengan mempergunakan database lahan yang tersedia dipandang terlalu umum untuk menentukan tingkat kelembaban tanah pada lahan pertanian tertentu. Untuk itu diperlukan suatu bentuk sensor yang handal dan mampu untuk mengukur berbagai sifat fisis dari tanah tersebut secara real time. Saat ini telah terdapat berbagai tipe sensor soil moisture di pasaran seperti metode konduktivitas, tensiometer atau metode dielektrik dalam daerah frekuensi atau waktu. Namun sensor ini mempunyai kelemahan antara lain harga yang relatif mahal. respon waktu lambat, memerlukan biaya perawatan, tingkat akurasi rendah serta faktor reproduksibilitas yang tidak memuaskan. Problem utama dari beberapa sensor adalah jenis tanah yang mempengaruhi hasll pengukuran. Pada penelitian ini dikembangkan lebih lanjut sensor kelembaban tanah dengan algoritma deteksi neural network. Sensor impedansi dengan elektroda ganda dikarakterisasi dengan mempergunakan 181260 pada frekuensi 1Hz-30Mhz dan amplitude Veksitasi = 10mVac. Untuk memperoleh tingkat kelembaban dipergunakan spektroskopi impedansi melalui pemodelan pada berbagai frekuensi dimana variasi tanah Entisol, Ultisol, Inseptisol, Andisol dan Clay diberi kelembaban terdefinisi dari 0w= 10-40%. Hasil pengukuran impedansi analyser memperlihatkan bahwa faktor real 'Z' (G) dan imajiner "Z" (B) dari sensor dipengamhi oleh jenis tanah yang dikarakterisasi. Untuk mereduksi faktor pengaruh tanah maka dipergunakan algoritma neural network sehingga pengukuran kelembaban tanah dapat diiakukan pada berbagai tipe tanah tanpa masalah.Item Identifikasi Karakteristik Hemoglobin (Hb) Pada Ibu Hamil Di Wilayah Pesisir Dan Aliran Sungai Siak(2015-08-10) Erwin; Utami, Gamya Tri; Woferst, RismadefiGejala anemia yang terjadi pada ibu hamil berupa perasaan lemah, letih, lesu, pusing, dan mual dianggap wajar terjadi selama kehamilan. Akibat dari anggapan tersebut membuat anemia menjadi penyakit yang tidak tampak secara jelas sehingga perilaku masyarakat menjadi berperan penting dalam menemukan masalah anemia pada ibu hamil. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan gambaran kadar Hb serta kejadian anemia pada ibu hamil di wilayah pesisir dan aliran sungai Siak, Provinsi Riau. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan penelitian deskriptif dengan populasi adalah seluruh ibu hamil di Kelurahan Meranti Pandak dan teknik pengambilan sampel consecutive sampling berjumlah 90 orang responden.Karakteristik responden didapatkan sebagian besar (26,7%) umur responden antara 25-29 tahun, namun masih ditemukan ibu hamil dengan umur terlalu muda (< 20 tahun) sebesar 2,2% dan umur ≥ 40 tahun sebesar 12,2%. Usia kehamilan responden pada penelitian ini sebagian besar berada pada trimester II (44,4%). Distribusi responden dengan kehamilan pertama (primigravida) lebih sedikit (20%) dibandingkan dengan multigravida.hasil identifikasi Hb didapatkan rata-rata kadar Hb 11,04g/dl dengan kadar hb terendah (10,42 g/dl) pada kelompok dengan usia kehamilan pada Trimester III serta kadar Hb ibu primigravida (10,81g/dl) lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan multigravida (11,10 g/dl). Kejadian anemia didapatkan sebesar 35,6 %, dengan kejadian tertinggi (48,4%) pada kelompok ibu dengan usia kehamilan Trimester III dan kejadian anemia pada kelompok ibu primigravida (44,4%) lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan multigravida (33,3%). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa kejadian anemia pada ibu hamil di wilayah pesisir dan aliran sungai Siak walaupun masih tinggi, namun masih berada dibawah angka rata-rata nasional.
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