Browsing by Author "Edwina,Susy"
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Item Adopsi Inovasi Petani Kelapa Sawit Rakyat Terhadap Pupuk Kompos Biotrikom di Desa Rantau Bais Kecamatan Tanah Putih Kabupaten Rokan Hilir(2014-01-28) Hasibuan, Albi Akandri; Edwina,Susy; Yulida, RozaThe aims of this research are: 1) to analyze the characteristics of civil palm farmers in Rantau Bais Village, Tanah Putih sub-district, RokanHilir district. 2) to analyze innovation adoption process of civil palm farmers to biotricom compost in in Rantau Bais Village, Tanah Putih sub-district, RokanHilir district. 3) to analyze level of innovation adoption of civil palm farmers to biotricom compost in Rantau Bais Village, Tanah Putih sub-district, RokanHilir district. The research was conducted from December 2012 until July 2013. The data used in this research are primary data and secondary data. Methods that used in this study are survey method and demonstration plots. The analytical method used is ordinal scale based on Likert scale. The number of respondents used in this research were 30 people of civil palm farmers in Rantau Bais Village, Tanah Putih sub-district, RokanHilir district. The results of this study showed that the innovation adoption of civil palm farmers seen from internal characteristics, is categorized low, and external characteristics is categorized very low. Innovation adoption processes can be seen through the five stages, namely: 1) Knowledge of farmers is categorized middle, 2) Persuasion of perceived innovation characteristics is categorized high 3) Decision to adopt is categorized middle, the decision not to adopt is categorized very low 4) Implementation is categorized low 5) Confirmation is categorized very low. Therefore, the level of inovation adoption of civil palm farmers in Rantau Bais Village, Tanah Putih sub-district, RokanHilir district is categorized low.Item Analisis Kesejahteraan Rumahtangga Pengrajin Agroindustri Keripik Nenas di Desa Kualu Nenas Kecamatan Tambang Kabupaten Kampar(2013-08-27) Tari, Royanis; Rosnita; Edwina,SusyAgroindustry is an industry with raw materials derived from agricultural products. Agroindustry development can be a strategic choice in tackling economic problems and poverty alleviation in rural areas. Because of the high ability of agroindustry in terms of expansion of employment opportunities and the provision of value added that is able to improve the economy of rural communities so as to improve welfare. The study, titled household welfare analysis of agrochips pineapple in Kualu Nenas Village Tambang District of Kampar Regency aims to analyze the structure of household income artisans pineapple chips agroindustry, agroindustry artisans household expenditure patterns pineapple chips and household welfare level craftsmen agroindustry (profit, expenses and basic needs). The research was conducted in the village of Kualu Nenas Kampar District Regency Tambang in September 2012 to April 2013 using the census of 12 craftsmen agroindustry pineapple chips. The results illustrate the income artisans average per month Rp.14.635.962,64. Income received by family craftsmen, more sourced and the agroindustry average of Rp.11.365.129,31 (79,09%), while the non agroindustry, amounting Rp.3.004.1667,67 (20,91%). Household expenditures craftsmen gained an average of Rp.4.441.583,33 (61,75%) non-food expenditure, while expenditure on food an average of Rp.2.751.250,00 (38,25%). Concluded that the welfare level is at the level of well-being, household artisans meaning income structure is larger than the minimum wage Kampar regency (Rp.1.492.000,00), the pattern of non-food expenditure is greater than food expenditure patterns and unmet basic needs households by 14 indicators.Item Analisis Ketahanan Pangan Dan Strategi Pengembangan Ketahanan Pangan Di Kecamatan Kuala Cenaku Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu(2013-07-27) Karmiliyanto, Rommy; Rifai,Ahmad; Edwina,SusyThe aimed of this research is to analyze the condition of food security and food insecurity in Kuala Cenaku Subdistrict. The research is also identifying the problems of causing the food insecurity, and formulate the food strategy in Kuala Cenaku Subdistrict. The metodology of food security analyze is using of food insecurity analysis that was introducing by United Nations World Food Programme (2005). The datas was collected from secondary data, and will be analyze and interpreted descriptively. Generally, the result of this research was shown the condition of composite food secure in Kuala Cenaku Subdistrict is food secure with 0,26 index value. The condition of food availability in Kuala Cenaku Subdistrict is very secure with 0,00 index value, the aspect of food and livelihood access is condition almost secure with 0,40 index value, the aspect of food utilization is condition food secure with 0,30 index value, and the aspect food vulnerability is condition almost secure with 0,34 index value. The problems food security in Kuala Cenaku Subdistrict there are limitedness of rural electrification, and large number of poverty and unemployment person. And the food security development strategy in Kuala Cenaku Subdistrict is community economic empowerment.Item Analisis Pemasaran Bengkuang (Pachyrryzus erosus) di Desa Bukit Payung Kecamatan Bangkinang Seberang Kabupaten Kampar(2013-08-27) Harianto, Dedy; Edwina,Susy; CepriadiThis study was conducted in the village of Bukit Payung Sub of Bangkinang Seberang Regency of Kampar for 3 months. The purpose of this study was to determine the marketing functions performed by of marketing agencies, marketing channels, marketing margins, marketing costs, profit of marketing, and the efficiency marketing of yam in the Village of Bukit Payung Sub of Bangkinang Seberang Regency of Kampar. The research method used is a survey method with a total sample of 20 people yam farmers, as many as 3 people of middlemen and 10 people of retailers. The results showed that marketing functions are performed by the institutions involved in the marketing of yam farmers, middlemen, and retailers include exchange function, physical functions, and function facilities. Yam marketing channels in the village of Bukit Payung consists of 3 channels where total costs, margins and profits are greatest in marketing yam on the third line while the value of marketing efficiency can be concluded that the first marketing channels more efficiently than marketing channels II and III.Item Analisis Pendapatan Petani Penerima Puap di Desa Panadau Jaya Kecamatan Siak Hulu Kabupaten Kampar(2013-02-04) Yakob, Ricky; Edwina,Susy; Khaswarina,ShoreIncome is defined as the diffrerence between gross farm income in total farm expenses, and measure the benefits obtained resulting from the use of production factor. This study aimed to: (1) Knowing changes farm expenses after and before followed PUAP program, (2) Knowing changes total incomes after and before followed PUAP program, (3) Knowing changes employment using after and before followed PUAP program. The site chosen is the village of uppes Siak Pandau Jaya district on account of the village regency Pandau Jaya is one of the village that have followed PUAP program in 2008 until now. The method used is a census method to collect primary data and secondary data, and using tabulation analysis and calculation of descriptive statistics are interpreted.Item Analisis Pendapatan Usahatani Kelapa Sawit Pola Swadaya di Desa Pematang Sikek Kecamatan Rimba Melintang Kabupaten Rokan Hilir(2013-07-13) Sudasmiati; Jum’atri,Yusri; Edwina,SusyThis research aims to analyze the pattern of oil palm farming income in Desa Pematang Sikek Kecamatan Rimba Melintang Kabupaten Rokan Hilir. The research was conducted in July and August 2012. The method used in this study is a survey method with sampling techniques purposive sampling (Intentionally), the farmers who have 2-5 ha land area, with a number of respondents as many as 35 farmers. Palm oil production in recent years is 17.869/ton/ha. Total farm production cost is Rp 4,456,191.43, receipts effort taken is Rp 19,521,882.50, farm profit is Rp 15,065,691.07, family labor income is Rp 16,328,091.07.Item Analisis Perbandingan Pendapatan Petani Karet Pola Ex Srdp Dengan Petani Karet Pola Swadaya Di Kelurahan Muara Lembu Kecamatan Singingi Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi(2013-06-25) Sangi, Dika Ardilla; Maharani,Evy; Edwina,SusyThe Purpose of this study was to analyze the rubber farmers 'income and efficiency, as well as farmers' income compared between self organize and Ex SRDP of rubber farming patterns in the village of Muara Lembu District Kuantan singingi. The method used in this study is a survey method. Sampling for rubber farmers Ex SRDP and self organize pattern done by purposive sampling method. Samples taken by the plant growers in 1989/1990 with a land area of about 1 ha. Reseacher used a sample of 44 people, 22 people farmer with Ex SRDP pattern of 180 people and 22 people of farmers with self organize pattern of 224 people. The results of this study indicate that rubber farming do not lose where the average net income Ex SRDP of rubber farmer pattern Rp. 17,431,580.84 and an average net income self organize of rubber farmer pattern Rp. 5.292.848,16. The average efficiency of RCR (Return Cost of Ratio) for Ex SRDP of rubber farmer pattern is 1,77. While the average RCR for self organize of rubber farmer pattern is 0,86. The results obtained by the t test conducted t count equal to 0.9116 and 1.6802 t table for 95% confidence level. Since t count smaller than t table, it can be concluded immediately null hypothesis (H0) is accepted and the hypothesis (H1) is rejected, so that the net income of the farmers Ex SRDP and self organize is no real difference.Item Analisis Usaha Agroindustri Berbasis Nenas di Desa Kualu Nenas Kecamatan Tambang Kabupaten Kampar(2013-08-27) Oktari, Riska Dian; Edwina,Susy; Muwardi,DidiThe purpose of this research is to conclude amount of cost, revenue, added value, efficiency, and turning points in agroindustry of pineapple chips, pineapple diamond and pineapple pudding in Kualu Nenas Village Subdistrict Tambang of Kampar Regency. Determination of sample area was done intentionally (purposive) that is Kualu Nenas Village because this Village was industrial central of pineapple chips, pineapple diamond, and pineapple pudding. Respondent sampling was done by the way of census. Census is record-keeping of all element (respondents) were investigated in the Kualu Nenas Village using pineapple as a raw material. The respondents amounts for agroindustry pineapple chips as much as 12 people, pineapple diamonds and pineapple pudding 1 person. The data used are primary data and secondary data. Data was collected by observation, interview and record keeping. Results of this research shows that the average total cost used by pineapple chips entrepreneur in the Kualu Nenas Village during April 2013 amounted Rp.19.227.097,77 for pineapple diamond Rp.551.269,78 and for pineapple pudding Rp.394.968,06. Average profit earned by pineapple chips Rp.7.752.068,89 for pineapple diamonds Rp.488.730,22 and pineapple pudding Rp.185.031,94 per month. Agroindustrial enterprises pineapple chips, pineapple diamonds, and pineapple pudding in Kualu Nenas Village implemented till now run has been efficient showed by RCR more than one of 1,40; 1,89; and 1,47. Added value of pineapple for pineapple chips Rp.5.440,72/kg, pineapple diamonds Rp.46.506,67/kg and pineapple pudding equal to Rp.11.191,67/kg.Item Dampak Peraturan Menteri Pertanian No.37/Kpts/Hk.060/1/2006 Terhadap Pedagang Buah Impor di Pekanbaru(2013-01-10) Simbolon, Freddy Fernenddy; Restuhady,Fajar; Edwina,SusyMinister of Agriculture regulation No. 37/2006 is the legislation which deals with the import ban on entry into any port of fruit spread in Indonesia to limit as much as 7 ports port door. This rule has been changed into later Permentan No. 42/2012 that it reduces the port 7 to 4. Based on the results of this study an increase in purchase price, selling price and profit on imported fruit traders in the province of Riau. Methods used in this study using the rapid rural appraisal interpreted with statistical calculations and tabulate data.Item Strategi Peremajaan Usaha Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit Pola Plasma Di Desa Sari Galuh Kecamatan Tapung Kabupaten Kampar(2013-06-07) Pambela, Rudi; Yusmini; Edwina,SusyThe study aims to formulate a proper strategy in the implementation of the rejuvenation oil palm plantation pattern plasma. The mehod that the research used was survey method. The result of this research show that the rejuvenation strategy oil palm plantation can be implemented by (1) Rejuvention is done with a pattern of KKPA, where farmers as participants, PTPN V as contractors, and the Bank as the funders, (2) Rejuvenation is done with a pattern of Pir-Bun by utilizing the available most resources, and farmers as workers with the help of Bank and government, (3) The company partner and KUD facilitating the farmer in overcoming the limitations of capital and provide job opportunity for farmers to participate in the rejuvenation, (4) The company partner, KUD, and farmers, keep maintaining good relations between estate agencies and find a best solutions for the limitation of capital, (5) the company partner and government direct and provide information and training to farmers about how good and right technical rejuvenation (6) the company partner, KUD, and farmers take advantage from a farmer high experience to direct farmer to minimize occurance of errors in the rejuvenation oil palm so it will incrase productivity.