Investigasi Tingkat Kerawanan Lereng Di Ruas Jalan Pekanbaru-Bukittingi Berdasarkan Metode RHRS

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wahyu sari yeni


The implementation of Rock fall Hazard Rating System (RHRS) to mapping, evaluating, and analyzing rock fall hazard for road users within the road section of Pekanbaru (Riau Province) – Payakumbuh (West Suatra Province) was discussed in this paper. Twelve major elements of RHRS are subjects to investigate as follow; (i) Slope height, (ii) Ditch effectiveness, (iii) Average vehicle risks, (iv) Percent of Decision Sight Distance, (v) Roadway width Including paved Shoulders, (vi) geological characteristics Discontinuous Joints and Orientation, (vii) Rock Frictions, (viii) differential and erosion features, (ix) erosion rates, (x) climate and present of water, (xi) block size, and (xii) rockfall history. Ten locations prone to rockfall and havinghighest RHRS points were identified, they are: Km 77 ; Km 80 ; 80,2 (kiri) ; Km 80,2 ; Km 80,3 ; Km 81 ; Km 109,3 ; Km 109,5 ; Km 110 ; Km 112. The RHRS values of these 10 rockfall locations were 248 to 581 points. The higher RHRS value of the slope the riskiest the slope to the road users. It is recommended that the priotized slopes should be repaired based on the highest rating of the identified of slope RHRS points.



rockfall, hazards, rating, slopes, RHRS

