Formulasi Kebijakan Upah Minimum Kota Pekanbaru Tahun 2012

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Abstrak: Inequality between job opportunities with job seekers and low education in workforce has caused to weak bargaining position of workers against employers. The result is the arbitrariness of the employers to pay workers' wages. Wages of some workers is still very low and far for a decent living. That's why workers need to be protected, through the minimum wage policy. And As have been commended in Constitution Number : 13 Year 2003 about employee Section 88 sentence (2), thet to realize production fulfilling competent subsistence to is human, Government specify policy of remunerating protecting worker/labour. The minimum wage is intended as a safety net so that they are not the real wage decline. However, despite the provisions of the minimum wage, the wage rate is still low and there are many violations of the provisions of the minimum wage.



Policy formulation, minimum wage, and protection worker/labour
