Penerapan Metode Pemberian Tugas untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Siswa Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar Negeri 011 Sungai Jalau Kecamatan Kampar Utara

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Penerapan Metode Pemberian Tugas untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Siswa Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar Negeri 011 Sungai Jalau Kecamatan Kampar Utara Rosni Hartati1, Erlisnawati2, Neni Hermita3 Abstract The objective of the research is to increase the ability of the fourth year students in IPS subject at SDN 011 Sungai Jalau North Kampar subdistrict by using giving task method application. The formulation of the research is the application of giving task method to increase the ability of the fourth year students in IPS subject at SDN 011 Sungai Jalau North Kampar subdistrict ? The hypothesis of the research is if it was applicated by giving task method so that can increase the ability of the fourth year students in IPS subject at SDN 011 Sungai Jalau North Kampar subdistrict. The teacher activity percentage at cycle I and cycle II is 77,5% became 96,25% it rose 18,75%. Beside that the increasing of student activity percentage at cycle I and cycle II is 73,75% became 95% it rose 21,25%. Then increasing of students ability from base score to cycle I is the mean score is 58,88 became 75 it rose 16,12 and the increasing of students ability from cycle I to cycle II is the mean score 75 became 77,22 it rose 2,22. It can be seen that the students ability in IPS subject before and after action have increasing, that is the mean score 58,88 became 77,22 it rose 18,34. Based on the result of the research can be concluded that the hypothesis is accepted.


Penerapan Metode Pemberian Tugas untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS


Giving task, output
