Using Pictures To Increase Students’ Ability In Writing Procedure Text By The First Year Of MTsN Andalan Pekanbaru
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Using pictures is a method that is employed to enable the learners to think inductively.
Pictures enable to interact with the people. It can used in many skills. One of the possible
ways of increasing writing ability is by using pictures. This article is based on the research
finding in answering the questions: Can picture increase the writing ability of the first year
students of MTsN Andalan Pekanbaru? While the second, how is the effectiveness of applying
pictures in teaching writing for the first year students of MtsN Andalan Pekanbaru? This
study is classroom action research which was conducted in two cycles. The proficiency test
(Pre-Test and Post-Tests) was administered as a guidance, and also a set of observation
sheets was used to gain the record of the classroom activity during the using pictures
treatment. The participants were 35 students of VII-2 at MTsN Andalan Pekanbaru. Based on
the findings, it was discovered that there had been improvement of writing ability of the first
year students at grade VII of MtsN Andalan Pekanbaru in the Academic Year of 2012/2013
where about 23 students or 65.71% reached the minimum criteria of achievement (KKM), 75.
The effectiveness of applying this strategy indicates from the average score of pre-test is
69.27, while the average score of first post-test is 72.57 and and it increases into 76.06 in
second post-test. It showed that the students had positive attitudes towards in teaching
writing by using pictures where they enjoy in learning writing and become active in every
meeting based on the observation sheets result. Thus, the researcher suggested English
teachers should be applied this technique to improve writing ability in order to help the
learners enjoy and write better, and also makes the instructional process more active.
Using Pictures To Increase Students’ Ability In Writing Procedure Text By The First Year Of MTsN Andalan Pekanbaru
Pictures,, Writing Ability