The Application Of Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) To Improve Students Reading Comprehension In Narative Text Of The Second Year Students At SMPN 3 Pekanbaru
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This classroom action research was aimed to study the improvement on
reading compehension in narative text of the second year students at SMPN 3
Pekanbaru by implementing the Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR). The
writer took one class as participants of the study. They were 40 students in class
of SMPN 3 Pekanbaru. The study was conducted in two cycles which each
had 3 meetings. After three meetings, the writer had given a test which was done
to know the students’ reading comprehension. The writer continued the action to
the second cycle, because the result of the first one was not successful yet. The
post test 2 was given to the students in order to know the improvement in students’
reading comprehension in narative text after Collaborative Strategic Reading
(CSR). The data were analyzed by comparing the result of post test 1 and post test
2 and the minimum criteria of successful action (75). The average score of the
first cycle was (68,6), it means that the average score of first cycle was still below
the minimum criteria of successful action (75) and below the average score of
second cycle (79,7). It can be said that the result of research in post test 2 was
succesful because it was over than the minimum criteria of succesful. Moreover,
the students’s activeness during the teaching and learning process also improved
cycle by cycle. Finally, the writer got the conclusion that the use of Collaborative
Strategic Reading (CSR) gave positive contributions and better outcomes to
improve students reading comprehension in narative text and made the students
challenge to be involved in a discussion actively.
The Application Of Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) To Improve Students Reading Comprehension In Narative Text Of The Second Year Students At SMPN 3 Pekanbaru
Reading Comprhension,, Narative Text, Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR),