Motivasi Terhadap Pembentukan Karakter Tokoh Utama Dalam Novel Negeri Lima Menara

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This study aimed to the motivation of the main character of the formation contained in the State's novel Negeri Lima Menara by Ahmad Fuadi. The theory used in this research is divided into two theories of motivation, namely, internal and external motivation. The method used in this study is descriptive, ie get a picture of a state that lasts and not only collect data, but at the same time to analyze and interpret data. A study done not only to collect, analyze, and organize data, but must be inferred as an attempt to discover the meaning of the research results that have been achieved so that the expected results of this descriptive method of research on intrinsic motivation and ektrinsik main character of the formation could be interpreted as meaning a novel .. Data analysis was carried out on the main character in the Negari Lima Menara novel by Ahmad Fuadi. Description motivation were examined in this study are the internal and external motivation. . The results of this study indicate bahwadengan the internal motivation and external lead character can shape his personal character. This study is expected to provide benefits for the reader to understand the description of the motivation. Motivation is divided into two, namely, internal and external motivation. This is done to increase the wealth of the inner reader in appreciating literature especially novel.


Motivasi Terhadap Pembentukan Karakter Tokoh Utama Dalam Novel Negeri Lima Menara


Motivation intrinsic,, ekstrinsic,, character education
