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Guided democracy is a term for the administration of President Soekarno.
Guided democracy liberal democracy begins with a shift in 1945-1959 which was
the beginning of the establishment of representative institutions such as the House
of Representatives of the people who are representatives of the people.
So the House of Representatives is considered necessary to be a function of the
legality of the policies made by the government. Kipah and travel in the political
parties of national Indonesia, there is one party that is very dominant role in the
movement as well as the Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI). At that time,
power was centered in three strengths namely, Soekarno, the military-Army, and
PKI. Therefore, to get an idea of the life of political parties during the Guided
Democracy, the CPI movement cannot be separated.
Therefore, researchers are interested in knowing more about the system of
guided democracy during the Sukarno government in 1959-1966 and then during
the Sukarno government policy is through a literature review of research with the
title: History of democracy at Soekarno-year reign from 1959 to 1966. The
purpose of this study is to determine the history of democracy in the reign of
Sukarno year 1959-1966. This research is a descriptive study, the research sought
to describe and describe phenomena and events that take place in the field at any
given moment, researchers obtained data from various scientific somber aspects
studied through literature review. Further Suharsimi Ari Kunto (2000: 309-310)
that the descriptive study aimed to describe what it is about a variable, state
Democracy in force during the year 1959-1966 is guided democracy, a
democratic system in which all decisions and thoughts centered on the country's
leaders Sukarno was first announced by President Sukarno in the opening session
of the Constituent Assembly on November 10, 1956. While the emergence of
democracy at the start of Guided by government policy to disperse Kontituante,
then the imposition of democracy guided by President Soekarno.
B. J. Habibie political policy in 1998 up to 1999
Guided Democracy Histo