Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Siswa Kelas IV SDN 29 Gajah Sakti Kecamatan Mandau

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The problem in this study IPS is still low learning outcomes, ips low learning outcomes caused by several things, among they teachers in the learning process does not use innovative learning model, more active role of the teacher, Teachers use the lecture method and explains how to solve problems on the board and then the students take notes and do the exercises in the book individually.This study aims to improve student learning outcomes IPS grade 4 th SDN 29 Gajah Sakti Duri Mandau sub district. This research is done in March to April 2013. The study subjects were students Grade 4 th SDN 29 Gajah Sakti Mandau sub district totaling 25 people. student learning outcomes were categorized as low as 68.40 due to weaknesses in the teacher manage the classroom and convey the subject matter and always use the lecture method. Formulation of the problem in this research is whether the implementation of STAD cooperative learning model to improve learning outcomes 4th grade social studies students grade 4 th of SDN 29 Gajah Sakti Mandau sub district.This thesis presents the results of student tests showed significant improvement with the implementation of cooperative learning model STAD. This study consisted of two cycles, with research instrument includes learning devices (syllabi, lesson plans, worksheets, achievement test sheet) sheets of observation (observation) teacher and student activities. research results in increased learning where the basic score average is 68.40 and the learning outcomes increased at UH 1 to 78.40. improved learning outcomes from baseline score to UH 1 by 14.62%, on the UH 2 learning outcomes increased to 81.00.improved learning outcomes of UH 1 to 2 of 3.31%. so the average score increased from the base to the 14.62% of cycle 1, cycle 1 to cycle 2 3.31%, the analysis of the activity of the teacher during the learning cycle 1 at the first meeting and the second meeting of 56.25% increased to 66, 66%. 2 cycles of the first meeting and the second meeting 85.41% increase to 93.75%, while the students in the learning activity in cycle 1 meeting 1 is 82.14% and the second meetings of up to 93.75%. While students in learning activities in the cycle 1 the first meeting is 53.57% and second meeting increased to 67.85%. 2 cycles to the first meeting and the second meeting of the 82.14% increase to 92.85%. From this study it can be concluded that the implementation of STAD cooperative models can improve learning outcomes of students grade 4 th SD N 29 Gajah Sakti Mandau sub district 2012-2013.


Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Siswa Kelas IV SD


Cooperative student teams achievement division (STAD),, learning outcomes IPS
