Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Numbered Heads Together Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Kelas IV SD Negeri 132 Pekanbaru

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Background of the problem in this research is the lack of students’ learning outcomes with an average of 63.50. The aims of this research is to improve social science (IPS) learning outcomes at fourth grade students of State Elementary School 132 Pekanbaru with the application of cooperative learning model Numbered Heads Together. Design of this research is action research (CAR) conducted in three cycles. Each cycle was consisted of two meetings delivery of material meeting and one-time for the daily tests. This study was conducted in primary school 132 Pekanbaru in January and February with the number of student are 30 students. In order to succeed this action research, the researcher set the stage of action planning, action, observation and reflection. The instruments of collecting the data were using observation and achievement test, the data analysis technique which is used as follows, teacher activities, all teaher first meeting with the 58.3 % is categorized enough, meeting II with 66.6 % is categorized good, meeting IV 75% is categorized good, meeting V with 79.1 % is categorized good, meeting VII with 91.6 % is categorized excellent, meeting VIII with 95.8 % is categorized exellent. Students activities at the first meeting with 50 % is categorized enough, meeting II with 58% is categorized quite , meeting IV with 66.6 % is categorized good, meeting V with 75 % is categorized good, meeting VII with 83.3 % is categorized excellent, meeting VIII with 95.8 % is categorized excellent. The improvement of basic students’ learning outcomes score 63.50 increased to 70.67 (11%) at the first daily test rise at the second daily test to 80.50 (26) % and an increase at the third daily test 90.83 (43) %. This research can be concluded that by applying cooperative learning model Numbered Heads Together (NHT) can improving students’ social studies (IPS) learning outcomes at fourth grade studens elementary school 132 Pekanbaru


Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Numbered Heads Together Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Kelas IV SD


Numbered Heads Together, ,, academic result, Social
