Gambaran Kemampuan Aspek Sosial Pada AnakUsia 5-6 Tahun Di TK Nurul Iman Tambang Kecamatan Tambang Kabupaten Kampar
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As there are children who withdrew from his friends and tends to be alone and play alone.
Children do not want to lend his / sharing toys with friends. There are children who do not
cooperate or do group work, there are some children who are difficult to make friends with a
classmate or friend who is not his class, and there are also children that are difficult to share and
collaborate with friends. Research aims to describe aspects of the capability social development.
This research is descriptive quantitative approach. Data collection using observation. The
number of samples in this study were 20 children consisting of 9 girls and 11 boys. Based on the
results of data processing, obtained the average ability of the social aspects of children
categorized 55.83% categorized enough. For each indicator Kids perform his duties with the
group obtained the average 68.33%, in collaboration with his son obtained the average 62.5%,
Children sympathize with others obtained the average 45%, Children empathize with others
average gained 46.66%, children provide social support to others obtained the average 53.33%,
supplied his own Son share average gained 58.33% and children gained friends behave familiar
with the average 56, 66% with enough categories. It can be concluded that the lowest and the
most prominent as
pects of the child's social skills are aspects of child and sympathize with other people's children
to empathize with others.
Gambaran Kemampuan Aspek Sosial Pada AnakUsia 5-6 Tahun Di TK Nurul Iman Tambang Kecamatan Tambang Kabupaten Kampar
social aspects,, early childhood