Perbedaan Kemandirian Anak Usia 4-5 Tahun Berasal Dari Orang Tua (Ibu) Yang Bekerja Dengan Orang Tua (Ibu) Yang Tidak Bekerja Di TK Al-Hisa Hangtuah Pekanbaru
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Based on field observation of the childhood independence come from parents (mother) are
working with parents (mother) are not working, there are the following problems : 1)the
existence of some children who have not been able to pair of shoes and some children can put
they shoes, 2)a children who was able to open his pants to pe e and there some children to
open they pants helped by they teacher, 3)some children of high achievement and some
children of low achievement. This study aimed to determine differences in the degree of
independences of 4-5 years old come from parents (mother) are working with parents
(mother) are not working at Al-Hisa Kindergarten Hangtuah Pekanbaru. The sample used 13
childrens of working parents and 15 childrens of aren’t working. Analysist using t-test. The
research hypothesis is there are differences in childhood 4-5 years old from parents (mother)
are working with parents (mother) are not working. It can be seeing from the analysis of
obtained t=1,708 and p= 0,05. Since p>0,01 it can concluded that is a Differences Childhood
Independence 4-5 Years Old Come From Parents (Mother) are working with Parents
(Mother) are not Working at Al-Hisa Kindergarten Hangtuah Pekanbaru.
Perbedaan Kemandirian Anak Usia 4-5 Tahun Berasal Dari Orang Tua (Ibu) Yang Bekerja Dengan Orang Tua (Ibu) Yang Tidak Bekerja
independence,, parents are working and parents are working