Respons Bibit Kakao (Theobroma cacao L.) Terhadap Pemberian Berbagai Pupuk Organik Dengan Pupuk Pelengkap Cair Yang Di Semprotkan Dalam Selang Waktu Yang Berbeda

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Cocoa is one of the important commodities after oil palm and rubber. For the planting medium is one of the factors that must be addressed in the provision of seeds. Organic fertilizers can be used on cocoa breeding include manure, compost, and bokasi To synergizing utilization of organic fertilizer for plants other measures necessary efforts, such as the use of complementary liquid fertilizer (PPC). This study aims to get a quality cocoa seeds and fertilizer by administering various doses of organic fertilizer in the planting medium supplement liquid fertilizer added at different time intervals. The research was conducted at the Experimental Faculty of Agriculture, University of Riau during the five months starting in June until October 2012. The parameters measured were plant height (cm), number of leaves (pieces), leaf area (cm2), trunk circumference (cm), number of roots, crown dry weight (g), root dry weight (g), the ratio of the root crown. The results show the interaction between organic fertilizer with the frequency of different PPC is not real at all parameters observed. Number of lateral roots of cocoa seedlings in addition affected by organic fertilizer and is also influenced by differences in the time interval of liquid fertilizer supplement. On a combination of organic fertilizer and liquid fertilizer supplement gives a different effect on each parameter cocoa seedlings. The main factor is the best organic fertilizer for cocoa seeds are granting cow dung. The main factor of liquid fertilizer supplement showed no significantly different effect on some parameters but the girth, number of lateral roots of cocoa seedlings in addition affected by organic fertilizer and is also influenced by the frequency of complementary liquid fertilizer on cocoa seedlings.


Eka Hepi Nurwijayanti.Jur.2013


cacao, Organic Fertilizer, complementary liquid fertilizer

