Analisis Subsektor Tanaman Pangan di Kota Pematangsiantar Provinsi Sumatera Utara

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The research was conducted in Pematangsiantar which aims to see the potential of food crops to be developed in Pematangsiantar and determine the feasibility of cultivated crops in terms of technical and economical aspects. The research method used in this study is a survey method. The data and information collected in this study using primary data and secondary data. Secondary data in the form of data that includes the area harvested and crop production broken down by district in Pematangsiantar 2009-2010. The primary data of the costs incurred in crop farming. The results showed that the available land in each district in Pematangsiantar potential to produce food crops. There are five types of crops developed in Pematangsiantar include rice, sweet potatoes, cassava, corn, and peanuts. LQ analysis also showed that the crop is a sector basis. This can be seen from both LQ value of harvested area and production of food crops in Pematangsiantar of several districts that have LQ values > 1. In terms of qualification crop cultivation on three aspects agronomic then eligible to be expanded. Similarly, in terms of qualifying for developed economical because farming is done in a gain to farmers is shown with the RCR> 1.


Mangantartua Eduanwar.Jur.2013


Food Crops, Sub-Sector, Location Quotient, Localization,, Specialization

