The Students' Ability Writing Commercial Letter Class XI Social SMA Negeri 1 Batu Hampar Kabupaten Rokan Hilir
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The data in this research were obtained from the students' ability write
commercial letter class XI Social SMA Negeri 1 Batu Hampar Kabupaten Rokan
Hilir. The method that used in this research is descriptive method, the method used to
explain the data obtained in the research as it is. This research technique is using test
write commercial letter of students. The results of this research description of are: ( 1)
letterhead, ( 2) date of letter, ( 3) letter number, ( 4) letter enclosure, ( 5) as for letter,
( 6) addressee, ( 7) opener greeting, ( 8) opener paragraph, ( 9) content paragraph, (
10) final paragraph, ( 11) final greeting, and ( 12) consignor signature. The purpose of
this research was to describe the ability write student commercial letter of class XI
Social SMA Negeriy 1 Batu Hampar Kabupaten Rokan Hilir, in letterhead aspect,
date of letter, letter number, letter enclosure, as for letter, addressee, opener greeting,
opener paragraph, content paragraph, final paragraph, final greeting, and consignor
signature The subject of this research population was 160 students, while was 100
students study sample. The results of this study indicate that ( 1) Ability write
commercial letterhead pertained low category, ( 2) Ability write the date of
commercial letter pertained low category, ( 3) Ability write commercial letter number
pertained high category, ( 4) Ability write commercial letter enclosure pertained high
category, ( 5) Ability write as for commercial letter pertained high category, ( 6)
Ability write commercial letter addressee pertained category, ( 7) Ability write
greeting opener of commercial letter pertained high category, ( 8) Ability write
paragraph opener of commercial letter pertained high category, ( 9) Ability write
paragraph final commercial letter pertained high category, ( 10) Ability write
paragraph final of commercial letter pertained high category, (11) Ability write
greeting final of commercial letter pertained high category, and (12) consignor
signature pertained high category.
The Students' Ability Writing Commercial Letter Class XI Social
opener paragraph,, and consignor signature, final greeting,, final paragraph,, content paragraph,, commercial letter,, letterhead,, date of letter,, letter number,, letter enclosure,, as for letter,, addressee,, opener greeting,