Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Jigsaw Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA Siswa Kelas VA SD Negeri 55 Pekanbaru

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Classroom Action Research with aim to increase science learning outcome by applying Cooperative Learning model Jigsaw type to students on the class V A SD Negeri 55 Pekanbaru. This research was conducted from March 21 st 2013 until April 21 st 2013. The subject of this research are the students on the class V A SD Negeri 55 Pekanbaru with amount 35 people, consist of 14 male students and 21 female students. Data collecting instruments at this research are learning outcome test and observation sheets of teacher and students. Based on this research obtained complete learning individual in cycle I was 25 people with classical complete 71%, while in cycle II was 31 people with classical complete 89%. Teacher’s activities in cycle I with mean 34 or percentage mean 85% (Good), while in cycle II with mean 39 or percentage mean 97,5% (Very Good). Percentage mean of student’s activities in cycle I was 75%, while in cycle II the percentage mean was 91% (Very Good). Appreciation of group in cycle I there are 1 great group and 4 good groups. In cycle II there are 4 great groups and 3 good groups. It can be concluded that applying the Cooperative Learning model Jigsaw type can increase the science learning outcome of the students in the class V A SD Negeri 55 Pekanbaru.


Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Jigsaw Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA Siswa


Cooperative Learning Jigsaw type,, students learning outcome, study of science in elementary school,
