Analisis Kelayakan Fire Safety Management ( FSM ) Pada Bangunan Gedung C Fakultas Teknik Universitas Riau

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In Law. 28 of 2002 Referring to the PU No. Kepmeneg. 11/KPTS/2000 requires for each building with a floor area (total) minimum altitude of 5,000 m2 or more than 8 floors as well as the number of occupancy of 500 people arerequiredto implement safety management Fire. The extent of the fire protectionsystem completeness building. Therefore need to assess the feasibility of fireprotection systems in buildings C Faculty of Engineering, University of Riau. The method used is descriptive analysis by conducting field studies on several types of buildings based analysis functions to the level of risk to hazards fire safety. At this study conducted a qualitative data collection using observation sheet with check-list method. The results in the form of value system reliability against fire safety of buildings (NKSKB) in buildings C Faculty of Engineering, University of Riau with 43.40% tread completeness assessment, system safety means 58.40%, 7.20% active protection system and passive protection system is 36.00%, the level of reliability of fire protection systems in buildings C Faculty of Engineering, University of Riau as a whole is LESS with a percentage of 36.54%, to be of good report or re-procurement of the necessary active protection system as well as the complete component - the component that is not yet complete, and done a survey, repairs and maintenance of the fire protection system componentsperiodically



the value of the reliability, completeness tread, vehicle rescue, active protection systems, passive protection system
