Hubungan Lingkungan Keluarga Dengan Hasil Belajar Fisika Siswa Di SMA N 12 Pekanbaru Kelas XI IPA Semester Genap Tahun Ajaran 2012/2013
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This research is aimed to determine the positive and significant effect
between the family environment and the learning outcomes of high school physics
students. This research is a descriptive study using survey method. The sample in
this study were 109 science students of class XI SMA N 12 Pekanbaru. The data
collection instrument was a questionnaire about the family environment related to
the learning outcomes of high school physics students containing 24 item
statement. This questionnaire has been qualified valid and reliable. The data of
physics learning outcomes of the students were obtained through the
documentation technique by taking the average value of the daily test. The data
had been analyzed inferential and descriptively. Based on the analysis, it is found
that 66,97% of students have a very positive view of the family’s economic
circumstances and 12,84% of students have a negative view of the way how the
parents educating their children. Regression equation was Y = 74,182 + 0,076X
and the tcount > ttable (2,037 > 1,66) indicated that the family environment have a
possitive and significant effect with the physics learning outcomes of high school
students. The coefficient of determination (r
) was 0,037. It means that 3,7% of
the learning outcomes of high school physics students is influenced by the parents
Hubungan Lingkungan Keluarga Dengan Hasil Belajar Fisika
Family environment,, learning outcomes,, physics