Penggunaan Media Animasi dalam Model Pembelajaran Langsung untuk Meningkatkan Minat Dan Hasil Belajar Biologi Siswa Kelas VIIIb SMP Negeri 1 Benai Tahun Ajaran 2012/2013
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This research is aimed at increasing interest in studying biology and
outcomes with the use of animation media in direct instructional model in class
VIIIB Benai SMP 1 Academic Year 2012/2013. The research was conducted in
February 2013. The research subjects were students of SMP 1 Benai VIIIB.
Number of students is 22students (11 men and 11 women). Parameters of this
study was student interest with 6 indicators and outcomes of student learning
consists of absorption and mastery learning students. Average student interest
before the use of media in the animated direct instructional model is 1.90
(medium) increased after the use of animation media in direct instructional model
in the first cycle with an average 3,34 (high), and then second cycle with an
average 3,49 (high). Students on cycle 1 absorption was 69.63 (average) increased
to 79.86 (excellent). Mastery learning of students in cycle 1 was 59.09% (pass)
increased in the second cycle to 81.81% (pass). The average activity of students in
cycle 1 was 69.31% (average) increased in the second cycle to 80.87% (excellent).
The average activity of teachers in cycle 1 was 85% (good) increased in the
second cycle to 100% (very good). From these results it can be concluded that the
use of animated media in direct instructional model can increase interest and
learning outcomes of students in the class VIIIB biology junior 1 Benai Academic
Year 2012/2013.
Penggunaan Media Animasi dalam Model Pembelajaran Langsung untuk Meningkatkan Minat Dan Hasil Belajar Biologi Siswa
Animation Media, Direct Instruction, learning outcome