Analysis Of Confidence Class VIII SMPN2 Bangkinang

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The study is titled ANALYSIS OF CONFIDENCE CLASS VIII SMPN2 Bangkinang. Appropriate with the above title, the formulation of this subject as follows: 1. How the image confidence SMPN2 Bangkinang.2 eighth grade students. How is the self-confidence of students by sex. 3. How self-confidence of students by education tua.4. How self-confidence of students by parents of jobs. The purpose of this study goals are: 1. To describe the class VIII student confidence Bangkinang SMP 2. 2. Knowing the confidence to students based on gender. 3. To find a picture the students based on parental education. 4. To determine the confidence of students based on parental occupation. The manfaat of this study are: 1. BK is for teachers to facilitate their students provide help. 2. For schools is as input in order to provide guidance to students who are specially towards confidence. 3. For researchers to gain knowledge in the understanding of the students' confidence. Assumption of the study are: 1. Each student choose a different confidence. 2. Students' self-confidence can be measured from identified through indicators, the study population was all students who have confidence issues by lift, which amounts to 286 people. Sample research using random sampling techniques by taking little members become members of the sample population. Research methods using descriptive analysis. DTA is collected about the students' confidence SMP 2 Bangkinang class VIII. Data collection tool was a questionnaire filled in by the confidence of students. Technical analysis is used in this study is descriptive and analytical techniques. The results of this study are: 1. In general, students were largely self-confidence have the confidence. 2. By sex men and women have settled some confidence. 3. According to the level of parental education among elementary, junior high, high school, were largely self-confidence while having an educated more than half have a high confidence. 4. According to the level of parental occupation, between Farmer and trade in general has confidence. Private employment parents were largely self-confidence and have parents who work more than half the civil servants have confidence. Recommendation: 1. Supervising teacher can maintain and foster students' self-confidence boost. 2. expected to students to be able to increase the confidence of students in order to boost her confidence. 3. For teachers to familiarize participants protégé, following the activities without any interference. 4. Expected the principal to provide hours of face-to-face BK teacher. 5. With stakeholders such as parents and schools alike public equally nurture and develop the potential of children


Analysis Of Confidence Class VIII SMPN2 Bangkinang


self-confidence,, SMP Students

